For Faculty

Faculty on full-time appointment are expected to serve the university through a mixture of teaching, research, scholarship or creative activity, outreach, professional service, and university service, consistent with the mission of the campus, school or college, and unit in which they are appointed. The obligations of full-time faculty should be based on the optimal use of individual and collective efforts to fulfill the mission of the department and campus regardless of the nature of or source of revenue for those activities. 

The responsibilities of full-time faculty increasingly encompass activities beyond the traditional expectations of teaching on campus, such as, pursuing a research program, engaging in public service and serving on committees. The expansion of corporate and continuing education—distance learning, multi-campus program offerings, and the growth of commercial ventures, economic development activity, and externally funded research throughout the university—require faculty, departments, and administrators to be flexible and creative in defining faculty responsibilities and allocation of effort in support of the university's mission. To the extent possible, and in accordance with applicable collective bargaining agreements, the university should incorporate these activities into the standard workload of faculty. However, faculty may also receive additional compensation for such activities.  

The chancellor has issued the below guidelines on the implementation of this policy.

How do I obtain additional compensation?

These forms are to be used to grant prior approval for participation in and payment of additional compensation for faculty. Department administration initiates form, signed by the funding department and home department (if different), the dean and Principal Investigator (PI) if grant-funded. Forms are submitted to the Department of Human Resources.

Need Assistance?

For help with time off and leaves; reappointment, promotion, and tenure; academic policies and procedures; or to find an answer to another question, please contact the team directly at

For assistance with financial policies, annual budget and planning, and other financial and budgetary processes for academic affairs, please contact Academic Administration and Finance. For other hiring and benefits issues, please contact the university’s Department of Human Resources.