Check back for updates on ongoing initiatives of the PSE Workplace Climate Committee (WCC).

PSE WCC Mission Statement

The Workplace Climate Committee (WCC) within the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering (PSE) promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion. We strive to translate community input from all levels into meaningful action by the WCC, department, or university administration. Furthermore, we organize department-wide events as opportunities to educate ourselves and equitably represent all voices. Given that PSE’s shared goal of innovative polymer research is better achieved in a safe, respectful and equitable workplace, WCC seeks to make PSE a welcoming home for all community members.

WCC promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within PSE. Our methods include i) turning community feedback into action, and ii) department-wide events. By promoting DEI, we also advance PSE’s common goal of innovative research.

Defined terms:

  • Diversity: the representation of different types of people (such as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization.
  • Equity: distributing resources in proportion to each individual's needs, including needs of members of underrepresented groups.
  • Inclusion: the act or practice of including and accommodating people who have historically been excluded (because of their race, cultural identity, gender, sexuality, religion, or ability).

List of Current Membership
Graduate student representatives: Mary Kate Jutze (Chair), Ellie Haljun (Co-chair), Carla Steppan, Tomoko Yamazaki
Postdoctoral representative: Sun-Min Yu
Staff representatives: Glenda Pons, David Waldman
Faculty representatives: Todd Emrick (Co-chair), David Hoagland, Greg Tew