Transcript notation Explanation Count for Credit Count in Units Attempted Included in GPA
Approved 3rd attempt - two grade substitutions This course has been approved as a third attempt.  This attempt is counted for credit and is included in the GPA of the student. Yes Yes Yes
*Approved repeat - original grade C or better This course is a repeat of a prior course AND is repeated in a subsequent semester with Dean approval.  This attempt is not counted for credit, but is included in the GPA of the student. No Yes Yes
Approved repeat - third attempt This course has been approved as a third attempt.  This attempt is counted for credit and is included in the GPA of the student. Yes Yes Yes
Attempt later repeated - grade substituted This course is repeated in a future semester.  This attempt is not counted for credit and is not included in the GPA of the student. No Yes No
Attempt later repeated - no grade substitution This course is repeated in a future semester, however, that later course grade was not used in substitution.  This attempt is  counted for credit and is included in the GPA of the student. Yes Yes Yes
Attempt later repeated for No Credit This course is repeated in a future semester, however, that later course was not a legal repeat.  Therefore, this attempt is  counted for credit and is included in the GPA of the student. Yes Yes Yes
*Credits removed due to subsequent repeat This course is a repeat of a prior course AND is repeated in a subsequent semester without Dean approval.  This attempt is not counted for credit, but is included in the GPA of the student. No Yes Yes
*No Credit repeat - 3rd attempt w no grade substitute This course is a third attempt of a course.  Both the second and third attempts of this course were considered illegal repeats.  Therefore, this attempt (and the one immediately prior) is not counted for credit and is not included in the GPA of the student. No No No
No Credit Repeat of Earlier Course This course is an illegal repeat of a prior course.  This attempt is not counted for credit and is not included in the GPA of the student. No No No
No Credit Repeat via Non-UMass Amherst Enrollment This course is an illegal repeat of a prior course via registration elsewhere.  This attempt is not counted for credit and is not included in the GPA of the student. No No No
*Legacy Repeat  (in GPA, no credits) Course was repeated prior to 2003.  This attempt is counted in the GPA, but not counted for credit. No Yes Yes
*Legacy Repeat  (not in GPA, no credits) This course is repeated in a future semester.  This attempt is not counted for credit and is not included in the GPA of the student. No Yes No
Repeat of Prior Attempt This course is a repeat of a prior course.  This attempt is counted for credit and is included in the GPA of the student. Yes Yes Yes
Second of three approved attempts This course is a repeat of a prior course AND is repeated in a subsequent semester with Dean approval.  This attempt is not counted for credit and is not included in the GPA of the student. No Yes No
*No Credit repeat - 3rd attempt w no grade substitute This course is an unapproved third attempt of a course previously repeated, therefore the second course is not eligible for grade forgiveness. Yes Yes Yes

*These notations reflect old repeat rules that do not apply to current students.