Our group is primarily interested in how reaching changes as infants grow, in how vision and touch aid in that development, and how older infants plan and coordinate their reaches to solve hidden object problems.
Dr. Bickford regularly teaches Introductory Psychology, Social Psychology, Personality Theory, and Psychology of the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Experience. He also mentors and supervises instructors in online teaching of psychology and often teaches online versions of his regular courses through the Division of Continuing and Professional Education.
For many years, my research group studied the ways that hormones act in the brain to modify brain function and behavior and how the environment influences these processes.
PhD, 2023, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
MS, 2020, University of Massachusetts Amherst
MA, 2016, Southern Connecticut State University
BA, 2013, University of Rhode Island
PhD, 2021, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
MS, 2018, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
MS, 2015, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
BS, 2012, Central China Normal University
Ph.D., 2022, Clinical Psychology, University of Massachusetts Amherst
M.S., 2018, Clinical Psychology, University of Massachusetts Amherst
B.A., 2014, Honors Psychology, Boston University
PhD, 2021, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
MS, 2020, University of Massachusetts Amherst
MA, 2014, Teachers College, Columbia University
BA, 2011, Tulane University
My primary role in the department is to coordinate the Junior Year Writing in Psychology program. As the coordinator, I facilitate delivery of the course and mentor the graduate student instructors who teach many of the sections, in addition to teaching my own section. I also teach Neuroscience-focused courses, such as Drugs & Behavior (Fall) and the Neuroscience Lab (Spring).
2020, PhD of Psychology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
2016, MS of Psychology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
2011, BS of Psychology, University of California at San Diego
Alumni, Departmental Honors Alumni
2019, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2015, Master of Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst
2010, Bachelor of Arts, University of Massachusetts Amherst
PhD, 2018, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
MS, 2012, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
MA, 2010, Northeastern Illinois University
BA, 2003, Wesleyan University
PhD, University of Massachusetts Amherst
MA, Social Psychology, University of Massachusetts Amherst
BA, Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
PhD, 2017, University of Massachusetts Amherst
MA, Psychology with Animal Behavior and Conservation concentration, 2011, Hunter College of CUNY
BS, 2007, Biology, The College of William and Mary
Dr. Staub works in psycholinguistics, which focuses on the cognitive processes involved in language comprehension and production. He is interested in how we analyze the grammatical structure of sentences in the course of language comprehension, how we recognize words, and how these processes work together. In many of his experiments, participants' eye movements are monitored as they read sentences in which syntactic structure has been manipulated; he directs the UMass Eyetracking Laboratory. His personal web page, including a list of publications, is here.
Dr. Stowe specializes in child and adolescent clinical psychology. She is particularly interested in disruptive behavior disorders in young children, assessment and treatment of ADHD, parenting issues, parent-child relationships, and the use of cognitive-behavioral and behavioral interventions with children and families. She is a licensed psychologist/health service provider and is a clinical supervisor and senior clinician in the Psychological Services Center (the Division of Clinical Psychology's teaching clinic).
PhD, Cognitive Psychology, University of Massachusetts Amherst
MS, Cognitive Psychology, University of Massachusetts Amherst
BA, Film and Television, New York University