Attendance Policy
UMass Amherst Attendance Policy
For any absences, students must still meet all course requirements and learning objectives. View the university policy.
Elaine Marieb College of Nursing Attendance Policy
Excused Absences and Attendance
Attendance in class, clinical, simulation, and lab is mandatory for all students. See attendance policy in Academic Regulations for further information about excused absences.
Students who anticipate military and religious absences should notify the faculty at the beginning of the term so accommodation can be made to complete the learning objectives in a timely way.
Students with communicable illnesses should not attend regularly scheduled clinical sessions.
Students are required to communicate an unexpected absence no later than two hours before class or clinical in the method requested by the course or clinical faculty.
Clinical Attendance and Make-Up Policy
The University of Massachusetts (UMass), Amherst College of Nursing (CON) is committed to preparing student nurses who are caring, collaborative and innovative leaders. This policy informs faculty and students of the steps to follow in the event of an absence from clinical.
(Approved by Faculty Assembly September 2023)
The clinical experience (on campus lab and off campus clinical sites) is critical to prepare students for professional responsibilities. Missed clinical experiences represent a missed opportunity to meet the clinical objectives. All clinical objectives must be met for successful completion of the nursing program. The completion of all clinical hours is essential to meeting clinical objectives. Failure to complete these hours will require clinical makeup days to meet the course objectives. Clinical makeup days are determined by the clinical instructor and the course coordinator.
- Faculty, in conjunction with the course coordinator, will inform students at the start of the semester the process for reporting an absence.
- All clinical and lab hours are required as assigned. Any absence from clinical or lab must be reported by the student to the faculty member and the clinical site, as appropriate, 2 hours prior to the start of the clinical or lab experience.
- Tardiness that exceeds 2 hours will be considered a clinical absence.
- The clinical and lab faculty will notify the course coordinator of all absences and makeup assignments within 48 hours.
- If the student’s absence exceeds one clinical day, the clinical instructor and course coordinator will meet to determine the student’s standing in the course.
- Clinical or lab makeup days are assigned by the clinical instructor and course coordinator to ensure that the course objectives are met. Due dates for the makeup days are determined by the clinical instructor and course coordinator. Clinical and lab makeup hours must be completed prior to the last day of class.
- Acceptable clinical make up hours consists of ONLY the following activities:
- Clinical make up day at assigned clinical site.
- High fidelity simulation
- Unsafe practice issues: If the student is sent home from clinical for unsafe practice refer to the unsafe practice policy.
- PLEASE NOTE: Students with more than 2 clinical absences will be unable to meet course objectives and will need to repeat the course.
Unexcused Absences and Attendance
Attendance is critical to successful progression. Students who have an unexcused absence in clinical courses will receive deductions on their Clinical Evaluation Tool and/or documentation as a violation and will receive a reduction in the final course grade.
FA 3/8/19; 9/21/22; 5/17/23.