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The University of Massachusetts systemwide travel policy for UMass employees require pre-travel authorization, including requirements for travel to High-Risk Destinations and around traveling with university devices and accessing university data. All pre-travel authorization requests for international travel must be submitted at least three weeks prior to departure date. For more information, visit the UMass President’s Office Travel & Expense Program.  


Pre-travel Review and Approval Process for International Travel

Travel Registration Process with Multiple Steps

--> sent to supervisor for approval  

--> IF a high-risk destination, sent to Andrea Campbell Drake (Director of International Health, Safety, and Security) for review and approval by the High-Risk Review Committee 

--> once approved, goes to Export Control office for review and approval  

-->IF a high-risk cybersecurity destination,  goes to IT Cybersecurity team for review and approval  

--> once approved, travelers can make their travel arrangements and book flights, accommodations, etc. University travelers are encouraged to book travel through Concur. Please see Booking Travel.   

Travel Registration Systems  

All university-related international travel is required to be registered, per the university Travel Policy. Properly registering your travel abroad facilitates access to emergency international travel insurance and assistance in an emergency abroad.

Faculty & Staff

Concur  - The university’s new travel expense software. Faculty and staff should use Concur to submit pre-travel authorization requests, required for all international travel.


Healix - This resource allows for location-specific security alerts and information. Make sure you properly register to get access to these services. 

Graduate Students

Terra Dotta Travel Registry - Terra Dotta is currently being phased out and replaced by a combination of Concur and Healix Sentinel.

Undergraduate Students

Via Trm - The travel registration platform for undergraduate students. All undergraduates traveling abroad on university-related travel (study abroad, student group travel, etc.) must register on this site. Contact @email with questions.


For more information, review the Travel and Expense program
For questions about obtaining a visa for foreign travel, see this resource.