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Please Note:

These courses are recommended to fulfill the STPEC requirements. Not all courses listed here will be offered every semester. We suggest that you look for courses you are interested in and search in Spire using the Professor’s last name. If the Professor is not offering that specific course this semester, they might be offering a similar one that fits that same category. New courses might not appear in the list. If the new course is 300 and above, for example, AFROAM 391, or WGSS391H, you can consult with Monica García, our Director of Undergraduate Advising, to find out if it would be appropriate to fulfil an Upper-Level Course category. UMass courses below 300 or Five College courses below 200 do not qualify for Upper-Level Course status.

If a course is listed under more than one category you may choose which category you wish the course to fulfill.  No course may be used to satisfy more than one STPEC requirement. You may take additional STPEC Focus Seminars to fulfill upper level requirements.

If SPIRE will not let you register for a course on the STPEC course list because it is restricted to majors in a particular department or because it requires prerequisites, contact the instructor to ask if they are willing to override SPIRE to allow you to enroll.

For Five College Courses, search the Five College Website using the Professor’s last name. Follow the Cross Registration Guidelines to register for a course on the STPEC course list. You may have to  contact the instructor to ask if they are willing to allow you to enroll if the course is restricted to majors in a particular department or because it requires prerequisites.

UMass Recommended Course List Spring 25     Five College Recommended Course List