Flagship Analytics is the university's analytics platform powered by Tableau. It is providing the university with interactive dashboards of key student data.

A core set of dashboards is available to all faculty and staff on:

All dashboards show aggregate data only, access to individual data or data files is not available at this time.


Additional dashboards on class size, student movement, course and student success, teaching, financial aid, faculty, staff and campus survey results are available after attending a training session. Training sessions are open to all faculty and staff who need access to more data. Sessions will be scheduled based on demand - they will be listed here. If there are no sessions listed or none of the dates/times work, please let us know so we can schedule accordingly. We are also happy to deliver training to any group upon request. Training is via Zoom, although we can accommodate in person training if needed.

Upcoming training sessions (please email for Zoom link):

  • January 31, 10am
  • February 28, 11am

We are always happy to help with the dashboards or using the data, please email us!

Logging In

1. You must be on campus or connected via VPN (instructions on set up are here).

2. Go to https://analytics.umass.edu and sign in with regular netid and password.

3. If prompted to select a site, choose Flagship Analytics.

Site Select

4. Click on an icon or item in a list to go to the desired dashboard. Hovering over the icon provides a description, screenshot and how-to-use document for most dashboards.

All users will have access to the following dashboards:

  • Headcount, Course Registration and Student Map;
  • Completions;
  • Faculty Hiring Benchmarks;
  • Sponsored Activity.

Trained users will have access to the following (similar dashboards with more filters as well as more dashboards):

  • Headcount, Headcount Trends, Secondary Majors, Course Registration, Course Details and Student Map;
  • Persistence, Retention/Graduation, Completions, Course Success, Course Success Detail and Course DFW;
  • Student Movement;
  • Financial Aid and Student Loans;
  • Graduate Admissions;
  • Teaching and Teaching Grants and Committees;
  • Budget Planning;
  • Faculty Demographics and Staff Demographics, Faculty Hiring Benchmarking;
  • Sponsored Activity;
  • Survey results.

Navigating Dashboards

  • Use the tabs to navigate to the various dashboards within each workbook.


  • More information about each dashboard is available by clicking on the i button. 
    Info Button
  • Navigation buttons on the upper left allow you to Undo the last action  
    Undo Button
    or Revert back to the original dashboard. 
    Revert Button
  • The View: Original button on the upper right allows you to save (and then share) a custom view. Once filters are set, save the view and you can share a link to that view.
    View Original
    View Custom


  • The Download button on the upper right allows you to download the dashboard to your computer (as a PDF or an image), or download the aggregate data seen on the dashboard (as a crosstab or summary data).
    Download Button