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Comics and Graphic Novels
Professor Chris Couch teaches courses on the graphic novel, animation, and comics, including Comic Art in North America, International Graphic Novel, and International History of Animation. He has served as senior editor at Kitchen Sink Press (Northampton) and editor in chief at CPM Manga (New York). His edited publications have won or were nominated for 17 Eisner and Harvey Awards. Current publications include the edited volume Conversations with Harvey Kurtzman, and a book on Batman artist and editorial cartoonist Jerry Robinson.

Film Concentration
Comparative Literature film courses explore multiple cultures, languages, and genres, with an emphasis on film theory and analysis. These courses include Introduction to Film Analysis: Cinematic Time Travel, International Film, Cinema and Psyche, International Science Fiction, Polish Film, and International History of Animation. In addition to fulfilling requirements in the Comp Lit major tracks, our film courses fulfill Gen Ed requirements and count towards the Film Studies Certificate.

Translation and Interpreting Studies
Our program in Translation and Interpreting Studies provides a grounding in translation and interpreting theory and research, practical expertise in translation and interpreting, an introduction to translation and interpreting technologies, and experience in creating and analyzing written and spoken translations. We offer Certificates in Translation and Interpreting Studies at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. For more information about our undergraduate and graduate courses and certificates, see Translation and Interpreting Studies.

What Our Students Say
As an aspiring graphic novelist, I felt it was necessary to study literature to learn about storytelling in an academic setting. I chose comparative literature as a secondary major because it allows me to do that across a wide variety of media—rather than strictly texts—and lets me pursue my passions for language and art history. It is a flexible and dynamic course of study that enriched both my art practice and worldview. The advisors and professors were very helpful in integrating my comp lit curriculum with my primary studio art major, which was demanding at times.
Nina Jones '22
Double Major in Studio Art and Comparative Literature