Thompson 932


Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2003

Research Areas

Social networks, organizations, economic sociology, social demography, sexuality

Selected Publications

Paik, Anthony, Mark Pachucki, and Hsin Fei Tu. 2023. “‘Defriending’ in a Polarized Age: Political and Racial Homophily and Tie Dissolution.”  Social Networks 74: 31-41.

Kim, Yeongsu, Anthony Paik, and Eugene See. 2022. “Employee Mobility Networks and Status in Big Law.” Journal of General Management

Leal, Diego, Anthony Paik, and Steven Boutcher.  2019 “Status and Collaboration: The Case of Pro Bono Network Inequalities in Corporate Law.”  Social Science Research 84: 102325.

Whitworth, Tanya, and Anthony Paik.  2019.  “Sex and Education: Does the Onset of Sex during Adolescence Lead to Bad Grades?”  Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 51: 81-89.

Shah, Lisa L., Anne L. Ersig, and Anthony Paik.  2019.  “Social Network Factors and Anxiety among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes and their Parents.” Journal of Family Nursing: 25:395-418.

Sanchagrin, Kenneth, Karen Heimer, and Anthony Paik.  2017. “Adolescent Delinquency, Drinking, and Smoking: Does the Gender of Friends Matter?” Youth & Society 49: 805-826.

Paik, Anthony, Kenneth Sanchagrin, and Karen Heimer.  2016.  “Broken Promises: Abstinence Pledging and Sexual and Reproductive Health.” Journal of Marriage and Family 78: 546-561.

Steuber, Keli R., and Anthony Paik. 2014. “Of Money and Love: Joint Banking, Relationship Quality, and Cohabitation.” Journal of Family Issues 35:1154–1176.

Paik, Anthony, and Kenneth Sanchagrin. 2013. “Social Isolation in America: An Artifact.” American Sociological Review 78:339–360.

Paik, Anthony, and Vernon Woodley. 2012. “Symbols and Investments as Signals: Courtship Behaviors in Adolescent Sexual Relationships.” Rationality and Society 24:3–36.

Paik, Anthony, John P. Heinz, and Ann Southworth. 2011. “Political Lawyers: The Structure of a National Network.” Law and Social Inquiry 36:892–918.

Paik, Anthony. 2011. “Adolescent Sexuality and the Risk of Marital Dissolution.” Journal of Marriage and Family 73:472–485.

Paik, Anthony, and Layana Navarre-Jackson. 2011. “Social Networks, Recruitment, and Volunteering: Are Social Capital Effects Conditional on Recruitment?” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 40:476–496.

Gatzeva, Mariana, and Anthony Paik. 2011. “Emotional and Physical Satisfaction in Noncohabiting, Cohabiting, and Marital Relationships: The Importance of Jealous Conflict.” Journal of Sex Research 48:29–42.

Paik, Anthony. 2010. “‘Hookups,’ Dating, and Relationship Quality: Does the Type of Sexual Involvement Matter?” Social Science Research 39:739–753.

Paik, Anthony. 2010. “The Contexts of Sexual Involvement and Concurrent Sexual Partnerships.” Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 42:33–42.

Paik, Anthony, Ann Southworth, and John P. Heinz.  2007.  “Lawyers of the Right: Networks and Organization.” Law and Social Inquiry 32: 883-917.

Current Grants

Swethaa Ballakrishnen (PI), Paik, Anthony (PI), Steve Boutcher (PI), and Carole Silver (PI).  2018-2021.  Diversity and Networking in Law School: Are Law Students from Diverse Backgrounds Disadvantaged?  National Science Foundation ($511,230).