discussion around a poster presentation


Center for UMass Industry Research on Polymers

The Center for University of Massachusetts - Industry Research on Polymers (CUMIRP) was established by the National Science Foundation in 1980 and is a key partner of PSE by facilitating sponsored research agreements with industry, helping to organize semi-annual conferences for the polymers and materials science community at UMass Amherst, and providing opportunities for graduate student and postdoc education and career development.

researchers in a lab environment

MassNanoTech Institute

MassNanoTech Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst

The MassNanoTech Institute is UMass Amherst’s campus-wide initiative for nanoscale science and engineering.  Over 50 faculty investigators from eight departments in three colleges are working in the field of nanotechnology, generating over $36 million in research funding since 1997 from a variety of federal and industry sources. MassNanoTech provides a single point of contacts for academic and industrial collaborators.