Nursing B.S. Plan of Study
Students must select one or more of the following courses each semester to complete General Education requirements and Nursing prerequisites in the first two years:
Gen Ed (HS) | 4 cr (need to account somewhere for 4th social world course (AL/AT/SB/I/SI) |
Gen Ed (AL/AT) | 4 cr |
Gen Ed (BS) | 4 cr |
Gen Ed (PS) | 4 cr |
Global and US Diversity (DG/DU) | 4 cr (choose courses with HS or AL/AT in fulfilling this requirement) (N212 fulfills US diversity) |
Statistics (R1/R2) | 4 cr (Stats 111, Stats 240, ResEcon 211 or 212 fulfills R1 and R2 at the same time). Statistics is a Nursing prerequisite in your first two years. |
Semester 1 (Freshman Fall):
Prerequisite to KIN 270 (PS or BS) | 4 cr | KIN 100 or 110, BIOL 151, CHEM 110 or 111 |
Psych 100 (SB) | 4 cr | Introductory Psychology |
Nurse 150 (RAP/non-RAP) | 1 cr | Faculty Seminar for First-Year Nursing Students |
Nurse 100 | 3 cr | Perspectives in Nursing |
Engl/WP 112 or EnglWP 112H (CW) | 3 cr | College Writing (Writing Program) |
Total: 15 cr |
Semester 2 (Freshman Spring):
KIN 270 | 4 cr | Anatomy & Physiology I w/ Lab |
Nurse 212 (DU) | 4 cr | Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness |
Nutrition 130 (BS) | 4 cr | Human Nutrition |
Gen Ed or Stats (pick one) | 4 cr | |
Total: 16 cr |
Semester 3 (Sophomore Fall):
KIN 272 | 4 cr | Anatomy & Physiology II w/Lab |
Microbiology 255 | 4 cr | Introduction to Medical Microbiology w/ lab |
Nurse 210 | 3 cr | Human Development throughout Life Cycle |
Nurse 202 | 4 cr | Issues of Aging in a Global Society |
Gen Ed or Elective or Stats | 4 cr | |
Total: 19 cr |
Semester 4 (Sophomore Spring):
Nurse 333 | 3 cr | Pathophysiology/Pharmacology I |
Nurse 315 | 3 cr | Health and Physical Assessment |
Nurse 216 | 2 cr | Principles of Nursing Care I |
Nurse 298C | 2 cr | Principles of Nursing Care I: Practicum |
Gen Ed or Elective or Stats | 4 cr | |
Total: 14 cr |
Plan of Study for last two years in the program (complete at least 57 credits in junior and senior year):
Notes for junior and senior year:
- Students are assigned when they will take specialty courses (maternity, pediatrics, psychiatric/mental health, adult nursing).
- Students are required to take two Nursing Special Topics courses that are different from an elective taken in other departments. They must be taken for a letter grade. Students will have a choice based on availability.
- Students will have an opportunity to request a preference for their senior internship placement, but the decision of where the internship is done is based on faculty discretion regarding students' learning needs and availability of placements.
- NCLEX-RN licensure preparation assessments (ATI) must be taken throughout the junior and senior years.
Semester 5 (Junior Fall):
Nurse 316 | 2 cr | Principles of Nursing Care |
Nurse 334 | 3 cr | Pathophysiology/Pharmacology II |
Nurse 317 | 3 cr | Writing in Nursing Ethics (2nd College Writing req) |
Nurse 398E | 2 cr | Principles of Nursing Care: Practicum |
Nurse 420 | 3 cr | Introduction to Nursing Research |
Nurse 321 | 2 cr | Preventive Care and Integrative Therapies |
Total: 15 cr |
Semester 6 or 7 (Junior Spring or Senior Fall):
Nurse 325 | 2 cr | Maternal-Newborn Nursing |
Nurse 398I | 2 cr | Maternal-Newborn Nursing: Practicum |
Nurse 326 | 2 cr | Nursing Care of Children |
Nurse 398F | 2 cr | Nursing Care of Children: Practicum |
Nurse 327 | 2 cr | Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing |
Nurse N398G | 2 cr | Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: Practicum |
Total: 12 cr |
Semester 6 or 7 (Junior Spring or Senior Fall):
Nurse 432 | 3 cr | Nursing Care of Adults: Acute |
Nurse 433 | 3 cr | Nursing Care of Adults: Chronic |
Nurse 498C | 3 cr | Nursing Care of Adults: Practicum |
Nurse 439 | 3 cr | Community Health Nursing |
Nurse 498T | 3 cr | Community Health Nursing: Practicum |
Total: 15 cr |
Semester 8 (Senior Spring):
Nurse 438 | 3 cr | Professional Role in Nursing (Integrative Experience - IE) |
Nurse 498 | 4 cr | Clinical Internship |
Nurse 441 | 1 cr | Decision Making Strategies for Professional Nursing Practice |
Nursing Elective | 2 cr | |
Nursing Elective | 2 cr | |
Gen Ed (if needed) | 0-4 cr | |
Total: 12-16 cr |
University General Education requirements:
- 12 credits are considered full-time; only University (not Nursing) electives and N441 may be taken pass/fail.
- College Writing (CW): 3 credits first 2 yrs (Eng 112); 3 credits junior year (N317)
- Analytical Reasoning: Basic (R1) (Math); Analytical Reasoning (R2): 3 credits. Statistics is required for Nursing students.
- Biological and Physical World: Biological Science (BS) – 4 cr; Physical Science (PS) – 4 cr
- Social World: Literature or Art (AL/AT) – 4 cr; Historical Studies (HS) – 4 cr; Social and Behavioral Sciences (SB) – 4 cr; Social World (AL, AT, SB, I, or SI) – 4 cr
- Two Diversity courses: One must be in freshman year (N212): one DU (United States) course, one DG (Global) course
- Integrative Experience, upper level/last 2 years (Nurse 438) – 3 cr
NOTE: All prerequisite and Nursing courses require a grade of "C" or higher.