Values, Vision, Mission, and Goals for Undergraduates
Approved by the Faculty Assembly May 21, 2008; reviewed June 2018.
The Elaine Marieb College of Nursing is a force for innovation, learning and discovery in preparing culturally proficient nurses for leadership in health for a global society.
To provide an affordable and accessible education to enhance health and healing through nursing leadership in teaching, scholarship, practice and service.
We, the faculty of the Elaine Marieb College of Nursing, are committed to:
Caring and compassion as the heart of evidence-based nursing practice
- Collaboration with clients, nursing, and interdisciplinary peers to enhance health and healing.
- Attending to the needs and input of vulnerable and underserved populations.
- Reducing health disparities and promoting health in a global society.
- Enhancing the social conscience and professional development of all.
- Environments are systems that interact with nursing practice, culture, and public policy.
- Developing student identity as agents for innovation in the world.
- The reciprocal relationships among teaching, scholarship, and engagement.
- Encouraging integrity and a high moral character in all members of the Elaine Marieb College of Nursing.
- Becoming reflective practitioners to increase the authenticity of our work (Boyer, 1990).
- Innovation
- Creative ways of acquiring, managing, and sharing knowledge.
- Striving to design and provide culturally sensitive nursing care in a global society.
- Promoting diversity in our college and in the profession.
- Arts, humanities, and sciences as a foundation for nursing education.
- Learning as a dynamic, collaborative process that promotes mutual growth of students and teachers.
We, the faculty of the Elaine Marieb College of Nursing, are committed to the following goals:
Engagement goals
Establish innovative scholarly engagement models that define and respond to the health of the public.
- Search for answers to the most pressing social, civic, economic, and moral problems facing our profession and world today (Boyer, 1990).
- Facilitate an organizational culture of diversity that promotes collaborative partnerships, relationships, and affiliations within a global community.
- Promote faculty practice, which reflects faculty expertise and needs of our communities of interest.
- Promote faculty development and systematic understanding through a variety of mechanisms.
- Contribute to systematic and structural improvement of the University systems.
- Promote service to the underserved and vulnerable populations in our region.
We prepare professional nurses by creating an innovative environment for inquiry, discovery, and learning with diverse populations.
- Ensure a flexible learner-centered environment that utilizes information technology to its highest potential to ensure collaboration and inclusiveness.
- Foster the advancement of students through graduate education.
- Ensure a comprehensive, cohesive curriculum which prepares students for leadership in a
changing and diverse sociopolitical world.
Scholarship goals
Enhance the art and science of nursing by creating, translating, and disseminating knowledge. Our
goals are to:
- Facilitate the scholarship of discovery, integration, application, and teaching.
- Foster a creative environment that supports scholarship activities.
- Enhance mechanisms for interdisciplinary scholarship.