Poggio Civitate Archaeological Excavations are located approximately 25 km south of Siena, Italy. The site was witness to the development of one of the earliest attested Etruscan proto-urban environments. In the late eighth century BCE, aristocrats undertook the construction of a large building complex at the site consisting of a large residential structure, a monumental industrial building, and an early Tripartite temple. Each of these buildings was opulently decorated with terracotta sculptures and represents some of the largest buildings known in the Mediterranean for their time period. Thus the site of Poggio Civitate is one of the most important for the study of archaic Etruscan culture. During the summer excavation season, the site is host to an international cast of scholars who travel to Poggio Civitate to conduct research, which has resulted in the publication of hundreds of books and articles on the site. For additional information about the site, please contact Anthony Tuck by phone at 413-545-4373 or by fax at 413-545-6995.
The Kea Archaeological Research Survey is a collaborative international project exploring the reliability of surface survey as an archaeological method using the North West area of Kea, Greece as a test case. KARS Field School takes place on the picturesque Cycladic Island of Kea, which is located one hour by ferry from the Athenian port of Lavrion. The first week of the field school is spent touring major archaeological sites including the Acropolis in Athens, Ancient Corinth, the Panhellenic site of Nemea, and the Bronze Age citadel at Mycenae. On Kea, the students are an integral part of a large research project working handsn on with ancient artifacts daily and training in archaeological finds processing, data collection, and recording methods. While on the island they have several tours and lectures from a variety of experts who participate in the project and the students have the opportunity to work with these specialists during the project on artifacts such as pottery, lithics, and architecture. For more information, contact Joanne Murphy, KARS director, or Shannon Hogue, field school manager.
The Pompeii Bibliography and Mapping Project is working to create a unique resource that binds two resources in a single, online location. The first is a database of citations and a full-text repository relating to the ancient city of Pompeii. The second is a Geographical Information System (GIS) map of that ancient city. The PBMP’s ultimate goal is online interface that will allow a user to navigate the bibliographic database and repository via the GIS map or, conversely, to illustrate places in the GIS map found in a search of the database or repository. For more information, please contact Eric Poehler.
The Pompeii Quadriporticus Project is a new archaeological and architectural research project that is investigating of one of the largest and most important monumental buildings at the World Heritage site of Pompeii, Italy. Although the Quadriporticus—a rectangular structure containing a large open area surrounded by a continuous four-sided colonnade—was excavated over two centuries ago, the apparent simplicity of the building combined with the existence of seemingly more interesting theaters and temples nearby has left the building to languish in obscurity. The specific research questions of the Pompeii Quadriporticus Project reflect our interest in both conducting a comprehensive investigation of the Quadriporticus and setting the results of that study within the context of the adjacent research projects and the wider urban environment.
- Construction History: How was the Quadriporticus built and repaired, and how has it been reconstructed since its excavation?
- Infrastructure: What role did the Quadriporticus play in the systems of municipal infrastructure?
- Corridor for Movement: How did the area serve to collect and redistribute the flow of people before and after the construction of the Quardiporticus?
To answer these questions, the Pompeii Quadriporticus Project is combining the latest 3D scanning technology with an exhaustive masonry analysis of every wall in the Quadriporticus.
For additional information about this project, contact Professor Eric Poehler.