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Spring 2024 Office Hours - by appointment only

Professional Bio

Stephanie Fetta holds a Ph.D. from University of California, Irvine. Her monograph Shaming into Brown: Somatic Transactions of Race in Latina/o Literature (The Ohio State University Press, 2018) uncovers a new analytical lens Dr. Fetta identifies as the soma, loosely defined as the gestural body. Portrayer of our momentary as well as deeper subjectivities, the soma is also a central actor in social relations and a primary communicator of our ideological investments. Professor Fetta argues the soma is a pivotal site for unraveling bodily social technologies we use to create and sustain social subjugation. Specifically, she argues our somas efficaciously shame one another into intersectionally racialized stratifications.

In a hemispheric study, Professor Fetta's current research considers possible forms of latinidad south, north, and within the US border. She studies Mexican indigenous poetry of the Oaxaca diaspora in Southern California in relation to and against articulations of US latinidad. North of the US border, Dr. Fetta considers connections and dissonances between Canadian creative expression and US Latin@/x literature. She argues the promise and the limitations of an emerging sense of continental latinidad.

Professor Fetta is the editor of The Chicana/Latina Literary Prize: An Anthology of Prize-Winning Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, and is considered the foremost authority on the work the influential Chicano poet Andrés Montoya, winner of the Before Columbus American Book Award. She will co-edit a 2020 special edition of the Notre Dame Review on Montoya's legacy. Dr. Fetta has published with Routledge Press, Chicana/Latina Studies journal, and Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World among others.

In the classroom, Dr. Fetta collaborates with students in generating knowledge, while in the broader campus community, she enjoys helping students reach their goals. She recently served a five-year Executive Committee member and Chair and is currently serving as Modern Language Association Assembly Delegate representing the Forum on Literatures in the United States in Languages Other than English.


Shaming into Brown: Somatic Analysis and Latina/o Literature. The Ohio State University Press. Monograph. October 2018.

"Dying Softly to His Song: Poetics of Love and Dissolution in Andrés Montoya's A Jury of Trees." Critical Introduction. Jury of Trees: Posthumous Poetry Collection of Andrés Montoya. Editor Daniel Chacón. Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Review Press, Arizona State University, 2017. 19-29. Invited introduction.

Co-editor of Notre Dame Review. Special Section on the Legacy of Andrés Montoya. Spring 2020.

"A Bad Attitude and A Bad Stomach: The Soma in Oscar ‘Zeta’ Acosta’s The Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo.” Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production in the Luso-Hispanic World 6:1 (2016): 88-109. Peer-reviewed article.

“Teaching the Work of Andrés Montoya” in Latino/a Literature in the Classroom: Twenty-First-Century Approaches to Teaching. Routledge Press, 2015. Pp. 287-90. Invited contributor. Book chapter.

“Disability, Domestic Workers and Disappearance in Octavio Solís’s Lydia.” Chicana/Latina Studies Journal. Spring Issue 4:2 (2015): 26-57. Peer-reviewed article. Nominated for Best Essay of 2015 by Latino Studies Forum, Latin American Studies Association.

Review of Transnational Borderlands in Women’s Global Networks: The Making of Cultural Resistance. Editors Clara Román-Odio and Marta Sierra. Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures 66: 4
(2012): 224-225. Invited review.

“How Does an Other Write anOther? The Filipino in Alfredo Véa’s The Silver Cloud Café" in One World Periphery Reads the Other: Knowing the Oriental in the Americas and the Iberian Peninsula. Editor Ignacio López-Calvo. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. 282-296. Book chapter.

The Chicano/Latino Literary Prize: An Anthology of Prize-Winning Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Houston: Arte Público Press, 2008. Invited editor and author of introduction. Book.


SPANISH  324 - Introduction to Latino/a Literature
SPANISH  697LX Special Topics- Latin@/x Studies