Research Assistant: Law and Legality in LGBTQ+ Media
Research assistants will help Professors Collins, Rice, and Rhodes, and graduate student Adam Eichen, collect information about depictions of law and legality in LGBTQ+ media, such as The Advocate. This will involve reading articles in LGBTQ+ media and coding the articles based on things like the types of rights featured in the articles (e.g., same sex marriage, employment), court decisions discussed in the articles, and the legal and political actors depicted in the articles. The objective of this research is to understand what legal issues are prominent on the agenda of LGBTQ+ media and how the legal consciousness of the LGBTQ+ community changes over time. Students who perform well in their first semester on the project may have the opportunity for a paid research fellowship in subsequent semesters of work. 1, 2 or 3 credits.
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Application instructions:
Please send an email to graduate student Adam Eichen (@email) with a resume, description of relevant skills, expression of interest, and the name of a faculty member reference.