Kyle Cave

Center and Institute Affilitation
Neuroscience & Behavior Graduate Program
My main research interests cover the various aspects of visual cognition, including visual attention, visual imagery, and object recognition. Many of my experiments are devoted to measuring how visual attention is allocated during complex visual tasks such as visual search. I study both covert attention and eye movements, and many of my experiments include eye tracking. Most recently, I have focused on the mental representations that guide attention during difficult searches, and have used eye-tracking data to determine what information is included in those representations. I have also recently explored the interactions between targets and distractors in complex displays. The results of these experiments have implications for theories based on perceptual load, dilution, and attentional zoom.
For more information on my research, see the Visual Cognition and Attention Lab.
I teach graduate and undergraduate courses in cognition and cognitive neuroscience.
Here are some of our publications and conference presentations. Some of these documents are protected by various copyright laws, and they may be used for personal research use only. Your click on any of the links below constitutes your request for a personal copy of the linked article, and results in our delivery of a personal copy. Any other use is prohibited. You can also request copies of these papers by emailing @email.
- Chen, Z. & Cave, K.R. (in press). When is object-based attention not based on objects? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. manuscript as accepted published version (when available) doi:10.1037/xhp0000657
- Meneer, T., Cave, K.R., Kaplan, E., Stroud, M.,J, Chang, J., & Donnelly, N. (in press). The relationship between working memory and the dual-target cost in visual search guidance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. manuscript as accepted published version (when available) doi:10.1037/xhp0000643
- Chen, Z., Humphries, A., & Cave, K.R. (2019). Location-specific orientation set is independent of the horizontal benefit with or without object boundaries, Vision, 3(2), 30. doi:10.3390/vision3020030
- Donnelly, N., Muhl-Richardson, A., Godwin, H.J., & Cave, K.R. (2019). Using eye movements to understand how security screeners search for threats in x-ray baggage. Vision, 3(2), 24. doi:10.3390/vision3020024
- Stroud, M.,J, Meneer, T., Kaplan, E., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. (2019). We can guide search by a set of colors, but are reluctant to do it. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 871, 377-406. manuscript as accepted published version doi:0.3758/s13414-018-1617-5
- Cave, K.R., Meneer, T., Nomani, M.S., Stroud, M.,J, & Donnelly, N. (2018). Dual target search is neither purely simultaneous nor purely successive. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 169-178. manuscript as accepted published version doi:10.1080/17470218.2017.1307425
- Cave, K.R. & Chen, Z. (2017). Two kinds of bias in visual comparison illustrate the role of location and holistic/analytic processing differences. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 2354–2375. manuscript as accepted published version doi:10.3758/s13414-017-1405-7
- Cave, K.R. & Chen, Z. (2016). Identifying visual targets amongst interfering distractors: sorting out the roles of perceptual load, dilution, and attentional zoom. Attention, perception, & Psychophysics, 78, 1822. manuscript as accepted published version doi:10.3758/s13414-016-1149-9
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Riggs, C.A., Taunton, D., Cave, K.R. & Donnelly, D. (2016). Understanding the contribution of target repetition and target expectation to the emergence of the prevalence effect in visual search. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 23, 809-816.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. (2016). Zooming in on the Cause of the Perceptual Load Effect in the Go/Nogo Paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 1072-1087.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. (2015). Singleton search is guided by knowledge of the target, but maybe it shouldn’t be. Vision Research, 115, 92-103. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2015.08.012
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Riggs, C.A., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. (2015). Perceptual failures in the selection and identification of low-prevalence targets in relative prevalence visual search. Attention, Perception, & Psychophsics, 77, 150-159.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., Thaibsyah, M., & Donnelly, N. (2015). The effects of increasing target prevalence on information processing during visual search. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 22, 469-475.
- Cave, K.R. (2015). Spatial attention. In Scott, R., & Kosslyn, S. (eds.) Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
- Chen, Z. & Cave, K.R. (2014). Constraints on dilution from a narrow attentional zoom reveal how spatial and color cues direct selection. Vision Research. 101, 125-137.
- Chen, Z. & Cave, K.R. (2013). Perceptual load vs. dilution: the roles of attentional focus, stimulus category and target predictability. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 327.
- Cave, K.R. (2013). Spatial Attention. In D. Reisberg (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 117-130.
- Meneer, T., Stroud, M.,J, Cave, K.R., Li, X., Godwin, H.J., Liversedge, S.P., & Donnelly, N. (2012). Search for two categories of target produces fewer fixations to target-color items. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 18, 404-418.
- Cave, K.R. (2012). FIT: Foundation for an Integrative Theory. In J.M. Wolfe and L. Robertson (eds.) From Perception to Consciousness: Searching for Anne Treisman. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Stroud, M.J., Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. (2012). Using the dual-target cost to explore the nature of search target representations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38, 113-122.
- Stroud, M.J., Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., Donnelly, N. & Rayner, K. (2011). Search for multiple targets of different colours: Misguided eye movements reveal of reduction of colour selectivity. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25, 971-982.
- Menneer, T., Donnelly, N., Godwin, H.J., & Cave, K.R. (2010). High or low target prevalence increases the dual-target cost in visual search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 16, 133-144.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. (2010). Dual-target search for high and low prevalence X-ray threat targets. Visual Cognition, 18, 1439-1463.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Cave, Kyle R., Helman, S., Way, R.L., & Donnelly, N. (2010). The impact of relative prevalence on dual-target search for threat items from airport X-ray screening. Acta Psychologia, 134, 79-84.
- Cave, K.R., Bush, W.S., & Taylor, T.G.G. (2010). Split attention as part of a flexible attentional system for complex scenes: Comment on Jans, Peters, and De Weerd (2010). Psychological Review, 117, 685-696.
- Li, Xingshan, Rayner, K. & Cave, K.R., (2009). On the segmentation of Chinese words during reading. Cognitive Psychology, 58, 525-552.
- Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. (2009). The cost of searching for multiple targets: The effects of practice and target similarity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 15, 125-139.
- Williams, C.C., Pollatsek, A., & Cave, K.R.(2009). More than Just Finding Color: Strategy in Global Visual Search is Shaped by Learned Target Probabilities. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35, 688-699.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. (2008). Object-based attention with endogenous cuing and positional certainty. Perception & Psychophysics, 70, 1435-1443.
- Castelhano, M.S., Pollatsek, A., & Cave, K.R. (2008). Typicality Aids Search for an Unspecified Target, but Only in Identification, and not in Attentional Guidance. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 15, 795-801.
- Cave, K.R., Cohen, A.L., Rotello, C.M., McCaffrey, A., Ross, M.G., Zeng, M., Zivot, M., Li, X. & Chang, K. (2008). Using eye movements to understand complex visual comparisons. In Cognitive and Cultural Influences on Eye Movements, K. Rayner, D. Shen, X. Bai, and G. Yan (eds), Tianjin People's Press/Psychology Press.
- Menneer, T., Stroud, M.J., Cave, K.R., Donnelly, N., & Rayner, K. . (2008). Eye movements in search for multiple targets. In Cognitive and Cultural Influences on Eye Movements, K. Rayner, D. Shen, X. Bai, and G. Yan (eds), Tianjin People's Press/Psychology Press.
- Li, X., Williams, C.C., Cave, K.R., Well, A.D., & Rayner, K. (2008). Eye movements, individual differences, and cultural effects. In Cognitive and Cultural Influences on Eye Movements, K. Rayner, D. Shen, X. Bai, and G. Yan (eds), Tianjin People's Press/Psychology Press.
- Li, X, Cave, K.R., & Wolfe, J.M. (2008). Kanisza-style Subjective Contours Do Not Guide Attentional Deployment in Visual Search but Line-termination Contours Do. Perception & Psychophysics,70, 477-488.
- Chambers, D., & Cave, K.R. (2008). Factors governing inhibition of occluded regions in superimposed objects. In Castelhano, M., Franconeri, S., Curby, K. and Shomstein, S. (organizers) 'Object Perception, Attention, and Memory 2007 Conference Report 15th Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California, USA', Visual Cognition, 16, 90-143.
- Menneer, T., Barrrett, D.J.K., Phillips, L., Donnelly, N., & Cave, K.R. (2007). Costs in searching for two targets: Dividing search across target types could improve airport security screening. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 21, 915-932.
- Rayner, K., Li, X., Williams, C.C., Cave, K.R., & Well, A.D. (2007). Eye movements during information processing tasks: Individual differences and cultural effects. Vision Research, 47, 2714-2726.
- Auckland, M.E., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. (2007). Non-target objects can influence perceptual processes during object recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 14, 332-337.
- Donnelly, N., Cave, K. R., Greenway, R., Hadwin, J. A., Stevenson, J. and Sonuga-Barke, E. (2007). Visual search in children and adults: top-down versus bottom-up mechanisms. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A, 60, 120-136.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. (2006). When does visual attention select all features of a distractor? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32, 1452-1464.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. (2006). Reinstating object-based attention under positional certainty: the importance of subjective parsing. Perception & Psychophysics, 68, 992-1003.
- Davies, C., Tompkinson, W., Donnelly, N., Gordon, L., & Cave, K.R. (2006). Visual saliency as an aid to updating digital maps. Computers in Human Behavior, 22, 672-684.
- Cave, K.R., & Batty, M.J. (2006). From searching for features to searching for threat: Drawing the boundary between preattentive and attentive vision. Visual Cognition, 14, 629-646.
- Donnelly, N., Cave, K.R., Welland, M., & Menneer, T. (2006). Breast screening, chicken sexing, and the search for oil: challenges for visual cognition. In Allen, M.R., Goffey, G.P., Morgan, R.K., & Walker, I.M. (eds.), The Deliberate Search for the Stratigraphic Trap. London: The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 254, 43-55.
- Batty, M.J., Cave, K.R., & Pauli, P. (2005). Abstract stimuli associated with threat through conditioning cannot be detected preattentively. Emotion, 5, 418-430.
- Menneer, T., Barrett, D.J.K., Phillips, L., Donnelly, N., & Cave, K.R. (2004). Search efficiency for multiple targets. Cognitive Technology, 9, 22-25.
- Donnelly, N., Hadwin, J.A., Cave, K.R., & Stevenage, S. (2003). Perceptual dominance of oriented faces mirrors the distribution of orientation tunings in inferotemporal neurons. Cognitive Brain Research, 17, 771-780.
- Sobel, K.V., & Cave, K.R. (2002) The roles of salience and strategy in conjunction search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 28, 1055-1070.
- Cave, K.R. (2001). Selection can be performed effectively without temporal binding, but could be even more effective with it. Visual Cognition, 8, 467-487.
- Kim, M.-S., & Cave, K.R. (2001). Perceptual grouping via spatial selection in a focused-attention task. Vision Research, 41, 611-624.
- Davidson, H., Cave, K.R., & Sellner, D. (2000). Differences in visual attention and task interference between males and females reflect differences in brain laterality. Neuropsychologia, 38, 508-519.
- Wolfe, J.M., & Cave, K.R. (1999). The psychophysical evidence for a binding problem in human vision. Neuron, 24, 11-17.
- Kim, M.-S., & Cave, K.R. (1999). Grouping effects on spatial attention in visual search. Journal of General Psychology, 126, 326-352.
- Cave, K.R. (1999). The FeatureGate Model of Visual Selection. Psychological Research, 62, 182-194.
- Cave, K.R., & Bichot, N.P. (1999). Visuo-spatial attention: Beyond a spotlight model. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 6, 204-223.
- Kim, M.-S., & Cave, K.R. (1999). Top-down and Bottom-up Attentional Control: On the Nature of Interference from a Salient Distractor. Perception and Psychophysics, 61, 1009-1023.
- Bichot, N.P., Cave, K.R., & Pashler, H. (1999). Visual Selection Mediated by Location: Feature-based Selection of Noncontiguous Locations. Perception and Psychophysics, 61, 403-423.
- Cepeda, N.J., Cave, K.R., Bichot, N.P. & Kim, M.-S. (1998). Spatial selection via feature-driven inhibition of distractor locations. Perception and Psychophysics, 60, 727-746.
- Cave, K.R. & Zimmerman, J.M. (1997). Flexibility in spatial attention before and after practice. Psychological Science, 8, 399-403.
- Kim, M.-S., & Cave, K.R. (1995). Spatial attention in visual search for features and feature conjunctions. Psychological Science, 6, 376-380.
- Cave, K.R., & Pashler, H. (1995). Visual selection mediated by location: Selecting successive visual objects. Perception and Psychophysics, 57, 421-432.
- Cave, K.R., Pinker, S., Giorgi, L., Thomas, C.E., Heller, L.M., Wolfe, J.M., & Lin, H. (1994). The representation of location in visual images. Cognitive Psychology, 26, 1-32.
- Etcoff, N.L., Freeman, R., & Cave, K. R. (1991). Can we lose memories of faces? Content specificity and awareness in a prosopagnosic. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 3, 25-41.
- Cave, K.R. & Wolfe, J.M. (1990).Modeling the role of parallel processing in visual search. Cognitive Psychology, 22, 225-271.
- Wolfe, J.M., Yu, K.P., Stewart, M.I., Shorter, A.D., Friedman-Hill, S.R. and Cave, K.R. (1990). Limitations on the parallel guidance of visual search: Color X color and orientation X orientation conjunctions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 16, 879-892.
- Wolfe, J.M., & Cave, K.R. (1990). Deploying visual attention: The guided search model. In A. Blake & T. Troscianko (Eds.), AI and the Eye (pp. 79-103). Chichester: Wiley.
- Cave, K.R. & Kosslyn, S.M. (1989). Varieties of size-specific visual selection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 118, 148-164.
- Rueckl, J. G., Cave, K. R., & Kosslyn, S. M. (1989) Why are "what" and "where" processed by separate cortical visual systems? A computational investigation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1, 171-186.
- Wolfe, J.M., Cave, K.R., & Franzel, S.L. (1989). Guided search: An alternative to the feature integration model for visual search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 15, 419-433.
Conference Presentations
- Chang, J., Cave, K.R., Menneer, T., Kaplan, E., & Donnelly, N. (2016). How target/distractor discriminability affects search guidance strategy. Psychonomic Society 57th annual meeting, Boston, MA, Nov, 2016.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Mestry, N., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. There and back again: Understanding the cause of revisits to distractors in high-prevalence visual searches. Vision Sciences Society 16th annual meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, May, 2016.
- Menneer, T., Mestry, N., Godwin, H., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. Measuring capacity for template precision in dual-target search for faces. Vision Sciences Society 16th annual meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, May, 2016.
- Cave, K.R., Menneer, T., Kaplan, E., Stroud, M.J., & Donnelly, N. Much of the dual-target cost in visual search can be avoided. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 2015.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. Zooming in on the cause of perceptual load effect in the go/no paradigm. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 2015.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Liversedge, S.P., Cave, K.R., Holliman, N.S., & Donnelly, N. Mixed benefits from conducting visual search in stereoscopic depth. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 2015.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Liversedge, S., Cave, K.R., Holliman, N., & Donnelly, N. Visual search for transparent overlapping objects in depth: overlap impairs performance, but depth does not benefit performance. Vision Sciences Society 15th annual meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, May, 2015.
- Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., Stroud, M.J., Kaplan, E., Donnelly, N. Modeling search guidance, three parameters for characterizing performance in different types of visual search. Vision Sciences Society 15th annual meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, May, 2015.
- Mestry, N., Menneer, T., Godwin, H., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. Dual-target cost in visual search for multiple unfamiliar faces. Vision Sciences Society 15th annual meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, May, 2015.
- Godwin, H.J., Holliman, N.S., Menneer, T., Liversedge, S.P., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. Assessing the benefits of stereoscopic displays to visual search: methodology and initial findings. Stereoscopic Displays and Applications Conference, San Francisco, US, Feb 2015, 1-12.
- Cave, K.R., Menneer, T., Nomani, M.S., Stroud, M.J., & Donnelly, N. Dual target search is neither purely simultaneous nor purely successive. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November, 2014.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. Top-down guidance can select color in singleton search, especially with slow responses. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November, 2014.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Liversedge, S., Cave, K.R., Holliman, N.S., & Donnelly, N. Does the dual-target cost in visual search increase when objects overlap, and can it be reduced by the presence of depth information? Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November, 2014.
- Cave, K.R. & Chen, Z. Attention guided by color can prevent dilution from distractors. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, November, 2013.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. Attentional focus modulates distractor dilution. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, November, 2013.
- Stroud, M., Menneer, T., Kaplan, E., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. What does it take to guide search for a range of colors? Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, November, 2011.
- Stroud, M. Kaplan, E., Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., and Donnelly, N. A color in working memory does not become a search target, but it does interfere with color search. Vision Sciences Society 11th Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, May, 2011.
- Stroud, M., Cave, K.R., Menneer, T., & Donnelly, N. It’s hard to represent two search targets as a single range. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November, 2009.
- Menneer, T., Stroud, M. Cave, K.R., and Donnelly, N. Target representations guiding visual search for two colors: two discrete colors, or a single range? Vision Sciences Society 9th Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, May, 2009.
- Stroud, M., Cave, K.R., Menneer, T., & Donnelly, N. Representing two targets in visual search: an eye movement analysis. Psychomic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 2008.
- Menneer, T., Li, X., Stroud, M.J., Butler, C.A., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. Visual search for two categorical targets: Eye movements reveal a reduction in guidance. British Psychological Society Cognitive Section Annual Conference, Southampton, U.K., September, 2008.
- Cave, K.R., Donnelly, N., Menneer, T., & Stroud, M. Why is it hard to search for two things at once? Second International Symposium on Visual Search and Selective Attention, Fribourg, Switzerland, July 2008.
- Williams, C., Pollatsek, A., Cave, K.R., & Stroud, M. More than just finding color: Strategy in global visual search is shaped by learned target probabilities. Vision Sciences Society 8th Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, May, 2008.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., Helman, S., Way, R.L. & Donnelly, N. Don’t distract the searcher: Search performance for X-ray securiy screening images is reduced with the addition of a simple mental arithmetic task. Vision Sciences Society 8th Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, May, 2008.
- Menneer, T., Li, X., Stroud, M., Butler, C., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. The effect of practice on top-down guidance in dual-target search: Evidence from eye movements. Vision Sciences Society 8th Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, May, 2008.
- Castelhano, M.S., Pollatsek, A., & Cave, K.R. When you’re not sure what you’re looking for: Visual search under conditions of uncertainty. Psychomic Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November, 2007.
- Li, X., & Cave, K.R. Differences between covert attention and eye movements in top-down and bottom-up interaction. Psychomic Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November, 2007.
- Chambers, D., & Cave, K.R. Factors governing inhibition of occluded regions in superimposed objects. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November, 2007.
- Cave, K.R., Menneer, T., Stroud, M., Donnelly, N., & Rayner, K. The breakdown of color selectivity in multitarget search: Evidence from eye movements. Vision Sciences Society 7th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL, May, 2007.
- Godwin, Hayward, Menneer, T., Helman, S., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. In difficult visual search, high frequency targets are found at the expense of low frequency targets. Vision Sciences Society 7th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL, May, 2007.
- Menneer, T., Auckland, M.E., Donnelly, N., and Cave, K.R. Visual search training does not eliminate the dual-target cost in search for two types of target. Vision Sciences Society 7th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL, May, 2007.
- Bush, W., Sanders, L., & Cave, K.R. Spatial distribution of visual attention across cued and uncued locations: and ERP study. The Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, New York, NY, May, 2007.
- Menneer, T., Auckland, M., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. Searching for multiple threat items reduces search performance. The Fourth International Aviation Security Technology Symposium, Washington, D.C., November, 2006.
- Li, X., & Cave, K.R. Separation between top-down and bottom-up control of visual attention. Psychomic Society Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, November, 2006.
- Li, X., Rayner, K., Williams, C., Cave, K.R., & Well, A. Eye movements and individual differences. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, November, 2006.
- Cave, K.R., Menneer, T., Stroud, M., Donnelly, N., & Rayner, K. The breakdown of color selectivity in multitarget search. Second China International Conference on Eye Movements. Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, P.R.China. June, 2006.
- Cave, K.R., Cohen, A., Rotello, C., McCaffrey, A., Zeng, M., Li, X., Zivot, M., Chang, K., & Ross, M. Using eye movements to understand complex visual comparisons. Second China International Conference on Eye Movements. Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, P.R.China. June, 2006.
- Li, X., Rayner, K., Williams, C. & Cave, K.R. Eye movement differences between Chinese and English speakers. Second China International Conference on Eye Movements. Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, P.R.China. June, 2006.
- Menneer, T., Auckland, M., Donnelly, N. and Cave, K. The effect of learning on the dual-target cost in visual search. Experimental Psychological Society, University College London. January, 2006.
- Chambers, D.L., Cave, K.R., & Buechner, S.J. Spatial attention to a partially occluded object. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November, 2005.
- Menneer, T., Auckland, M.E., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. The cost of search for multiple complex abstract targets. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November, 2005.
- Li, X., Rayner, K., Williams, C., Well, A., & Cave, K.R. Eye movements and individual differences in Chinese and English readers. Thirteenth European Conference on Eye Movements. Bern, Switzerland, August, 2005.
- Li, X, & Cave, K.R. Subjective Contour Perception Requires Attention. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November, 2004.
- Menneer, T., Barrett, D., Phillips, L., Donnelly, N., & Cave, K.R. Limits on the Top-Down Guidance of Visual Search for Multiple Targets. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November, 2004.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K. R. Reinstating object-based attention under positional certainty. European Conference on Visual Perception 27th Annual Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, August, 2004.
- Menneer, T., Barrett, D., Phillips, L., Donnelly, N., & Cave, K.R. The effect of training on search for complex stimuli. Vision Sciences Society 4rd Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL, May, 2004.
- Auckland, M., Cave, K.R., Donnelly, N., & Gomez-Pinto, F. Perceptual Errors in Object Recognition are Reduced by the Presence of Context Objects. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., November, 2003.
- Auckland, M., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. Context-related Facilitation in Object Recognition Depends on Spatial Attention. 26th European Conference on Visual Perception, Paris, Sept. 2003.
- Auckland, M., Cave, K.R., Donnelly, N., & Gomez-Pinto, F. Context Effects in Object Recognition: Distinguishing Between Sensitivity and Bias. Experimental Psychology Society meeting, Reading, U.K., July, 2003.
- Cave, K.R., & Batty, M. Drawing the boundary between preattentive and attentive vision. Munich Visual Search Symposium, Munich, Germany, June 2003.
- Menneer, T., Barrett, D., Phillips, L., Donnelly, N., & Cave, K.R. The Breakdown of Efficient Search when Either of Two Targets can Appear. Vision Sciences Society 3rd Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL, May, 2003.
- Barrett, D.J.K, Menneer, T., Phillips, L., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. The Breakdown of Efficient Feature Search for Multiple Same-Dimension Targets. Experimental Psychology Society meeting, Exeter, U.K., April, 2003.
- Auckland, M., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. Context-Related Facilitation and Interference from Distractors in Object Recognition. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Mo., November, 2002.
- Batty, M.J., Cave, K.R., & Pauli, P. Attentional Biases and Anxiety: Evidence Against Preattentive Detection of Threat. 32nd European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies Congress, September, 2002.
- Cave, K.R., & Wake, D. Attending to Locations of Superimposed Visual Objects. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, Fl.. November, 2001.
- Sobel, K.V., & Cave, K.R. The Roles of Salience and Strategy in Conjunction Searches. European Society for Cognitive Psychology and British Psychological Society Cognition Section Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. September, 2001.
- Winstone, J.M., Cave, K.R., & Ostermeier, C. Spatial Attention Varies Between Global and Local Tasks. European Society for Cognitive Psychology and British Psychological Society Cognition Section Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. September, 2001.
- Sobel, K.V., & Cave, K.R. Limiting the Range of Conjunction Searches in Large Dense Arrays. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La. November, 2000.
- Sobel, K.V., & Cave, K.R. Eliminating Distractors in Conjunction Search: Effects of Disriminability and Instructions. The British Psychological Society Cognition Section Annual Conference, Essex, England, September, 2000.
- Sobel, K.V., & Cave, K.R. Factors that influence the choice of strategy in conjunction search. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, Ca. November, 1999.
- Cave, K.R. & Shi, W. Selecting objects through top-down activation of locations. The British Psychological Society Cognition Section Annual Conference, York, England September, 1999.
- Shi, W., & Cave, K.R. How to select both objects and locations. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, November, 1998.
- Driscoll, J. A., Peters, R.A. II, and Cave, K.R, A visual attention network for a humanoid robot. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robotic Systems, Victoria, B. C., Canada, October, 1998.
- Cave, K.R., & Bichot, N.P. Attentional selection of noncontiguous locations. Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology,Fort Lauderdale, FL, May, 1998.
- Christensen, B.K., Henry, R.R., Cave, K.R., & Klaswick, M.L. Visual Spatial Attention in HIV Infection and Disease. International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, Hawaii, February, 1998.
- Cave, K.R., & Ostermeier. Attentional inhibition of distractor locations in local and global tasks. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November, 1997.
- Cave, K.R., & Davidson, H. Differences in brain laterality between males and females produce different patterns of perceptual interference. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, March, 1997.
- Kim, M.-S., & Cave, K. R. How grouping affects spatial attention during visual search. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 1996.
- Kim, M.S., & Cave, K.R. Measuring Spatial Attention During Task-Irrelevant Perceptual Grouping. Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology,Fort Lauderdale, FL, Apr, 1996.
- Cave, K. R, Kim, M.-S., Bichot, N. P., & Sobel, K. V. Modeling feature and conjunction searches with feature-driven location selection. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March, 1996.
- Cave, K. R, & Zimmerman, J. How spatial attention changes with practice. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, November, 1995.
- Cave, K.R., & Cepeda, N.J. Spatial accuracy of attention when selecting a target among distractors. Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology,Fort Lauderdale, FL, May, 1995.
- Kim, M.-S., & Cave, K. R. A neural network model for visual selection. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, November, 1994.
- Cave, K. R. Changes in the strength of spatial attention. Converging Operations in the Study of Visual Selective Attention, Champaign-Urbana, IL, May, 1994.
- Kim, M.-S., & Cave, K. R. Spatial attention in searching for features and feature conjunctions. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November, 1993.
- Cave, K. R. Mapping the allocation of spatial attention. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, November, 1992.
My main research interests cover the various aspects of visual cognition, including visual attention, visual imagery, and object recognition. Many of my experiments are devoted to measuring how visual attention is allocated during complex visual tasks such as visual search. I study both covert attention and eye movements, and many of my experiments include eye tracking. Most recently, I have focused on the mental representations that guide attention during difficult searches, and have used eye-tracking data to determine what information is included in those representations. I have also recently explored the interactions between targets and distractors in complex displays. The results of these experiments have implications for theories based on perceptual load, dilution, and attentional zoom.
For more information on my research, see the Visual Cognition and Attention Lab.
I teach graduate and undergraduate courses in cognition and cognitive neuroscience.
- Psychology 304: Brains, Minds, and Behavior
- Psychology 315: Cognitive Psychology
- Psychology 315H: Honors Cognitive Psychology
- Psychology 391SC: Scientific Studies of Consciousness
- Psychology 618: Graduate Cognitive Neuroscience
- Psycology 891vc: Visual Attention and Consciousness
Here are some of our publications and conference presentations. Some of these documents are protected by various copyright laws, and they may be used for personal research use only. Your click on any of the links below constitutes your request for a personal copy of the linked article, and results in our delivery of a personal copy. Any other use is prohibited. You can also request copies of these papers by emailing @email.
- Chen, Z. & Cave, K.R. (in press). When is object-based attention not based on objects? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. manuscript as accepted published version (when available) doi:10.1037/xhp0000657
- Meneer, T., Cave, K.R., Kaplan, E., Stroud, M.,J, Chang, J., & Donnelly, N. (in press). The relationship between working memory and the dual-target cost in visual search guidance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. manuscript as accepted published version (when available) doi:10.1037/xhp0000643
- Chen, Z., Humphries, A., & Cave, K.R. (2019). Location-specific orientation set is independent of the horizontal benefit with or without object boundaries, Vision, 3(2), 30. doi:10.3390/vision3020030
- Donnelly, N., Muhl-Richardson, A., Godwin, H.J., & Cave, K.R. (2019). Using eye movements to understand how security screeners search for threats in x-ray baggage. Vision, 3(2), 24. doi:10.3390/vision3020024
- Stroud, M.,J, Meneer, T., Kaplan, E., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. (2019). We can guide search by a set of colors, but are reluctant to do it. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 871, 377-406. manuscript as accepted published version doi:0.3758/s13414-018-1617-5
- Cave, K.R., Meneer, T., Nomani, M.S., Stroud, M.,J, & Donnelly, N. (2018). Dual target search is neither purely simultaneous nor purely successive. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 169-178. manuscript as accepted published version doi:10.1080/17470218.2017.1307425
- Cave, K.R. & Chen, Z. (2017). Two kinds of bias in visual comparison illustrate the role of location and holistic/analytic processing differences. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 2354–2375. manuscript as accepted published version doi:10.3758/s13414-017-1405-7
- Cave, K.R. & Chen, Z. (2016). Identifying visual targets amongst interfering distractors: sorting out the roles of perceptual load, dilution, and attentional zoom. Attention, perception, & Psychophysics, 78, 1822. manuscript as accepted published version doi:10.3758/s13414-016-1149-9
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Riggs, C.A., Taunton, D., Cave, K.R. & Donnelly, D. (2016). Understanding the contribution of target repetition and target expectation to the emergence of the prevalence effect in visual search. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 23, 809-816.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. (2016). Zooming in on the Cause of the Perceptual Load Effect in the Go/Nogo Paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 1072-1087.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. (2015). Singleton search is guided by knowledge of the target, but maybe it shouldn’t be. Vision Research, 115, 92-103. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2015.08.012
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Riggs, C.A., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. (2015). Perceptual failures in the selection and identification of low-prevalence targets in relative prevalence visual search. Attention, Perception, & Psychophsics, 77, 150-159.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., Thaibsyah, M., & Donnelly, N. (2015). The effects of increasing target prevalence on information processing during visual search. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 22, 469-475.
- Cave, K.R. (2015). Spatial attention. In Scott, R., & Kosslyn, S. (eds.) Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
- Chen, Z. & Cave, K.R. (2014). Constraints on dilution from a narrow attentional zoom reveal how spatial and color cues direct selection. Vision Research. 101, 125-137.
- Chen, Z. & Cave, K.R. (2013). Perceptual load vs. dilution: the roles of attentional focus, stimulus category and target predictability. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 327.
- Cave, K.R. (2013). Spatial Attention. In D. Reisberg (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 117-130.
- Meneer, T., Stroud, M.,J, Cave, K.R., Li, X., Godwin, H.J., Liversedge, S.P., & Donnelly, N. (2012). Search for two categories of target produces fewer fixations to target-color items. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 18, 404-418.
- Cave, K.R. (2012). FIT: Foundation for an Integrative Theory. In J.M. Wolfe and L. Robertson (eds.) From Perception to Consciousness: Searching for Anne Treisman. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Stroud, M.J., Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. (2012). Using the dual-target cost to explore the nature of search target representations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38, 113-122.
- Stroud, M.J., Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., Donnelly, N. & Rayner, K. (2011). Search for multiple targets of different colours: Misguided eye movements reveal of reduction of colour selectivity. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25, 971-982.
- Menneer, T., Donnelly, N., Godwin, H.J., & Cave, K.R. (2010). High or low target prevalence increases the dual-target cost in visual search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 16, 133-144.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. (2010). Dual-target search for high and low prevalence X-ray threat targets. Visual Cognition, 18, 1439-1463.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Cave, Kyle R., Helman, S., Way, R.L., & Donnelly, N. (2010). The impact of relative prevalence on dual-target search for threat items from airport X-ray screening. Acta Psychologia, 134, 79-84.
- Cave, K.R., Bush, W.S., & Taylor, T.G.G. (2010). Split attention as part of a flexible attentional system for complex scenes: Comment on Jans, Peters, and De Weerd (2010). Psychological Review, 117, 685-696.
- Li, Xingshan, Rayner, K. & Cave, K.R., (2009). On the segmentation of Chinese words during reading. Cognitive Psychology, 58, 525-552.
- Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. (2009). The cost of searching for multiple targets: The effects of practice and target similarity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 15, 125-139.
- Williams, C.C., Pollatsek, A., & Cave, K.R.(2009). More than Just Finding Color: Strategy in Global Visual Search is Shaped by Learned Target Probabilities. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35, 688-699.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. (2008). Object-based attention with endogenous cuing and positional certainty. Perception & Psychophysics, 70, 1435-1443.
- Castelhano, M.S., Pollatsek, A., & Cave, K.R. (2008). Typicality Aids Search for an Unspecified Target, but Only in Identification, and not in Attentional Guidance. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 15, 795-801.
- Cave, K.R., Cohen, A.L., Rotello, C.M., McCaffrey, A., Ross, M.G., Zeng, M., Zivot, M., Li, X. & Chang, K. (2008). Using eye movements to understand complex visual comparisons. In Cognitive and Cultural Influences on Eye Movements, K. Rayner, D. Shen, X. Bai, and G. Yan (eds), Tianjin People's Press/Psychology Press.
- Menneer, T., Stroud, M.J., Cave, K.R., Donnelly, N., & Rayner, K. . (2008). Eye movements in search for multiple targets. In Cognitive and Cultural Influences on Eye Movements, K. Rayner, D. Shen, X. Bai, and G. Yan (eds), Tianjin People's Press/Psychology Press.
- Li, X., Williams, C.C., Cave, K.R., Well, A.D., & Rayner, K. (2008). Eye movements, individual differences, and cultural effects. In Cognitive and Cultural Influences on Eye Movements, K. Rayner, D. Shen, X. Bai, and G. Yan (eds), Tianjin People's Press/Psychology Press.
- Li, X, Cave, K.R., & Wolfe, J.M. (2008). Kanisza-style Subjective Contours Do Not Guide Attentional Deployment in Visual Search but Line-termination Contours Do. Perception & Psychophysics,70, 477-488.
- Chambers, D., & Cave, K.R. (2008). Factors governing inhibition of occluded regions in superimposed objects. In Castelhano, M., Franconeri, S., Curby, K. and Shomstein, S. (organizers) 'Object Perception, Attention, and Memory 2007 Conference Report 15th Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California, USA', Visual Cognition, 16, 90-143.
- Menneer, T., Barrrett, D.J.K., Phillips, L., Donnelly, N., & Cave, K.R. (2007). Costs in searching for two targets: Dividing search across target types could improve airport security screening. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 21, 915-932.
- Rayner, K., Li, X., Williams, C.C., Cave, K.R., & Well, A.D. (2007). Eye movements during information processing tasks: Individual differences and cultural effects. Vision Research, 47, 2714-2726.
- Auckland, M.E., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. (2007). Non-target objects can influence perceptual processes during object recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 14, 332-337.
- Donnelly, N., Cave, K. R., Greenway, R., Hadwin, J. A., Stevenson, J. and Sonuga-Barke, E. (2007). Visual search in children and adults: top-down versus bottom-up mechanisms. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A, 60, 120-136.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. (2006). When does visual attention select all features of a distractor? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32, 1452-1464.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. (2006). Reinstating object-based attention under positional certainty: the importance of subjective parsing. Perception & Psychophysics, 68, 992-1003.
- Davies, C., Tompkinson, W., Donnelly, N., Gordon, L., & Cave, K.R. (2006). Visual saliency as an aid to updating digital maps. Computers in Human Behavior, 22, 672-684.
- Cave, K.R., & Batty, M.J. (2006). From searching for features to searching for threat: Drawing the boundary between preattentive and attentive vision. Visual Cognition, 14, 629-646.
- Donnelly, N., Cave, K.R., Welland, M., & Menneer, T. (2006). Breast screening, chicken sexing, and the search for oil: challenges for visual cognition. In Allen, M.R., Goffey, G.P., Morgan, R.K., & Walker, I.M. (eds.), The Deliberate Search for the Stratigraphic Trap. London: The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 254, 43-55.
- Batty, M.J., Cave, K.R., & Pauli, P. (2005). Abstract stimuli associated with threat through conditioning cannot be detected preattentively. Emotion, 5, 418-430.
- Menneer, T., Barrett, D.J.K., Phillips, L., Donnelly, N., & Cave, K.R. (2004). Search efficiency for multiple targets. Cognitive Technology, 9, 22-25.
- Donnelly, N., Hadwin, J.A., Cave, K.R., & Stevenage, S. (2003). Perceptual dominance of oriented faces mirrors the distribution of orientation tunings in inferotemporal neurons. Cognitive Brain Research, 17, 771-780.
- Sobel, K.V., & Cave, K.R. (2002) The roles of salience and strategy in conjunction search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 28, 1055-1070.
- Cave, K.R. (2001). Selection can be performed effectively without temporal binding, but could be even more effective with it. Visual Cognition, 8, 467-487.
- Kim, M.-S., & Cave, K.R. (2001). Perceptual grouping via spatial selection in a focused-attention task. Vision Research, 41, 611-624.
- Davidson, H., Cave, K.R., & Sellner, D. (2000). Differences in visual attention and task interference between males and females reflect differences in brain laterality. Neuropsychologia, 38, 508-519.
- Wolfe, J.M., & Cave, K.R. (1999). The psychophysical evidence for a binding problem in human vision. Neuron, 24, 11-17.
- Kim, M.-S., & Cave, K.R. (1999). Grouping effects on spatial attention in visual search. Journal of General Psychology, 126, 326-352.
- Cave, K.R. (1999). The FeatureGate Model of Visual Selection. Psychological Research, 62, 182-194.
- Cave, K.R., & Bichot, N.P. (1999). Visuo-spatial attention: Beyond a spotlight model. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 6, 204-223.
- Kim, M.-S., & Cave, K.R. (1999). Top-down and Bottom-up Attentional Control: On the Nature of Interference from a Salient Distractor. Perception and Psychophysics, 61, 1009-1023.
- Bichot, N.P., Cave, K.R., & Pashler, H. (1999). Visual Selection Mediated by Location: Feature-based Selection of Noncontiguous Locations. Perception and Psychophysics, 61, 403-423.
- Cepeda, N.J., Cave, K.R., Bichot, N.P. & Kim, M.-S. (1998). Spatial selection via feature-driven inhibition of distractor locations. Perception and Psychophysics, 60, 727-746.
- Cave, K.R. & Zimmerman, J.M. (1997). Flexibility in spatial attention before and after practice. Psychological Science, 8, 399-403.
- Kim, M.-S., & Cave, K.R. (1995). Spatial attention in visual search for features and feature conjunctions. Psychological Science, 6, 376-380.
- Cave, K.R., & Pashler, H. (1995). Visual selection mediated by location: Selecting successive visual objects. Perception and Psychophysics, 57, 421-432.
- Cave, K.R., Pinker, S., Giorgi, L., Thomas, C.E., Heller, L.M., Wolfe, J.M., & Lin, H. (1994). The representation of location in visual images. Cognitive Psychology, 26, 1-32.
- Etcoff, N.L., Freeman, R., & Cave, K. R. (1991). Can we lose memories of faces? Content specificity and awareness in a prosopagnosic. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 3, 25-41.
- Cave, K.R. & Wolfe, J.M. (1990).Modeling the role of parallel processing in visual search. Cognitive Psychology, 22, 225-271.
- Wolfe, J.M., Yu, K.P., Stewart, M.I., Shorter, A.D., Friedman-Hill, S.R. and Cave, K.R. (1990). Limitations on the parallel guidance of visual search: Color X color and orientation X orientation conjunctions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 16, 879-892.
- Wolfe, J.M., & Cave, K.R. (1990). Deploying visual attention: The guided search model. In A. Blake & T. Troscianko (Eds.), AI and the Eye (pp. 79-103). Chichester: Wiley.
- Cave, K.R. & Kosslyn, S.M. (1989). Varieties of size-specific visual selection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 118, 148-164.
- Rueckl, J. G., Cave, K. R., & Kosslyn, S. M. (1989) Why are "what" and "where" processed by separate cortical visual systems? A computational investigation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1, 171-186.
- Wolfe, J.M., Cave, K.R., & Franzel, S.L. (1989). Guided search: An alternative to the feature integration model for visual search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 15, 419-433.
Conference Presentations
- Chang, J., Cave, K.R., Menneer, T., Kaplan, E., & Donnelly, N. (2016). How target/distractor discriminability affects search guidance strategy. Psychonomic Society 57th annual meeting, Boston, MA, Nov, 2016.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Mestry, N., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. There and back again: Understanding the cause of revisits to distractors in high-prevalence visual searches. Vision Sciences Society 16th annual meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, May, 2016.
- Menneer, T., Mestry, N., Godwin, H., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. Measuring capacity for template precision in dual-target search for faces. Vision Sciences Society 16th annual meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, May, 2016.
- Cave, K.R., Menneer, T., Kaplan, E., Stroud, M.J., & Donnelly, N. Much of the dual-target cost in visual search can be avoided. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 2015.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. Zooming in on the cause of perceptual load effect in the go/no paradigm. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 2015.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Liversedge, S.P., Cave, K.R., Holliman, N.S., & Donnelly, N. Mixed benefits from conducting visual search in stereoscopic depth. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 2015.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Liversedge, S., Cave, K.R., Holliman, N., & Donnelly, N. Visual search for transparent overlapping objects in depth: overlap impairs performance, but depth does not benefit performance. Vision Sciences Society 15th annual meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, May, 2015.
- Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., Stroud, M.J., Kaplan, E., Donnelly, N. Modeling search guidance, three parameters for characterizing performance in different types of visual search. Vision Sciences Society 15th annual meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, May, 2015.
- Mestry, N., Menneer, T., Godwin, H., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. Dual-target cost in visual search for multiple unfamiliar faces. Vision Sciences Society 15th annual meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, May, 2015.
- Godwin, H.J., Holliman, N.S., Menneer, T., Liversedge, S.P., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. Assessing the benefits of stereoscopic displays to visual search: methodology and initial findings. Stereoscopic Displays and Applications Conference, San Francisco, US, Feb 2015, 1-12.
- Cave, K.R., Menneer, T., Nomani, M.S., Stroud, M.J., & Donnelly, N. Dual target search is neither purely simultaneous nor purely successive. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November, 2014.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. Top-down guidance can select color in singleton search, especially with slow responses. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November, 2014.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Liversedge, S., Cave, K.R., Holliman, N.S., & Donnelly, N. Does the dual-target cost in visual search increase when objects overlap, and can it be reduced by the presence of depth information? Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November, 2014.
- Cave, K.R. & Chen, Z. Attention guided by color can prevent dilution from distractors. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, November, 2013.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K.R. Attentional focus modulates distractor dilution. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, November, 2013.
- Stroud, M., Menneer, T., Kaplan, E., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. What does it take to guide search for a range of colors? Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, November, 2011.
- Stroud, M. Kaplan, E., Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., and Donnelly, N. A color in working memory does not become a search target, but it does interfere with color search. Vision Sciences Society 11th Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, May, 2011.
- Stroud, M., Cave, K.R., Menneer, T., & Donnelly, N. It’s hard to represent two search targets as a single range. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November, 2009.
- Menneer, T., Stroud, M. Cave, K.R., and Donnelly, N. Target representations guiding visual search for two colors: two discrete colors, or a single range? Vision Sciences Society 9th Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, May, 2009.
- Stroud, M., Cave, K.R., Menneer, T., & Donnelly, N. Representing two targets in visual search: an eye movement analysis. Psychomic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 2008.
- Menneer, T., Li, X., Stroud, M.J., Butler, C.A., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. Visual search for two categorical targets: Eye movements reveal a reduction in guidance. British Psychological Society Cognitive Section Annual Conference, Southampton, U.K., September, 2008.
- Cave, K.R., Donnelly, N., Menneer, T., & Stroud, M. Why is it hard to search for two things at once? Second International Symposium on Visual Search and Selective Attention, Fribourg, Switzerland, July 2008.
- Williams, C., Pollatsek, A., Cave, K.R., & Stroud, M. More than just finding color: Strategy in global visual search is shaped by learned target probabilities. Vision Sciences Society 8th Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, May, 2008.
- Godwin, H.J., Menneer, T., Cave, K.R., Helman, S., Way, R.L. & Donnelly, N. Don’t distract the searcher: Search performance for X-ray securiy screening images is reduced with the addition of a simple mental arithmetic task. Vision Sciences Society 8th Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, May, 2008.
- Menneer, T., Li, X., Stroud, M., Butler, C., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. The effect of practice on top-down guidance in dual-target search: Evidence from eye movements. Vision Sciences Society 8th Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, May, 2008.
- Castelhano, M.S., Pollatsek, A., & Cave, K.R. When you’re not sure what you’re looking for: Visual search under conditions of uncertainty. Psychomic Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November, 2007.
- Li, X., & Cave, K.R. Differences between covert attention and eye movements in top-down and bottom-up interaction. Psychomic Society Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November, 2007.
- Chambers, D., & Cave, K.R. Factors governing inhibition of occluded regions in superimposed objects. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November, 2007.
- Cave, K.R., Menneer, T., Stroud, M., Donnelly, N., & Rayner, K. The breakdown of color selectivity in multitarget search: Evidence from eye movements. Vision Sciences Society 7th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL, May, 2007.
- Godwin, Hayward, Menneer, T., Helman, S., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. In difficult visual search, high frequency targets are found at the expense of low frequency targets. Vision Sciences Society 7th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL, May, 2007.
- Menneer, T., Auckland, M.E., Donnelly, N., and Cave, K.R. Visual search training does not eliminate the dual-target cost in search for two types of target. Vision Sciences Society 7th Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL, May, 2007.
- Bush, W., Sanders, L., & Cave, K.R. Spatial distribution of visual attention across cued and uncued locations: and ERP study. The Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, New York, NY, May, 2007.
- Menneer, T., Auckland, M., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. Searching for multiple threat items reduces search performance. The Fourth International Aviation Security Technology Symposium, Washington, D.C., November, 2006.
- Li, X., & Cave, K.R. Separation between top-down and bottom-up control of visual attention. Psychomic Society Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, November, 2006.
- Li, X., Rayner, K., Williams, C., Cave, K.R., & Well, A. Eye movements and individual differences. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, November, 2006.
- Cave, K.R., Menneer, T., Stroud, M., Donnelly, N., & Rayner, K. The breakdown of color selectivity in multitarget search. Second China International Conference on Eye Movements. Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, P.R.China. June, 2006.
- Cave, K.R., Cohen, A., Rotello, C., McCaffrey, A., Zeng, M., Li, X., Zivot, M., Chang, K., & Ross, M. Using eye movements to understand complex visual comparisons. Second China International Conference on Eye Movements. Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, P.R.China. June, 2006.
- Li, X., Rayner, K., Williams, C. & Cave, K.R. Eye movement differences between Chinese and English speakers. Second China International Conference on Eye Movements. Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, P.R.China. June, 2006.
- Menneer, T., Auckland, M., Donnelly, N. and Cave, K. The effect of learning on the dual-target cost in visual search. Experimental Psychological Society, University College London. January, 2006.
- Chambers, D.L., Cave, K.R., & Buechner, S.J. Spatial attention to a partially occluded object. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November, 2005.
- Menneer, T., Auckland, M.E., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. The cost of search for multiple complex abstract targets. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November, 2005.
- Li, X., Rayner, K., Williams, C., Well, A., & Cave, K.R. Eye movements and individual differences in Chinese and English readers. Thirteenth European Conference on Eye Movements. Bern, Switzerland, August, 2005.
- Li, X, & Cave, K.R. Subjective Contour Perception Requires Attention. Object Perception, Attention, and Memory Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November, 2004.
- Menneer, T., Barrett, D., Phillips, L., Donnelly, N., & Cave, K.R. Limits on the Top-Down Guidance of Visual Search for Multiple Targets. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November, 2004.
- Chen, Z., & Cave, K. R. Reinstating object-based attention under positional certainty. European Conference on Visual Perception 27th Annual Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, August, 2004.
- Menneer, T., Barrett, D., Phillips, L., Donnelly, N., & Cave, K.R. The effect of training on search for complex stimuli. Vision Sciences Society 4rd Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL, May, 2004.
- Auckland, M., Cave, K.R., Donnelly, N., & Gomez-Pinto, F. Perceptual Errors in Object Recognition are Reduced by the Presence of Context Objects. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., November, 2003.
- Auckland, M., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. Context-related Facilitation in Object Recognition Depends on Spatial Attention. 26th European Conference on Visual Perception, Paris, Sept. 2003.
- Auckland, M., Cave, K.R., Donnelly, N., & Gomez-Pinto, F. Context Effects in Object Recognition: Distinguishing Between Sensitivity and Bias. Experimental Psychology Society meeting, Reading, U.K., July, 2003.
- Cave, K.R., & Batty, M. Drawing the boundary between preattentive and attentive vision. Munich Visual Search Symposium, Munich, Germany, June 2003.
- Menneer, T., Barrett, D., Phillips, L., Donnelly, N., & Cave, K.R. The Breakdown of Efficient Search when Either of Two Targets can Appear. Vision Sciences Society 3rd Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL, May, 2003.
- Barrett, D.J.K, Menneer, T., Phillips, L., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. The Breakdown of Efficient Feature Search for Multiple Same-Dimension Targets. Experimental Psychology Society meeting, Exeter, U.K., April, 2003.
- Auckland, M., Cave, K.R., & Donnelly, N. Context-Related Facilitation and Interference from Distractors in Object Recognition. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Mo., November, 2002.
- Batty, M.J., Cave, K.R., & Pauli, P. Attentional Biases and Anxiety: Evidence Against Preattentive Detection of Threat. 32nd European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies Congress, September, 2002.
- Cave, K.R., & Wake, D. Attending to Locations of Superimposed Visual Objects. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, Fl.. November, 2001.
- Sobel, K.V., & Cave, K.R. The Roles of Salience and Strategy in Conjunction Searches. European Society for Cognitive Psychology and British Psychological Society Cognition Section Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. September, 2001.
- Winstone, J.M., Cave, K.R., & Ostermeier, C. Spatial Attention Varies Between Global and Local Tasks. European Society for Cognitive Psychology and British Psychological Society Cognition Section Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. September, 2001.
- Sobel, K.V., & Cave, K.R. Limiting the Range of Conjunction Searches in Large Dense Arrays. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La. November, 2000.
- Sobel, K.V., & Cave, K.R. Eliminating Distractors in Conjunction Search: Effects of Disriminability and Instructions. The British Psychological Society Cognition Section Annual Conference, Essex, England, September, 2000.
- Sobel, K.V., & Cave, K.R. Factors that influence the choice of strategy in conjunction search. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, Ca. November, 1999.
- Cave, K.R. & Shi, W. Selecting objects through top-down activation of locations. The British Psychological Society Cognition Section Annual Conference, York, England September, 1999.
- Shi, W., & Cave, K.R. How to select both objects and locations. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, November, 1998.
- Driscoll, J. A., Peters, R.A. II, and Cave, K.R, A visual attention network for a humanoid robot. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robotic Systems, Victoria, B. C., Canada, October, 1998.
- Cave, K.R., & Bichot, N.P. Attentional selection of noncontiguous locations. Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology,Fort Lauderdale, FL, May, 1998.
- Christensen, B.K., Henry, R.R., Cave, K.R., & Klaswick, M.L. Visual Spatial Attention in HIV Infection and Disease. International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, Hawaii, February, 1998.
- Cave, K.R., & Ostermeier. Attentional inhibition of distractor locations in local and global tasks. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November, 1997.
- Cave, K.R., & Davidson, H. Differences in brain laterality between males and females produce different patterns of perceptual interference. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, March, 1997.
- Kim, M.-S., & Cave, K. R. How grouping affects spatial attention during visual search. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November, 1996.
- Kim, M.S., & Cave, K.R. Measuring Spatial Attention During Task-Irrelevant Perceptual Grouping. Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology,Fort Lauderdale, FL, Apr, 1996.
- Cave, K. R, Kim, M.-S., Bichot, N. P., & Sobel, K. V. Modeling feature and conjunction searches with feature-driven location selection. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March, 1996.
- Cave, K. R, & Zimmerman, J. How spatial attention changes with practice. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, November, 1995.
- Cave, K.R., & Cepeda, N.J. Spatial accuracy of attention when selecting a target among distractors. Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology,Fort Lauderdale, FL, May, 1995.
- Kim, M.-S., & Cave, K. R. A neural network model for visual selection. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, November, 1994.
- Cave, K. R. Changes in the strength of spatial attention. Converging Operations in the Study of Visual Selective Attention, Champaign-Urbana, IL, May, 1994.
- Kim, M.-S., & Cave, K. R. Spatial attention in searching for features and feature conjunctions. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November, 1993.
- Cave, K. R. Mapping the allocation of spatial attention. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, November, 1992.
I am a professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences and in the Neuroscience and Behavior Program at UMass Amherst. My research in visual cognition and attention is described on the webpage for the UMass Visual Cognition and Attention Lab, along with some of our publications. Please contact me if you have questions or comments about our work, or if you would like to be part of our lab.
If you think you might be interested in joining us as a graduate student and receiving a PhD in Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience or in Neuroscience and Behavior from UMass, or if you are an undergraduate at UMass, Hampshire College, Mt. Holyoke, Smith, or Amherst College who wants research experience, please contact me.
You can reach me by email or at the address and phone number below.
Kyle R. Cave
University of Massachusetts
Department of Psychology
Tobin Hall
Amherst, MA 01003
phone: 413-545-2787
fax: 413-545-0996
- Steve Kosslyn
- Steve Pinker
- Jeremy Wolfe
- Hal Pashler
- Alan Peters
- Nick Donnelly
- Keith Rayner
- Sandy Pollatsek
- Some people I've worked with and learned from: