The Greek and Latin Languages Concentration is for students wishing to study the remarkably rich literature of the ancient Greeks and Romans in the original languages. Students select from a wide variety of courses treating epic and lyric poetry, tragedy and comedy, history and biography, novels and short stories, rhetoric, philosophy, and satire. A grade of C or higher is needed in each course to count toward the major.

A. Prerequisites (unless fulfilled by AP exam): students must complete both Greek and Latin through the 200-level. This sequence also satisfies the CHFA language requirement. (24 credits)

Latin 110 (3cr.) and                                  Greek 112: Elementary 1 (3cr.) and
Latin 120 (3cr.)                                          Greek 122: Elementary 2 (3cr.)
or Latin 126 (Intensive, 6cr.) or             Greek 126 (Intensive, 6cr.)

Latin 230 (3cr.)                                         Greek 246 (Intensive, 6cr.)
Latin 240 (3cr.)
or Latin 246 (Intensive, 6cr.)

B. Required language component, 300-level: all four courses are required. (12 credits)

Latin 310: Latin Prose (3cr)
Latin 320: Latin Poetry (3cr)
Greek 310: Greek Poetry (3cr)
Greek 320: Greek Prose (3cr)

C. Required language component, 400-level: select from Greek and/or Latin. (4 courses; 12 cr. min.)

Latin 425: Vergil Greek 432: Epic Poetry
Latin 430: Satire Greek 442: Lyric, Elegiac, & Pastoral Poetry
Latin 435: Lyric and Elegy Greek 452: History
Latin 445: Roman Drama Greek 462: Greek Drama
Latin 450: Cicero
Latin 455: Ovid
Greek 460: Euripides
Greek 465: Sophocles
Latin 460: The Roman Novel Greek 472: Plato
Latin 462: Latin Ghost Stories Greek 474: Greek Ghost Stories
Greek 475: Lucian

D. Junior Year Writing (JYW) requirement: students must take one JYW course.
This is a university requirement, but one that usually must be fulfilled within a student’s primary major. Even if you have more than one major, you need only one JYW.

Classics 381: Junior Year Writing (3cr.)

E. Integrative Experience: students must take one IE. This is a university requirement,
but one that usually must be fulfilled within a student’s primary major. Even if you have more than one major, you need only one IE.

Classics 494JI: Jews in Greco-Roman Antiquity (4cr.)
Classics 494PI: Herodotus and the Persian Wars (4cr.)
Classics 494SI: Slavery and Manumission in the Greco-Roman World (4cr.)