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  1. At the beginning of the third semester of study, the candidate shall prepare a Thesis outline and obtain approval of the outline from the Thesis Committee.  The Thesis Advisor will inform the Graduate Program Director when the thesis outline has been approved.  The thesis outline, signed by all the members of the thesis committee (see Sample Cover Sheet/Signature Page in the Graduate School Handbook), must be submitted to the Graduate Records Office at least four months prior to the Defense of Thesis Examination. A copy of the outline must be placed in the student’s file in the PB office.
  2. It is expected that the thesis will be of sufficient quality, originality, and substance as to warrant its publication in one or more peer-reviewed scientific journals.  A Master’s Thesis must be typed in a particular style and format (refer to the Graduate School website- or it may be in the form of published (or ready-to-publish) papers with an expanded literature review and section for literature citations.  In the latter case, pertinent data not included in the body of the thesis should be incorporated into one or more appendices.  The Thesis Committee will determine the exact format of the thesis.