This Dashboard reflects the Campus Climate and Bias incidents that have been reported to the Office of Equity and Inclusion this academic year. The incidents were reported through OEI's Climate Incident Report, and reflect direct experiences related to bias or mistreatment in the workplace, the classroom, or the campus in general. Reported incidents are processed via OEI's Reporting Protocol. Please note that this dashboard replaces the previous OEI Bias Incident Report and Tracker.
Note that the Distinct Count of Reports reflects the total number of reports received. Bias Types Reported and Bias Method reflects the bias types across all reports; i.e., some incidents and reports involve multiple types of bias.
Reported Climate Incidents: Academic Year 2024-2025
What is a Bias Related Incident?
A bias incident is conduct—speech or action—reflecting bias or prejudice. It differs from a hate crime in that no criminal activity is involved. While hate crimes are dealt with in the court system, bias incidents are handled through university grievance procedures. Learn more about the difference between bias incidents and hate crimes.
What is not included in this dashboard?
This dashboard does not include:
- Climate Incident Reports received by OEI that do not reflect acts of bias or mistreatment
- Reports related to personnel actions
- Reports of behavior that was not directed to a specific individual (or groups of individuals) on campus
- General communications to the administration
Examples include:
- Reports related to employee labor relations
- Student conduct issues not related to mistreatment or bias
- Complaints to the administration or about the campus
- Reports related to student, staff or faculty’s off-campus or social media behavior
- The off-campus or social media behavior of non-University personnel that was observed by University personnel
- Requests for support or resources
However, these reports, like all Climate Incident Reports, are logged and forwarded to the relevant adjudicating office.