How to Enroll as an Undergraduate Student
Online Undergraduate Student
A University+ enrollment appointment, which is the period during which you will be able to self-enroll in University+ classes, will be automatically assigned to you approximately one week before the registration period opens. View your enrollment appointment by following the instructions below.
- Log into SPIRE
- Click on the Manage Classes tile from your Student Center
- Select Enrollment Appointments and then Enrollment Appointments in the left-hand menu
- In the Enrollment Appointments section, look for an appointment with Session = Univ+ to see your appointment period.
- Enroll in classes during your appointment period by selecting Add, Drop & Edit Classes on the left-side of the page and then selecting Schedule Builder. Please view our step-by-step enrollment instructions using Schedule Builder.
If you are an active student and do not see an appointment, please contact us at @email or 413-545-3653 for assistance.
The information above pertains to undergraduate students who are currently in a degree program at UMass Amherst. If you are a prospective student interested in applying for an undergraduate degree program, please visit the Admissions page for more information.
Campus Undergraduate Student
To enroll in a class in Summer or Winter:
A University+ enrollment appointment is required as it represents the period during which you will be able to self-enroll in University+ classes*. Request a University+ enrollment appointment following the instructions below:
- Log into SPIRE
- Click on the Manage Classes tile
- Select Enrollment Appointments and then Summer/Winter/ND Enroll Appt in the left-hand menu
- Review the instructions at the top to make sure that you are eligible for an appointment
- Select a Term
- Review acknowledgement, including Refund Policy and Class Fees information, and click button to Yes
- Click Request Enrollment Appointment
- Your appointment should now show in the Active Enrollment Appointments box
- Enroll in classes during your appointment period by selecting Add, Drop & Edit Classes on the left-side of the page and then selecting Schedule Builder. Please view our step-by-step enrollment instructions using Schedule Builder.
To enroll in a class in Fall or Spring:
All non-first-year students are assigned a University+ enrollment appointment, but it needs to be activated by the student – this can be done through SPIRE. The activation page becomes available one week prior to undergraduate registration sessions and remains open through add/drop of the term. To activate your U+ appointment, log into SPIRE, go to Manage Classes > Enrollment Appointments > Univ+ Enrollment for Undergrad and follow the on-screen instructions. Please make sure to review all the information on that page. Once your enrollment appointment has been activated, you will receive a confirmation email from SPIRE.
- First-year students are not allowed to enroll in U+ classes in Fall or Spring. This page will not be accessible to first-year students.
- All other students need to be enrolled in at least 3 University-session credits to be able to access the activation page.
- Once the enrollment appointment has been activated, students can enroll in a maximum of 8 U+ credits (international students can only enroll in 4 U+ credits due to visa regulations).
Please contact us should you have any questions.
*Classes are subject to change/cancellation.