Amy Ryan

Research Area(s):
Center and Institute Affilitation:
Novak, M.A., Hamel, A.F., Ryan, A.M., Menard, M.T., & J.S. Meyer. Accepted. The role of stress in abnormal behavior and other abnormal conditions such as hair loss. In S.J. Schapiro, editor, Handbook of Primate Behavioral Management, CRC press: Taylor & Francis Group.
Bazilio, A., Ryan, A., & J. Welborn. 2016. Science Cafés: An affordable, easy-to-implement model that introduces young girls to STEM- related topics, careers, and role models. Science Scope, 40 (4), 14-17.
Ryan, A.M. and M.E. Hauber. 2016. Effects of group compositional changes on the social and feeding behavior of captive hamadryas baboons. Zoo Biology, 35(2), 137-146.
Ryan, A.M. and S.R. Partan. Urban Wildlife Behavior. 2014. In Urban Wildlife Conservation: Theory and Practice. R. McCleery, C. Moorman, and M. Peterson, editors. Springer publishing.
Novak, M.A., Hamel, A.F., Coleman, K., Lutz, C.K., Worlein, J., Menard, M., Ryan, A., Rosenberg, K., & J.S. Meyer. 2014. Hair loss and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis activity in captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Laboratory Animal Science, 53, 261-266.
Ryan, A.M., Chapman, C.A., & J.M. Rothman. 2012. How do differences in species and part consumption affect diet nutrient concentrations? A test with red colobus monkeys in Kibale National Park, Uganda. African Journal of Ecology, 51, 1-10.