PhD Candidate Katrina Zarella Smith Receives NMFS-Sea Grant Population and Ecosystem Dynamics Fellowship
Katrina Zarella Smith Receives NMFS-Sea Grant Population and Ecosystem Dynamics Fellowship

Katrina Zarrella Smith, a PhD candidate in the Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Program (OEB), received NMFS-Sea Grant Population and Ecosystem Dynamics Fellowship. The NMFS-Sea Grant trains students in two specialized areas: population and ecosystem dynamics as well as marine resource economics. The SMFS-Sea Grant also works to provide real-world experience to graduate students and accelerate their career development, as well as encourage applicants to pursue careers in population and ecosystem dynamics.
Smith has a B.A. Human Ecology from the College of the Atlantic and is interested in fisheries population dynamics and specializes in movement ecology, reproductive biology, and behavior of marine and estuarine organisms. Smith uses acoustic telemetry, fisheries surveys, field and lab studies, and modeling to describe population dynamics and ecological connections.