Report a Climate Incident
The University of Massachusetts Amherst is committed to maintaining a positive campus climate for all community members. By reporting incidents that have negatively impacted you, others, or the community, and/or are contrary to the University of Massachusetts values and codes of conduct, you are making a valuable contribution in helping to maintain the integrity and safety of the campus community as a whole.
Once you submit the Climate Incident Report, you will receive an automatic confirmation email to let you know your form was successfully submitted. Within 2 business days, staff from the Office of Equity and Inclusion will review the submission and respond to you with the email address you provide in the form. If this is an emergency situation, a crime has occurred, or you or someone else requires immediate medical or emergency services attention, please contact the University of Massachusetts Police Department (UMPD) at 413-545-2121 or dial 9-1-1.
The University strives to protect the privacy of individuals who report incidents. All information will remain private but not confidential. If you wish to speak to someone confidentially prior to reporting, please review the campus resources noted as confidential. Staff at these offices can assist you in exploring your reporting options as well as review campus resources available to you. Please read the OEI Response Protocol for important information on next steps after completing the form below. For additional reporting options, go to our reporting options page.
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By submitting, I attest that I have written the above statement of my own free will, without promises or influence, and that it is true to the best of my knowledge and recollection. I am aware that the statement will be reviewed by University staff and may result in the initiation of Code of Conduct or other official processes for involved individuals.
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