Lawrence King
Ph.D. in Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles, 1997
M.A. in Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles, 1992
B.A. in Political Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1989 (with High Honors and Highest Distinction)
Fields of Interest
Comparative Political Economy, Political Economy of Health, Development, Comparative Historical Sociology, Post communist Transition, Methodology, Theory, Complex Organizations, Industrial Organization
Classes Taught
Undergraduate: Global Transformations and Contemporary Society, Complex Organizations: Theories of the Firm, Comparative Political Economy, Transition to Capitalism and Democracy in Eastern Europe, Postcommunist Society, Political Sociology, Power in Social Theory, Survey of Research Methods, Corruption and Development, Social Change and Historical Sociology, Introductory Sociology, Political Economy of Capitalism
Graduate: Comparative Political Economy, Economic Sociology, Transition to Capitalism and Democracy in Eastern Europe and Asia, Postcommunist Society, Corruption and Development
Professional Activities
Co-Editor of Cambridge Journal of Economics (2012-2017)
Associate Editor of Cambridge Journal of Economics (2017-)
Editorial board of EMECON (Employment and Economy in Central and Eastern Europe). (2012-)
Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge (October 2012 to October 2014).
Chair of Research/REF Committee (November 2014-).
Steering Committee, Public Health Network at Cambridge (2014-)
Regular reviewer for American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Sociological Theory and many other social science, public health and policy journals; the ESRC, NSF, ERC, Wellcome Trust and many other granting agencies.
External Examiner for London School of Economics, MSc courses. 2011/12.
Organized session on the “Transition in Eastern Europe” at the Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, March 1998, Philadelphia
Organizing Roundtables for Comparative Historical Section of the American Sociological Society Annual Meeting, August 1999
Organized section on Comparative-Historical Sociology Paper Session. The Comparative Political Economy of Health. American Sociological Association Meeting, August 2014.
Participant in “Next Crash Symposium” of the Left Economics Advisory Panel, Organized by MP John McDonnell. London. May 26, 2015.
Participant in Roundtable Meeting on Infection organized by the Centre for Science and Policy. Policy Leaders Group, Murray Edwards College, Cambridge. June 5, 2015.
Organized “Showcase 2016: Political Economy of Public Health” for the Cambridge Public Health Network, University of Cambridge. September 6, 2016.
Grants and Awards
Co-Investigator. “Cambridge Alliance to Protect Bangladesh from Long-term Environmental Hazards (CAPABLE).” 2017-2021. Medical Research Council (U.K.). £6,687,971.
Co-Investigator. “Research for Health in Conflict – Middle East and North Africa (R4HC-MENA).” 2017-2021. Economic and Social Research Council (U.K.). £6,849,286.
Co-Investigator. “What can be learnt from the new pharmaceutical industry payment disclosures?” 2017-2019. FORTE - Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare. 3,005,000 SEK ($326,531).
Principal Investigator: “IMF Lending and Socio-Economic Development: The evolution and consequences of structural adjustment, 1985-2014” 2015-2018. Cambridge Political Economy Society Trust/Centre for Business Research Grant Competition. £300,000.
Principal Investigator: “The Digital Whistleblower. Fiscal Transparency, Risk Assessment and Impact of Good Governance Policies Assessed” Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme, European Commission. 2015-2017. €3,026,360.
Principal Investigator: “The political economy of structural adjustment: IMF conditionality, 1986-2011”. 2013-2015. Institute for New Economic Thinking. $188,828
Principal Investigator: “The Impact of Privatization on the Mortality Crisis in Eastern Europe” 2011-2015. ERC Advanced Investigator Grant. European Research Council. €3,483,058.
Winner of American Sociological Association Economic Sociology Section's Granovettor Best Paper Prize 2014.
ESRC Impact Accelerator Award, 2016.
Junior Faculty Fellowship, Yale University, 2000-2001
Social Science Research Fund, Yale University, 2003
Leitner Program in International Political Economy Grant, 2000
Social Science Faculty Research Grant, Yale University, 1999
Social Science Faculty Research Grant, Yale University, 1998
Junior Visiting Fellow, Insitut fur die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna, January through June 1996
UCLA Mellon “Triple Transition” dissertation fellowship, October 1996 through June 1997
“When HTA is confidential and experts have no power: the case of Hungary.” (with Marcell Csanádi, Zoltan Kalo, Piotr Ozierański, Olga Löblová, Andras Harsanyi, Piotr, Ozieranksi, Olga Loblova, and Martin McKee). 2017. (forthcoming). Health Economics, Policy and Law.
“The Wounds of Post-Socialisma: A systematic review of the social determinants of mortality in Hungary” (with Gabor Scheiring and Darja Irdam). Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe. Forthcoming.
“Governing drug reimbursement policy in Poland: The role of the state, civil society, and the private sector.” (with Piotr Ozieranski). 2017. Theory and Society. Published online: 03 November 2017.
“Transparency in practice. Evidence from “verification analyses” issued by the Polish Agency for Health Technology Assessment in 2012-2015” (with Piotr Ozierański, Olga Löblová, Natalia Nicholls, Marcell Csanádi, Zoltan Kalo, Martin McKee). (forthcoming). 2017. Health Economics, Policy and Law.
“The association between income and life expectancy revisited: deindustrialisation, incarceration, and the widening health gap” (with Elias Nosrati, Michael Ash, Michael Marmot and Martin McKee). 2017. International Journal of Epidemiology (forthcoming).
"Globalisation and health: A multi-level cohort study on the gendered mortality effects of foreign investment and prolonged state ownership in Hungary" (with Gábor Scheiring, Dénes Stefler; Darja Irdam; Mihaly Fazekas; Aytalina Azarova; Irina Kolesnikova; János Köllő, Vladimir Popov; Ivan Szelenyi; Michael Marmot; Michael Murphy; Martin McKee; Martin Bobak) (forthcoming). 2017. Lancet Global Health.
“Effects of health and social care spending constraints on mortality in England: A time trend analysis” (with Johnathan Watkins, Wahyu Wulaningsih, Charlie Da Zhou, Dominic C. Marshall, Guia D.C Sylianteng, Phyllis G. Dela Rosa, Viveka A. Miguel, Rosalind Raine, Mahiben Maruthappu) 2017. BMJ Open. Nov 2017 (11) e017722; DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017722
- Covered in multiple media outlets including The Guardian, Daily Mail, and Yahoo! News.
“Perils of development funding? The tale of EU Funds and grand corruption in Central and Eastern Europe” (With Mihaly Fazekas). (Forthcoming). Regulation and Governance.
“Ethnicity and place: the geography of diabetes inequalities under a strong welfare state” 2017 (Forthcoming). European Journal of Public Health. (with Elias Nosrati, Anne Karen Jenum, Anh Thi Tran, and Michael Marmot).
The Health of People: How The Social Sciences Can Improve Population Health 2017. Sage: London. Prepared by Campaign for Social Science (with Susan Michie, Gwyn Bevan, Rona Campbell, Joanna Coast, Simon Christmas, Robbie Foy, Jon Glasby, Ann Hoskins, Marie Johnston, Mike Kelly, Theresa Marteau, Matt Sutton, Robert West, Tim Whitaker, Sally Wyke, Dagmar Zeuner).
“Smoking and mortality in Eastern Europe: results from the PrivMort retrospective cohort study of 177,376 individuals” 2017 (Forthcoming). Nicotine & Tobacco Research. (with Denes Stefler, Micheal Murphy, Darja Irdam, Pia Horvat, Martin Jarvis, Martin McKee, Martin Bobak).
“Impact of International Monetary Fund programs on Child Health.” 2017. (Forthcoming) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (with Adel Dauod, Elias Nosroti, Alexander Kentikelenis, Thomas Stubbs, Bernhard Reinsberg). .
“Rapid privatization and mortality during transition: a retrospective cohort study in Russia using matched mono-industrial towns” (with Aytalina Azarova; Darja Irdam; Alexi Gugushvili; Mihaly Fazekas; Gábor Scheiring; Pia Horvat; Denes Stefler; Irina Kolesnikova; Vladimir Popov; Ivan Szelenyi; David Stuckler; Michael Marmot; Michael Murphy; Martin McKee; Martin Bobak). Lancet Public Health 2017 l 2: e231-38.
“The IMF and Government Health Expenditure: A Response to Sanjeev Gupta” (with Thomas Stubbs, Alex Kentikelenis, David Stuckler and Martin McKee). 2017. Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 181: 202-204.
“The impact of IMF conditionality on government health expenditure: a cross- national analysis of 16 West African nations” (with Thomas Stubbs, Alex Kentikelenis, David Stuckler and Martin McKee). 2017. Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 174: 220-227.
“Factors influencing Prescription Drug Costs in the United States” (with Victor Roy and Luke Hawksbee) JAMA December 13, 2016. Volume 316, Number 22: 2431.
“Wales approves new hepatitis C drug while England deliberates” (with Piotr Ozieranski). December 1, 2016. BMJ 2016;355:i6499 doi: 10.1136/bmj.i6499.
“A focus on acquisitions and buybacks” (with Victor Roy). August 9, 2016. BMJ.
“Austerity threatens universal health coverage in Brazil” (with Katarzyna Doniec and Rafel Dall’Alba). 2016. The Lancet Volume 388, Issue 10047, 867 – 868.
“Betting on hepatitis C: how financial speculation in drug development influences access to medicines” (with Victor Roy). 2016. BMJ 354:1378 doi: 10.1136/bmj.i3718.
“Mortality in Transition: Study Protocol of the PrivMort Project, a multilevel convenience cohort study” (with Darja Irdam, Alexi Gugushvili, Aytalina Azarova, Mihaly Fazekas, Gabor Scheiring,Denes Stefler, Katarzyna Doniec, Pia Horvat, Irina Kolesnikova, Vladimir Popov, Ivan Szelenyi, Michael Marmot, Michael Murphy, Martin McKee, and Martin Bobak). 2016. BMC Public Health 16:672. DOI 10.1186/s12889-016-3249-9.
“IMF conditional and development policy space, 2985-2014.” (with Alexander Kentikelenis and Thomas Stubbs). 2016. Review of International Political Economy. Vol. 23, Iss. 4. Pp.1-46.
“An objective corruption risk index using public procurement data” (with Mihaly Fazekas and Istvan Janos Toth). 2016. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. Vol. 22 (3): 369-397.
“Catalyzing Aid? The IMF and Donor Behaviour in Aid Allocation” (with Thomas Stubbs and Alexander Kentikelenis) 2016. World Development. Vol. 78, (Feb), Pp.511-528.
“Mass Privatization” (with Darja Irdam and Gabor Scheiring) in Palgrave Dictionary of Emerging Markets and Transition Economics. Edited by Jens Holscher and Horst Tomann. Palgrave 2015. P.488-507.
"Islamist insurgency and the war against polio: A cross-national analysis of the political determinants of polio" (with Jonathan Kennedy and Martin McKee). 2015. Globalization and Health, 11:40. DOI 10.11186/s12992-015-0123-y. (9 pages).
“How do economic crises affect migrants’ risk of 10 infectious disease? A systematic- narrative review” (with Alexander Kentikelenis , Marina Karanikolos , Gemma Williams, Philipa Mladovsky, Anastasia Pharris , Jonathan E. Suk, Angelos Hatzakis, Martin McKee Teymur Noori, David Stuckler). 2015. European Journal of Public Health, Dec 28; 25 (6) 937-44.
“Structural Adjustment and Public Spending on Health: Evidence from IMF Programs in Low-Income Countries” (with Alexander Kentikelenis and Thomas Stubbs). Social Science and Medicine, Volume 126, February (2015): 169-176.
“The International Monetary Fund and the Ebola Outbreak” (with Alexander Kentikelenis, Martin McKee, and David Stuckler). Lancet Global Health, December 22, 2014.
- Coverage in Washing Post, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, The Independent, Telegraph, BMJ, Businessweek, US News & World Report, New York Times, Le Monde, El País, Daily Mail, and many other print and electric new outlets. TV coverage includes Aljazeera TV, and Russia Today TV. Discussed in detail in the UK Parliamentary debates on January 8, 2015.
To be reprinted in Journal of Sierra Leone Studies.
“Are EU Funds a Corruption Risk? The Impact of EU Funds on Grand Corruption in Central and Eastern Europe.” (with Mihaly Fazekas, Jana Gutierrez Chvalkovska, Jiri Skuhrovec, and Istvan Janos Toth) In Alina Mungiu-Pippidi (ed) The Anticorruption Frontline. The Anticorruption Report Vol. 2. Berlin: Barbara Budrich Publishers. 2014. Pp. 68-89.
“The political economy of farmers’ suicides in India: Indebted cash-crop farmers with marginal landholdings explain state-level variation in suicide rates” (with Jonathan Kennedy). Globalization and Health 2014, 10(16): 1-9.
- Widespread media coverage in India.
"Economic Growth, Financial Crisis, and Property Rights: Observer Bias in Perception-Based Measures" (with Thomas Stubbs and David Stuckler). International Review of Applied Economics 2014, 28(3): 401-418.
“Adivasis, Maoists and Insurgency in India” (with Jonathan Kennedy). European Journal of Sociology 2013, 54(1): 1-32.
“Prospects for the eurozone” (with Stephanie Blankenburg, Sue Konzelmann and Frank Wilkinson). Cambridge Journal of Economics 2013, 37(3): 463-477.
“The Mystery of Missing Female Children in the Caucasus: an analysis of sex ratios by birth-order” (with David Stuckler, Liang Guo, Marc Michael, Martin McKee and Erica Richardson). International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. 2013, 39 (2): 97-102.
“Is Wealthier Always Healthier in Poor Countries? The Health Effects of Income, Inequality, Poverty, and Literacy in India” (with Keertichandra Rajan and Jonathan Kennedy). Social Science and Medicine 88 (2013): 98-107.
- Coverage in The Guardian. Wide media coverage in India, including The Economic Times (the world’s 2nd most read English language business newspaper).
“Atak nie zawsze jest najlepszą obroną” [Attack is not always the best defense] (Piotr Ozierański, Martin McKee, Lawrence King). Menedżer Zdrowia [Healthcare Manager] 1(2013): 48-51.
“Hidden Depths. The Case of Hungary” (with Mihaly Fazekas and Istvan Toth) in Alina Mungui-Pippidi (ed) Controlling Corruption in Europe. Berlin: Budrich Publishing. 2013. Pp.74-85.
Co-editor of Prospects for the Eurozone (with Stephanie Blankenburg, Sue Konzelmann and Frank Wilkinson). Special Issue: Cambridge Journal of Economics. Vol. 37 (3) May 2013. Pp. 463-692 (11 articles).
“The Politics of Health Technology Assessment in Poland” (with Piotr Ozieranski and Martin McKee). Health Policy 108(2-3). December 2012: 178-193.
- Major media coverage in Poland.
“Debate: Response to Michael Gentile ‘Mass Privatisation, Unemployment and Mortality'“ (with David Stuckler and Martin McKee). Europe-Asia Studies 64(5), July 2012: 949–953.
“The disappearing health effects of rapid privatization: a case of statistical obscurantism?” (with David Stuckler and Martin McKee) Social Science & Medicine 2012, 75: 23-31.
Co-editor of Austerity: Making the same mistakes again – or is this time different? (with Michael Kitson, Sue Konzelmann, and Frank Wilkinson). Special Issue: Cambridge Journal of Economics. Vol. 36 (1) January 2012. Pp. 1-343 (17 articles).
“Mass Privatization, State Capacity and Economic Growth in Post-Communist Countries” (with Patrick Hamm and David Stuckler). American Sociological Review 2012, Vol. 77(2): 295-324
- Winner of American Sociological Association Economic Sociology Section's Granovettor Best Paper Prize 2014.
“Making the same mistake again – or is this time different?” Cambridge Journal of Economics (2012) 36(1) 1-15 (with Michael Kitson, Sue Konzelmann, and Frank Wilkinson).
“Pharmaceutical lobbying under postcommunism. Universal or country-specific methods of securing state drug reimbursement in Poland?” (with Piotr Ozieranski and Martin McKee). Health Economics, Politics and Law 7 (2), 2011: 175-195.
- Coverage in The Guardian, wide media coverage in Poland.
“Creating a social movement to raise priority of chronic disease prevention” (with David Stuckler, S. Basu, A. Feigl, S. Steele, M. McKee) Chapter 5 in Sick Societies: Responding to the Global Challenge of Chronic Disease. (David Stuckler) Oxford University Press. 2011. Pp.135-185.
“Understanding the Conviction of Binayak Sen: Neocolonialism, Political Violence and the Political Economy of Health in the Central Indian Tribal Belt” (with Jonathan Kennedy). Social Science & Medicine, 72 (2011): 1639-1642.
- Covered in The Hindustan Times (2nd largest paper in India).
“The Conviction of Binayak Sen” (with Jonathan Kennedy) The Lancet, Volume 377, Issue 9974. Pp. 1316-1317. 16 April 2011. Doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60583-2.
- Covered in The Hindu (3rd largest paper in India).
“The role of existing theories and the need for a theory of capitalism in Central Eastern Europe” emecon 1/20/2010,
“Is Wealthier Always Healthier? The impact of income, inequality, and poverty on public health in Latin America.” Social Science and Medicine (with Brian Biggs, Sanjay Basu and David Stuckler). Vol. 71, July 2010, Pp. 266-273.
- Covered in Reuters, Forbes, Voice of America and other media outlets.
“Reply to Earle and Gerry”. The Lancet. January 2010, v375(9712):372-4 (with David Stuckler and Martin McKee)
“Mass privatisation and mortality — Authors' reply” The Lancet, Volume 373, Issue 9671, Pp. 1247 - 1248, 11 April 2009. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60719-4 (with David Stuckler and Martin McKee)
“How to make a mortality crisis disappear: statistical manipulation.” The Lancet, Volume 373, Issue 9671. Web appendix. Pp.1-33. (with David Stuckler and Martin McKee)
“The New Economic Sociology of FDI -- still much to be done.” Socio-Economic Review. April 2009. Volume. 7 ( 2): 362-367.
Review of Venelin I. Ganev, Preying on the State, in American Journal of Sociology Jan. 2009: 1209-11.
“Rapid Large-Scale Privatization and Death Rates in Ex-Communist Countries: an analysis of stress-related and health system mechanisms.” (with David Stuckler and Patrick Hamm) 2009. International Journal of Health Services. Volume 39 (3): 461- 489.
“Mass privatisation and the post-communist mortality crisis: a cross-national analysis” (with David Stuckler and Martin McKee). 2009. The Lancet. Jan. 31, Vol. 373, No. 9661: 399-407.
- Covered in the New York Times, Financial Times, Economist, BBC radio, NPR and many other outlets globally. Comment by Sir Michael Marmot and Martin Bobak in The Lancet Jan.15, 2009. Comment posted by Joseph Stiglitz on NYT website. Debate with Jeffrey Sachs in Financial Times. Comment on media coverage of the findings in British Journal of Medicine.
“WHO’s budgetary allocations and burden of disease: a comparative analysis?” (with David Stuckler, Helen Robinson, and Martin McKee). The Lancet. 2008. 372: 1563- 69.
“Mass incarceration can explain population increases in tuberculosis and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in European and central Asian countries.” (with David Stuckler, Martin McKee, and Sanjay Basu). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. September 2008, 105(36): 13280-5.
“International Monetary Fund programs and tuberculosis outcomes in post-communist countries.” (with David Stuckler and Sanjay Basu). Public Library of Science Medicine 2008: 5: e143.doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0050143. [Pp.1-12].
- Covered in the New York Times, Reuters, Scientific American, Slate and many other news outlets; Abstracted in the British Medical Journal (2008; 337: a1012); Commented on by Megan Murray and Gary King in PLoS Medicine . (PLoS Medicine Vol. 5, No. 7, e162 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0050162). Views and downloads: 27,677 (as of June 9, 2015)
“Response to Murray and King” (with David Stuckler and Sanjay Basu) in PLoS Medicine . July 2008, 5(7): e143.
“Understanding Privatization’s Impacts on Health: Lessons from the Soviet Experience.” (With David Stuckler and Adam Coutts) Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health July 2008: 62(7):664.
“Can a Banking Crisis Break Your Heart?” Globalization and Health. (with David Stuckler and Chris Meissner). January 2008, 4(1): 1-12.
- Covered widely in the global media, including in the Financial Times (UK, pg. 3), MacLean’s (Canada), BBC Online, The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Scotsman, El Mundo, SciDev Magazine, El Comercio (Peru), Press Association, BBC Radio Live Channel 5, BBC World Service, CNBC primetime live interview (international)
“Mass Privatization and the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis” in The Transformation of State Socialism: System Change, Capitalism or Something Else (2007). (with David Stuckler) Edited by David Lane. Palgrave. Pp. 179-197. 2007.
- Reprinted in Russian in “Massovaya privatizatsiya i krizis smertnosti v postkommunisticheskikh stranakh.” Mir Rossii Sotsiologiia. (Russian Sociology). June 2007, 16(3): 112-136.
“Central European Capitalism in Comparative Perspective” in Beyond Varieties of Capitalism, edited by Robert Hanké, Mark Thatcher and Martin Rhodes. Oxford University Press. 2007. Pp. 307-327.
“Does Neoliberalism Work? Comparing Economic and Sociological Explanations of Postcommunist Performance.” 2007. Economic Sociology: the European Electronic Newsletter Volume 8, Number 2 (March):10-17.
“Understanding Russian Oil” Canadian Foreign Policy (with Jakow Treskow). 2006. Vol.13, No.2, pp.77-92.
Review of Elizabeth Osborn and Kazimierz M. Slomczynski’s Open for Business: The Persistent Entrepreneurial Class in Poland in American Journal of Sociology September 2006, vol. 112, no. 2.
“The State Led Transition to Liberal Capitalism: Neoliberal, Organizational, World Systems, and Social Structural Explanations of Poland’s Economic Success” (with Aleksandra Sznajder) American Journal of Sociology November. 2006. Vol. 12, No.3: 751-801.
“Max Weber’s theory of capitalism and varieties of post-communist capitalism.” Angewandte Sozialforschung (with Iván Szelényi) 2006, Issue 2. 24 (3-4): 175-185.
“Postcommunist Economic Systems” (with Iván Szelényi) in Neil Smelser and Richard Swedberg (eds) Handbook of Economic Sociology (second edition). Princeton University Press. 2005. Pp. 206-232.
- Translated into Chinese:. “Post-communist Economic System”, trans. Peng Lu, Social Science in China (Interior Version). No.4, 2010, pp.39-63 [伊 伊 ·伊伊 伊 、 伊 伊 伊 ·伊 ,2010, “伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 ”, 《伊 伊 伊伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 》伊 4伊 ,伊 39伊 63伊 .]
- Translated into Hungarian as “Poszt-kommunista gazdasági rendszerek”, pp. 399-441 in Gábor Scheiring and Zsolt Boda (eds.):Globalizáció és Fejlődés: Kritikai fejlődéstanulmányok szöveggyűjtemény ('Globalization and Development: Critical Development Studies Reader'). Budapest: Új Mandátum,
Theories of the New Class: Intellectuals and Power (with Iván Szelényi). University of Minnesota Press, 2004.
“Shock Privatization: The Effects of Rapid Large Scale Privatization on Enterprise Restructuring.” Politics and Society 2003 (March):3-34.
“The State, International Agencies, and Property Transformation in Post-Communist Hungary,” American Journal of Sociology (with Eric Hanley and Janós István Tóth.) 2002, 108: 1 (July): 168-206.
Review of Gerald McDermot, Embedded Politics, in American Journal of Sociology. 2003, Vol.108, No. 4 (January) Issue 4: 908-909.
“Postcommunist Divergence: A Comparative Analysis of the Transition to Capitalism in Poland and Russia,” Studies in Comparative International Development, 2002, Vol.37, No. 3: 3-34.
“Beyond Manichean Economics: Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in the Transition from Socialism.” Communist and Post-Communist Studies (with Balasz Varadi) 2002, Vol. 2, 3: 1-22.
“Making Markets: a comparative study of postcommunist managerial strategies in Central Europe” Theory and Society. 2001. Vol.30, no.4 (Aug): 494-538.
“Strategic Restructuring: Making Capitalism in Post-Communist Eastern Europe” in Managing Organizational Change in Transition Economies, edited by Daniel Dennison. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2001. Pp.125-148.
The Basic Features of Post-Communist Capitalism: Firms in Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Westport CT: Praeger Press. 2001.
“Foreign Direct Investment and Transition,” Archives Européennes De Sociologie/ European Journal of Sociology. 2000. XLI, 2: 189-224.
Review of Burawoy and Verdery, eds. Uncertain Transitions, in Contemporary Sociology. May 2000, Vol.29, Issue 3:334-6.
Review of Akos Rona-Tas' The Great Surprise of the Small Transformation, in Contemporary Sociology. March 1998, Vol. 27, No. 2: 188-189.
“Manichean Economics: Foreign Direct Investment and the Transition to Capitalism in Eastern Europe,” in Wisdom and the Transition: The Proceedings of the Institute for Human Sciences 1996 Junior Fellows Conference. eds. Lawrence P. King and Barry Gilbert. Vienna: Institute for Human Sciences. 1997. Pp.93-103.
“Introduction: Justice and the Transition,” and “Introduction to Part 1: Understanding Transitions,” in Wisdom and the Transition: The Proceedings of the Institute for Human Sciences 1996 Junior Fellows Conference. eds. Lawrence P. King and Barry Gilbert. Vienna: Institute for Human Sciences. 1997. Pp.7-13.
Wisdom and the Transition: The Proceedings of the Institute for Human Sciences 1996 Junior Fellows Conference. Editor with Barry Gilbert. Vienna: Institute for Human Sciences. 1997. Pp. 1-203.
“The Managerialization of the Hungarian and Czech Economies: Strategies of Transition to East European Capitalism,” in Lessons From Transformation, edited by Egon Matzner. Vienna: Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Arts. 1996. Pp. 77-104.
“The Socialist Economic System,” (with Iván Szelényi and Katherine Beckette) in The Handbook of Economic Sociology, Neil Smelser and Richard Swedberg eds. Princeton University Press and the Russell Sage Foundation. 1994. Pp.234-254.
- Translated into Chinese in: Szelényi, Iván. et al. Imagination of Neo-classical Sociology: Reflection of A Socialist Man, trans. by Peng Lu, Jianzhou Liu, Yingyao Wang, and Xiang Wen, Beijing: Chinese Academy Press, 2010. 伊 伊 ·伊 伊 伊 、伊 伊 伊 ·伊 ,2010, “伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 ”, 伊 : 伊 伊 ·伊 伊 伊 伊 , 2010,《伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 》,伊 伊 、伊 伊 伊 、伊 伊 伊 、伊 伊 伊 ,伊伊 :伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 伊 ,伊 31-62伊 。
Popular Press, Letters, Comments and correspondences
“More accountability needed in how drugs are priced and reimbursed.” The Conversation, May 23, 2016. (with Piotr Ozieranski)
“The IMF’s influence on health systems in the world’s poorest countries, explained.” The Washington Post (Monkey Cage blog), 6 January. (with Alexander Kentikelenis and Martin McKee)
“Rapid privatisation worsened unemployment and death rates” The Financial Times. January 22 2009. (with David Stuckler and Martin McKee)
“Russian Mortality” in The Economist, February 5, 2009. (with David Stuckler and Martin McKee)
“Reply to Jeffrey Sachs” in the Financial Times, January 27, 2009. (with David Stuckler and Martin McKee)
“Russian Competition” in Contexts, Vol.3, No.2, Spring 2004,p.4.
“Healing in Russia: Grim Prognosis” Letter to the Editor, New York Times, January 7, 2001. p.16.
Working Papers
“Are EU funds a corruption risk? The impact of EU funds on grand corruption in Central and Eastern Europe.” CRC-WP/2013:03, Corruption Research Centre, Budapest (with Fazekas, M., Chvalkovská, J., Skuhrovec, J., Tóth, I. J.).
“Anatomy of grand corruption: A composite corruption risk index based on objective data.” (with Fazekas, M, Chvalkovska J, Skuhrovec, J., Tóth, I. J.). Corruption Research Center Budapest Working Paper Series: CRCB-WP/2013:01.
‘Corruption manual for beginners: Inventory of elementary “corruption techniques” in public procurement using the case of Hungary.’ CRC-WP/2013:01,Corruption Research Centre, Budapest (with Mihaly Fazekas and Istvan Tóth).
“Post-Manichean Economics: Foreign Investment, State Capacity and Economic Development in Transition Economies.” Political Economy Research Institute Working Paper No. 227. (with Patrick Hamm).
“Property Rights Reform and Development: A critique of the cross-national regression literature” Political Economy Research Institute. Working Paper Number 216. 2010.
“The Social Construction of Successful Market Reforms” Political Economy Research Institute. Number 199. March 2009.
“The Governance Grenade: Mass Privatization, State Capacity and Economic Development in Postcommunist and Reforming Communist Societies” (with Patrick Hamm). Working Papers in Technology Governance and Economic Dynamics no.17. The Other Canon Foundation (Norway) and Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn. 2008.
“Social Costs of Mass Privatization.” (with David Stuckler) William Davidson Institute Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 890. University of Michigan. September 2007.
“Mass Privatization and the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis.” (with David Stuckler and Patrick Hamm) Political Economy Research Institute. Working Paper No. 118, 2006.
“Privatization & State Capacity in Postcommunist Society.” (with Patrick Hamm) William Davidson Institute. Working Paper No. 806, 2005.
“Explaining Postcommunist Economic Performance.” William Davidson Working Paper Number 559. The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School. 2003.
“The Developmental Consequences of Foreign Direct Investment in the Transition from Socialism to Capitalism: The Performance of Foreign Owned Firms in Hungary.” Working Paper Number 277. The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School. 1999.
“Strategic Restructuring: Making Capitalism in Eastern Europe,” Working Paper Number 190. The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School. 1998.
Invited Papers and Presentations
“The political economy of public health: privatization and mortality” Paper presented at Global Public Health Week, Queen Mary University of London on December 6, 2016.
"Economic Genocide: Privatization and Mortality in Postcommunist Society" Paper presented at Conference on The Political Economy of Public Health, University of Cambridge. September 6, 2016.
“Privatization and Mortality: New Evidence from a Convenience Cohort Study” paper presented at Seminar on Shadow Finance in the Global Crisis, Convento da Arrábida, Portugal, 29 June 2016.
“The sociology of economic genocide: mass privatization and the postcommunist mortality crisis.” Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Dec. 15, 2015.
“The Thousand Dollar Pill: financialization and research and development costs of Sovaldi.” Health Economics Seminar, University of Cambridge, November 24, 2015.
“Privatization and the Post-communist Mortality Crisis: New Evidence from a Multi- level Survey.” Plenary Session. Conference on Intellectuals, Inequalities and Transitions, University of Pecs, Hungary. October 15, 2015.
“Mass Privatization, State Capacity, and Economic Growth in the Post-Communist Countries.” Workshop on Law and Finance in Rising Powers, Cambridge. December 9, 2014.
“The political economy of a financialised world.” Presented at People’s Parliament: Crisis Ridden Capitalism: Understanding the economic crises and inherent instability of capitalism. House of Commons. November 26, 2014.
“Do IMF programs hurt poor countries? An analysis of a new data set on IMF conditionalities.” Department of Sociology, University of Oxford. November 24, 2014.
“The Political Economy of Crisis and Austerity” Plenary Session. Conference on Crisis and Social Change. University of Cambridge. September 26, 2014.
“The Political Economy of Public Health: Explaining the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis”. Bradford Hill Seminar, Cambridge Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine. March 7th 2014.
“Is Austerity Good for our Health?” Changing Health seminar series. Christ's College, University of Cambridge, January 23rd 2014.
“The Political Economy of Health.” Institute for East-European Studies, Free University Berlin, July 2nd 2013.
“Mass Privatization and the Mortality Crisis: the methodological debate.” Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (MZES) University of Mannheim, May 28th 2013.
“The Political Economy of Public Health.” Center for the Study of Social Organization, Princeton University, April 8th 2013
“Who Rules Poland: Drug Reimbursement under Postcommunism.” Economic Sociology Workshop, Department of Sociology, Princeton University, April 8th 2013.
“The Governance Grenade: How Mass Privatization Destroys State Capacity.” Public Lecture, Development Studies, London School of Economics, October 19th 2012.
“Welfare States in Contemporary Global Capitalism” at Centre for Research into Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), University of Cambridge, September 25th 2012.
“The impact of the economic changes and privatization on the mortality crisis in Eastern Europe” at National School of Public Health in Athens, Greece on December 15, 2011.
”Mass Privatization and the Post-Communist Mortality Crisis” at Department of Social Science, NYU Abu Dhabi, November 27, 2011.
“Economic Genocide: Mass Privatization and the Post-Communist Mortality Crisis” at Department of Development Studies, LSE. Oct.28, 2011.
“Economic Genocide in the Former Soviet Union” at the New Economic Forum. King’s College, Cambridge. October 14, 2011.
“Mass Privatization and the Post-Communist Mortality Crisis” at the Department of Sociology, New York University. New York, February 8, 2011.
“Mass Privatization and the Post-Communist Mortality Crisis” at a conference on Modernization Russia Round 3,” The Other Cannon Institute. Oslo, November 26, 2010.
“Mass Privatization and the Post-Communist Mortality Crisis” Public Lecture, The Other Cannon Institute, Oslo, November 27, 2010”.
“Mass Privatization and the Post-Communist Mortality Crisis” at a conference at Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge with Expert Magazine on designing an economic strategy for Russia. March 29, 2010.
Featured speaker at the Workshop on “What Capitalism? Socio-economic change in Central Eastern Europe.” FSU Jena, Fridrich Schiller University. October 29/30 2009.
“How do we know that Eastern Europe successfully transitioned to capitalism? The politics of social science ‘knowledge’” lecture delivered at Development Studies, LSE, October 23, 2009.
“IMF Conditionality, Rapid Privatization and the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis” Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge, October 20, 2009.
Keynote lecture of The 23rd Research Seminar of the Managing Economic Transition Network, “Mass Privatization and the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis” University of Brighton Business School. May 8, 2009.
“Mass Privatization and the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis” Center for European and Eurasian Studies, UCLA, April 2, 2009.
“Mass Privatization and the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis” Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge, February 24, 2009.
“Mass Privatization and the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis” School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, February 3, 2009.
“The IMF and TB in European Postcommunist Countries.” Cambridge Sociology Seminar, University of Cambridge, January 16, 2009.
“The Problem of the Political Power of Oligopolies: private planning in the pharmaceutical sector” at the Intellectual Property Rights seminar on Orphan Drugs, Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, November 18, 2008.
“Mass Privatization and the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis” November 4, 2008. International Institute for Society and Health, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London.
“The Economic, Political and Health Consequences of Different Ways of Making Private Property” October 10, 2008. Paper presented at the conference on the Comparative Analysis of Latin America and Eastern Europe, at the University of Tallinn.
“The Sociology of Economic Genocide: Mass Privatization and the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis.” January 21, 2008. Centro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales, Madrid.
“Mass Privatization and The Postcommunist Mortality Crisis” at the conference on The Transformation of State Socialism: System Change, Capitalism or Something Else? At the University of Cambridge August 21, 2007.
“The Sociology of Economic Genocide: Mass Privatization and the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis.” Development Studies Institute at the London School of Economics, December 6, 2007.
“Russian Capitalism in Comparative Perspective: the political economy of Russian oil” for The Program in Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies at UC Berkeley, April 28, 2006.
“Mass Privatization and The Postcommunist Mortality Crisis.” at the Maxwell European Center of Syracuse University. Washington, D.C. February 24, 2006.
“Privatization and Postcommunist Mortality Crisis” Columbia Sociology Department Colloquium. April 26, 2006.
“FDI in the Transition Economies” Conference on FDI, Duke University, April 7-8, 2006.
“The Sociology of Economic Genocide: Rapid Large Scale Privatization and the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis.” Workshop on Economic Sociology, Princeton University, April 3, 2006;
“The Political Economy of Russian Oil” conference on Canada and the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China), Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada on March 28-29, 2006.
“Mass Privatization and State Capacity” Paper presented the Workshop on Global Governance, Yale University. November 22nd 2005.
“Central Eastern Capitalism in Comparative Perspective” Paper prepared for Workshop on “Institutional Change in Contemporary European Capitalism,” London School of Economics, London. June 2/3 2005.
“Workers’ Identities after the Worker’s State.” Paper presented at the Workshop on Cultural Politics of Globalization and Community in East Central Europe. Budapest, Hungary, May 12-15, 2005.
“Central Eastern Capitalism in Comparative Perspective” Paper prepared for Workshop on “Institutional Chance in Contemporary European Capitalism” European University Institute, Florence. July2/3 2004.
“Posledstvija forsirovannoj privatizatsii” [Intensive Forced Privatization] Paper presented at The Leintief Center, St. Petersburg. June 14, 2003.
“The Economic Sociology of Postcommunist Transition” Paper presented at the Center for Independent Social Research. St. Petersburg. June 19, 2003.
“Does Neoliberalism Work” Paper presented to the Duke Sociology Department Colloquia. February 21, 2003.
“Postcommunist Divergence: The Transition to Capitalism in Poland and Russia.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. August 2002. Chicago.
“The New Capitalism of Eastern Europe: Towards a Comparative Political Economy of Postcommunist Capitalisms” Paper presented at the conference on the “Economic Sociology of Capitalism” Cornell University, September 28-29, 2001.
“Explaining Variation in Postcommunist Economic Performance: The Role of Rapid Large Scale Privatization.” Paper presented at the Department of Sociology, Cornell University. February 23, 2001. Ithaca, NY.
“Explaining Variation in Postcommunist Economic Performance: The Role of Rapid Large Scale Privatization.” Paper presented at the Center for Economic Policy Analysis. New School University. November 6, 2000. New York
“Manichean Economics: The Role of FDI in the Transition.” Presentation at the Watson Institute of International Affairs at Brown University. September 21, 1999.
“Strategic Restructuring: Making Capitalism in Eastern Europe.” Paper presented at the conference on Organizational Change in Transition Economies at The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School. September 26-28, 1997. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
“The Managerialization of the Hungarian and Czech Economies: Strategies of Transition to East European Capitalism.” Paper presented at the AGENDA conference: Lessons From Transformation, Vienna, April 12 15, 1996.
“Property Transformation in the Czech Republic and Hungary: Strategies of transition to East European Capitalism.” Paper presented at the Euroconference on Doing Social Research: Problems and Challenges. Nurnburg University, Germany, March 8, 1996.
Refereed Conference Papers
“Who Rules Postcommunism” Paper presented at the American Sociological Conference, August 17, 2014.
“The IMF and TB in European Postcommunist Countries.” August 1, 2008, at the American Sociological Association Annual Conference in Boston.
“Mass Privatization and the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis.” August 3, 2008, at the American Sociological Association Annual Conference in Boston.
“Property Rights and Infant Mortality in Poor Countries.” At the Capital and Poverty conference at the University of Manchester, July 4, 2007.
“Mass Privatization and the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis” at the British Association of Slavic and Eastern European Studies, April 1st, 2007. Cambridge.
“The Governance Grenade” at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. August 2006. Montreal.
“The State-Led Transition to Liberal Capitalism” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. August 2005. San Francisco.
“Does Neoliberalism Work” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. August 2004. San Francisco.
“Max Weber’s theory of capitalism and varieties of post-communist capitalism.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. August 2004.
“Recombinant Property or Dependent Development.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. August 2001. Anaheim California.
“The Developmental Consequences of Foreign Direct Investment.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. August 2000. Washington, D.C.
“Recombinant Property or Dependent Development.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, August 1999. Chicago.
“Explaining State Terror: A comparison of Uganda and Guatemala.” Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, August 1999. Chicago.
“The State and Economic Transformation in Post-Communist Capitalism.” Paper presented at the Eastern Sociological Convention, March 21, 1998. Philadelphia.
“Strategies of Transition to Eastern European Capitalism”. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. August 19, 1997. San Francisco.
“Modernization, World Systems, and Marxian Theories of Development: A Critical Comparison of Uganda and South Korea”. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 1995.
“The Rise of Fascism in Transitional Societies: the case of Idi Amin's Uganda.” Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Los Angeles, August, 1994.
Professional Memberships and affiliations
Davidson Institute Research Fellow at the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School
American Sociological Association
PhD Dissertations Supervised
- David Stuckler. 2009. Neoliberalism and the Postcommunist Mortality Crisis.
- First job: tenure track Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Dept. of Public Health and Population, Harvard. Current job: Professor of Political Economy and Sociology, University of Oxford.
- Liang Guo. 2011 Venture Capital in China.
- First job: Assistant Professor, Chair of Strategy and Innovation. Rouen Business School, France.
- Katrina Jurn. 2012. Finance Capital and Mangrove Destruction in Grand Cayman.
- First job: Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Cayman Islands.
- Piotr Ozieranski. 2012. Pharmaceutical lobbying in Postcommunist Poland.
- First job: Lecturer, Department of Social & Policy Sciences, University of Bath.
- Jonathan Kennedy. 2013. Maoist Insurgency in India.
- First job: Lecturer, University College London, Department of Development Studies.
- Keerti Rajon. 2013. Inequality in India.
- First job: Private sector.
- Marc Michael. 2013. Financial Inclusion and Microfinance in Egypt
- First job: Assistant Professor of Social Research, NYU Abu Dhabi
- Mihaly Fazekas. 2014. Grand Corruption in Hungary.
- First job: Research Associate, University of Cambridge.
- Andrew Gruen. 2014. Precariously Possible: Accountability Journalism in the Digital Age.
- First job: Director of Research, Media Management Center at the Medill School of Journalism.
- Sujuan Xie. 2015. Political Capital in China’s SME Sector.
- First job: Research Fellow Sun Yat-sen Business School, Sun Yat-sen University.
- Alexander Kentikelenis. 2016. The IMF and Social Protection.
- First job: Junior Research Fellowship, Trinity College, Oxford. Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam.
- Thomas Stubbs. 2016. The Determinants of Slums.
- First job: Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Waikato
- Neesha Harnam. 2017. “Until Debt do us part: The impact of banking, currency, and debt crises on health systems and health outcomes.”
- First job: The World Bank.
Iván Szelényi, Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Political Science, Yale University
Richard Swedberg, Professor of Sociology, Cornell University
Göran Therborn, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Cambridge
Kai Erikson, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Yale University
Robert Brenner, Professor of History, UCLA