Graduate Student Handbook

Graduate Student Handbook

Academic rules, procedures, and deadlines to guide you from your first registration through the final stages of the degree process.

  1. Enrollment
  2. Registration
  3. Education Records
  4. Degree Requirements



In this section, you'll find information on enrollment for graduate students. This includes policies and definitions of types of enrollment and types of absences, including religious exemptions. It also includes sections on course numbering, billing, and policies and procedures for add/drop and withdrawals. 



University of Massachusetts Amherst Course Numbering System:

  • 100 - 199 Introductory lower division, undergraduate (first year)
  • 200 - 299 Other lower division, undergraduate (sophomore)
  • 300 - 399 Upper division, undergraduate (junior/senior)
  • 400 - 499 Upper division, undergraduate (junior/senior);
    graduate credit may be awarded only to candidates outside the department's own graduate program, when taught by a member of the Graduate Faculty.
  • 500 - 599 Combined graduate/undergraduate
  • 600 - 699 Master's or first-year graduate
  • 700 - 899 Doctoral or advanced graduate


Graduate students are eligible to enroll for any regularly scheduled university course, graduate or undergraduate, provided they meet all course prerequisites and space is available. Permission of the course instructor may be necessary. Courses that will be offered, with meeting times, places, and names of the instructors, are listed each semester on SPIRE. For course descriptions, refer to the current Graduate School Bulletin and/or department/school literature.

Five College Interchange:

Graduate students enrolled in degree programs are eligible to register for most courses offered at Amherst, Smith, Mount Holyoke, and Hampshire colleges through the Five College Consortium. Each student must enroll for at least one three-credit University of Massachusetts Amherst course to be eligible to take courses at the cooperating colleges. Note: Most courses offered by the area colleges are undergraduate level and, therefore, are not necessarily applicable toward graduate degree credit at the university. You may register for Five College courses using SPIRE. Each semester there are two registration periods for Five College classes. You can find these dates listed on the Five College Online Academic Calendar. To search for courses, visit the Five College Course Catalog.

Online Courses:

Review the course and program offerings on the University Without Walls website.

Off-Campus Students:

Students enrolled in an approved off-campus program will receive course and registration information through their program's off-campus office. An "off-campus" student is generally not permitted to register for on-campus courses without being formally admitted to the on-campus degree program; for further information, contact your off-campus program office or the Graduate Student Service Center at gradrec [at] grad [dot] umass [dot] edu (gradrec[at]grad[dot]umass[dot]edu).

Maximum Course/Credit Load:

A graduate student in a full-time degree program may routinely register for up to sixteen (16) credits each fall and spring semester, nine (9) credits during the summer session, and eight (8) credits during the six week winter session. Any student who wishes to register for an additional course in the fall and spring semesters (maximum of 18 credits) must secure the endorsement of their Graduate Program Director.  Graduate students in part-time degree programs may routinely register for up to nine (9) credits each fall, spring, and summer semester, and four (4) credits during the winter session.

Audited Courses:

A graduate student may audit any class; however, such a course does not count towards enrollment status and cannot be used to complete any degree or certificate requirement.  Students are assessed full tuition and fees for audited courses, and these courses do not count when calculating status for loan deferment purposes.

A student may register as an auditor through SPIRE. A grade of Audit (AUD) is recorded for students who register for and successfully complete the course requirements for auditing students. The instructor determines what constitutes successful completion. The deadline for registering as an auditor is the tenth class day of the semester. A student may convert an otherwise passing course to an audit up to the last day of classes. The instructor must be willing to make this change and must signify that the student was passing the class at the time of the change. A student may not switch from audit to credit after the end of the add/drop period. 

Course Changes:

A graduate student may make course changes (both add and drop) during the first ten class days of the semester without penalty or any indication on the transcript. Such changes are made using SPIRE. Courses may be dropped following that deadline; however, the grade of Drop (DR) will be recorded from the third to the eighth week of the semester. A grade of Withdraw Passing (WP) or Withdraw Failing (WF) will be recorded after the eighth week of the semester. Course changes from the third week until the end of the semester require the instructor's approval and the date last attended for any course withdrawal.


Any student writing a master's thesis or doctoral dissertation must register for thesis (699) or dissertation (899) credits prior to filing for the degree. Most graduate programs require a minimum of six (6) thesis and ten (10) dissertation credits. The maximum number of thesis/dissertation credits for which a student can register per semester is ten (10) credits of master's thesis (699) or nine (9) credits of doctoral dissertation (899).  These credits will be graded IP (In Progress) until the thesis or dissertation has been accepted by the Graduate School at which time these credits will be converted to SAT (Satisfactory).

Independent Study/Special Problems:

Independent work may receive credit as Independent Study or Special Problems courses provided that the work is performed under the guidance of a graduate faculty member and the course is properly recorded as part of the student's registration. Grading of such courses follows the standard Graduate School Grading Policies. Students may register for whatever number of independent study courses their advisor recommends; however, a maximum of six (6) credits (12 credits for M.F.A. students) may be used to fulfill master's degree requirements if the student writes a thesis (see also Master's Degree Requirements).

Retaking Courses:

Unless otherwise noted a course may be taken more than once but may be offered only once toward degree requirements.  All enrollments and all grades will appear on the transcript and will count in the grade point average.



University Tuition and Fees:

Graduate students pay tuition on the basis of credits of enrollment. Audited courses are charged at the same rate as courses taken for credit. The per-credit tuition rate for courses offered through the University session is determined by dividing the maximum resident or non-resident tuition (set by the Board of Trustees) by 12. Graduate students who register for 12 or more credits pay the maximum tuition; those registering for less than 12 credits pay at the per credit rate.

For a schedule of current University tuition and fees refer to the Office of the Bursar website.

UWW Fees:

Class fees for UWW session classes are charged per credit.  Costs per credit vary based on course and program.  Exact cost per credit and course fees can be found in the Restrictions/Notes section on the class in SPIRE.

See the University Without Walls, website for UWW course costs and class information.

Mailing and Due Dates:

Notification of graduate student tuition/fee bills is generally sent by email several days after the add/drop deadline. The due date for payment is normally the end of the fifth week of the semester. Student charges can be viewed on SPIRE. You are responsible for paying the bill by the deadline indicated even if you do not receive a bill; therefore, you should check SPIRE regularly and pay your bill by the due date indicated.

Residency For Tuition Classification Purposes:

University tuition is assessed based upon the student's residency classification. Residency classification is determined at the time of application, based upon information provided in the admission application.  All applicants applying as a Massachusetts resident or for the New England Regional Student Program must complete and sign a Residency Statement for that application to be fully processed. The Certification of Residency form is automated into the signature process for the application.

A person shall be classified as a Massachusetts resident only if they have resided in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for purposes other than attending an educational institution for twelve months immediately preceding the student’s entry or reentry as a student.

Note: Residency classification usually only matters when enrolling in courses offered through the University session. Students enrolled in courses offered through University Without Walls usually pay the same rate regardless of residency status.

Reclassification of Residency:

Residency for tuition classification purposes is not acquired by mere physical presence in Massachusetts while a person is carrying on a course of study at the University or other school. Residence in Massachusetts must be established for a minimum of twelve consecutive months prior to entering or re-entering as a matriculating student. The Tuition Classification Rules & Regulations should be read in full before submitting a Residency Reclassification Request.

Contact the gradrec [at] grad [dot] umass [dot] edu (Graduate Student Service Center) if you have questions about your residency classification.

Enrollment Status

Enrollment Status
  • The Graduate School defines full-time graduate student status as enrollment for nine (9) or more credits; part-time graduate student status is defined as eight (8) or fewer credits; and for financial aid and loan deferment purposes, half-time is defined as six (6) credits in a semester.
  • UMass graduate degree candidates working full-time on research for a required thesis or dissertation may be considered full-time graduate students regardless of the number of credits for which they register provided their Graduate Program Director or Department Head/Chair certifies that they are working full-time on research.
  • UMass master's and doctoral candidates legally employed for at least 40 hours a week at a University-approved co-operative education experience (Co-op) may be considered full time students regardless of the number of credits in which they are enrolled, provided the major department certifies the work experience is directly related and integral to the curriculum of the student's academic program.
  • Audited courses do not count toward enrollment status.
  • Working on incomplete courses from prior semesters cannot count toward enrollment status.
  • Immigration law requires that foreign students be enrolled at full-time status.
  • To satisfy the residency requirement for a doctoral degree, doctoral students must spend the equivalent of at least one continuous academic year of full-time graduate work (nine credits per semester) in residence at the university. A semester in which a department certifies a student as working full-time on research, without the student registering for credits, does not count towards the residency requirement.

Continuous Enrollment

Continuous Enrollment

UMass degree-seeking graduate students are required to maintain continuous enrollment by registering every fall and spring semester until their degree is awarded.  Failure to be properly enrolled for the fall and spring semesters will result in a student's withdrawal after the last day to add or drop classes.  When a student is withdrawn for failure to enroll they must seek readmission.  Readmission under this condition is subject to graduate program approval and may require submission of a new application.

If you are not registering for any courses or credits in a fall or spring semester and you are not filing for your degree, you must enroll in the Continuous Enrollment course, also known as Program Fee.  You can enroll in the Continuous Enrollment course in SPIRE prior to the end of add/drop each fall and spring semester.  The Class Number for Continuous Enrollment is found in the Schedule of Classes under GRADSCH 999.

  • An incomplete course from a previous semester does not maintain your enrollment.
  • First semester students and non-degree students are not eligible for Continuous Enrollment. 
  • The cost for Continuous Enrollment/Program Fee is $295.00 which will be billed by the Bursar's Office.
  • Students on Continuous Enrollment are also assessed half of the Graduate Student Senate Tax.

Statute of Limitations / Expected Graduation Term

Statute of Limitations / Expected Graduation Term

Expected Graduation Term

The Expected Graduation Term is the last term during which a student is allowed to register before their Statute of Limitations expires. Students who submit a Degree Eligibility Form will see their Expected Graduation Term adjusted to the actual expected graduation term. For example: Expected Grad Term of Summer 2022 means that you are eligible to register through the Summer 2022 semester, and that your Statute of Limitations expires at the end of summer 2019 (August 31, 2022).

Statute of Limitations

Graduate degree programs set the expectations regarding the time it should take a student to complete the milestones for their degree.  These constitute the normative measures of progress for that specific program.   Degree programs should be monitoring progress and providing feedback annually.  Students who do not meet the norms of their program should be notified and may be at risk of dismissal.

Degree programs may allow a student to continue when facing unavoidable delays.  However, the Statute of Limitations (SOL) refers to the maximum period of time a student can take to achieve their master’s degree, doctoral candidacy, and defense.  The SOL limits can be found here in Graduate Student Handbook. 

If a student exceeds the SOL maximum, continuance in the program requires a request from the Graduate Program Director and approval by the Dean of the Graduate School.  All SOL extension requests must explain the reasons for the delay, describe the milestones or work to be accomplished, and provide a schedule of mentor meetings.  Renewals of the SOL extension must show satisfactory and reasonable progress is being made.  See the steps for submitting a request here

Master's degrees for students admitted starting Summer 2015

  • SOL's are set to four (4) years with the exceptions noted below;
  • for an M.F.A. degree, the SOL is five (5) years;
  • for all part-time off-campus programs, the SOL is five (5) years;
  • for dual master's degrees, the SOL is five (5) years unless otherwise noted in the program description.

Master's degrees for students admitted prior to Summer 2015

  • SOL's are set to three (3) years with the exceptions noted below;
  • for an M.F.A. degree, the SOL is four (4) years;
  • for part-time off-campus programs in engineering, labor studies, management, music education, nursing, nutrition, and public health practice, the SOL is four (4) years;
  • for dual master's degrees, the SOL is four (4) years unless otherwise noted in the program description.

Doctoral degrees for students admitted starting in Summer 2009

  • for new doctoral students starting in Summer 2009, the SOL is set at six (6) years prior to achieving candidacy and five (5) years once candidacy is achieved.

Doctoral degrees for students admitted starting Summer 2004 and prior to Summer 2009

  • prior to achieving candidacy, the SOL was set as indicated below;
  • after achieving candidacy, the SOL is re-set to five (5) years.

Doctoral degrees for students admitted prior to Summer 2004

  • for doctoral students without an earned master's degree in their major field, the SOL was set at six (6) years;
  • for doctoral students with a related master's degree, the SOL was set to four (4) years.

Candidacy for Doctoral Students

Candidacy is recommended for doctoral students by the academic department upon satisfactory completion of coursework and passing the qualifying examination.

Leave of Absence

Leave of Absence

Personal Leave of Absence:

A personal leave of absence is requested when the student, because of unexpected circumstances, is not able to actively pursue their graduate program of study.  A student must formally request a leave of absence by petitioning their Graduate Program Director who, in turn, provides justification for the request to the Graduate Dean. If a leave of absence is granted, the student's statute of limitations is extended by the length of the leave of absence. Graduate students on a leave of absence must maintain continuous enrollment by registering for the Continuous Enrollment course and paying the program fee every semester during their leave. A student on a leave of absence is not considered to be actively pursuing their graduate program of study; therefore, they are not eligible to receive a loan deferment for the duration of that leave of absence.

Medical Leave of Absence/Withdrawal:

A student may request a medical leave of absence for reasons related to a medical concern which, in the opinion of the student’s treating physician or mental health professional, significantly impacts their ability to fulfill academic obligations in their role as a student. Each request will be reviewed by the University Health Services (UHS) Medical Director and a determination of the request will be made based on an individualized assessment of the student and appropriate medical evidence. UHS relays to the Graduate School the start and end date of the leave.  During the period of a medical leave of absence, the student must maintain their status by registering for Continuous Enrollment.  The full policy is available in the Graduate School Bulletin and from the Office of the Graduate Dean or the Graduate Student Service Center.

Course Drop / Withdrawal

Course Drop / Withdrawal
  1. To add, drop, or change a course, students must use the online student information system, SPIRE.
  2. Up to and including 10 academic days from the beginning of a semester, degree-seeking graduate students may add, drop or change courses without penalty; that is, no entry will be made on the student’s permanent record. No courses may be added after this date.
  3. Courses dropped after period (2), but within eight calendar weeks from the beginning of a semester will be recorded with a grade of DR (Drop) on the student's transcript.
  4. During periods (2) and (3) a student may withdraw from the university without academic penalty. Grades of DR will be noted on the record. After eight weeks, grades of WF (Withdraw Failing) or WP (Withdraw Passing) will be entered unless special permission is obtained from the Dean of the Graduate School. No student may withdraw from courses after final examinations begin.

Withdrawal / Dismissal

Withdrawal / Dismissal

Voluntary Withdrawal

Graduate students voluntarily withdrawing from the university must send a letter to the Graduate Dean, via their Graduate Program Director, indicating the reasons for the request. The student's Graduate Program Director must endorse the request and attest to the student's current academic standing. The student, or Graduate Program Director on their behalf, must still complete Add/Drop forms for all courses in which the student is enrolled.

Failure to Enroll

Graduate students who have not enrolled will automatically be withdrawn from the university for failure to maintain continuous enrollment (see Penalty for Late Registration).

Administrative Withdrawal

Graduate students may be administratively withdrawn from the university, after due notice, for failure to satisfy overdue financial obligations or to comply with administrative requirements of the university. See the "Policies and Regulations" section of the current Graduate School Bulletin for further information.

Academic Dismissal

A graduate student who in any two semesters, consecutive or otherwise, has semester averages of below 2.8 is subject to academic dismissal upon recommendation of the Graduate Program Director and approval by the Dean of the Graduate School.

Unsatisfactory or Unreasonable Progress

Graduate students who are not making satisfactory or reasonable progress toward the completion of their degree program are subject to termination. Upon the recommendation of the Graduate Program Director and the approval of the Dean of the Graduate School, students will be notified of any formal termination by the Graduate School.

Absences for Religious Reasons

Absences for Religious Reasons

Chapter 151C of the Massachusetts General Laws as amended guarantees that "any student in an educational or vocational training institution, other than a religious or denominational educational or vocational training institution, who is unable, because of his religious beliefs, to attend classes or to participate in an examination, study, or work requirement on a particular day shall be excused from any such examination or study or work requirement, and shall be provided with an opportunity to make up such examination, study, or work requirement which he may have missed because of such absence on any particular day; provided, however, that such makeup examination or work shall not create an unreasonable burden upon such school. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to the said student such opportunity. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his availing himself of the provisions of this section."



Registration takes place online using SPIRE, the university's student information system. 

Degree-seeking graduate students are required to maintain continuous enrollment each fall and spring semester until the degree/certificate is awarded (see Continuous Enrollment / Program Fee below).

A schedule of course offerings can also be viewed on SPIRE. Course descriptions are listed in the SPIRE Course Catalog and the Graduate Bulletin. Not all courses described in the Catalog and Bulletin are offered every term.

Registration for New Students

Continuous Enrollment / Program Fee

Continuous Enrollment / Program Fee

Degree-seeking graduate students are required to maintain continuous enrollment by registering every fall and spring semester until their degree is awarded.

If you are not registering for any courses or credits in a fall or spring semester and you are not filing for your degree, you must enroll in the Continuous Enrollment course, also known as Program Fee.  You can enroll in the Continuous Enrollment course in SPIRE prior to the end of add/drop each fall and spring semester.  The Class Number for Continuous Enrollment is found in the Schedule of Classes under GRADSCH 999.

  • An incomplete course from a previous semester does not maintain your enrollment.
  • First semester students are not eligible for Continuous Enrollment. 
  • The cost for Continuous Enrollment/Program Fee is $295.00 which will be billed by the Bursar's Office.
  • Students on Continuous Enrollment are also assessed half of the Graduate Student Senate Tax.

Important Dates

Important Dates

The Graduate School’s academic calendar details all of the important dates for course registration. Early registration is strongly recommended so that financial aid and/or stipend checks can be processed in a timely manner.

Holds on Your Record

Holds on Your Record

Check your Student Center on SPIRE to determine if there are any holds on your record that will prevent your registration. You must contact the office indicated on Spire to remove the hold prior to attempting to register. All holds must be resolved in time to register by the deadline.

Penalty for Late Registration

Penalty for Late Registration

If you do not register by the last day to add or drop classes for the fall and spring semester, you will be withdrawn from your graduate program. If you wish to enroll after the deadline, you will be required to obtain readmission authorization from your Graduate Program Director and will be required to pay the Readmission Fee of $125.00 in addition to any course fees or retroactive Continuous Enrollment/Program Fees. Readmission under this condition is subject to graduate program approval and is not guaranteed.

Registration for Non-degree Students

Registration for Non-degree Students

If you are looking to improve on your current skillset at work, test out a new career direction, or explore a personal interest, the Graduate School at UMass Amherst has a range of options for non-degree work. If you have a bachelor's degree from an accredited, four-year institution, then you may be eligible to take graduate-level courses as a non-degree student.

Please visit the Non-Degree Students page for more information.

Summer / Winter Session Registration

Summer / Winter Session Registration
  • Summer and Winter Session courses are offered through University Without Walls (Continuing and Professional Education).
  • The enrollment limit is 9 credits for summer session and 8 credits for the six week winter session.
  • Graduate students are not required to enroll in summer/winter session unless it is needed for financial aid or a stipend.
  • The maximum number of dissertation credits which may be earned during a summer session is nine (9). Registration for thesis and dissertation credits is not permitted in the winter session.



The Bursar's Office sends notification of electronic bills with instructions for students to view and/or pay their bills online.

QuikPAY is the electronic system for all students to view, print and make payments online. To access QuikPAY students should navigate from their Student Center in SPIRE to the Finances Tile > View/Pay Bill.

For more information about QuikPAY, refer to the Bursar's Office website.

Health Insurance

Health Insurance

Massachusetts requires college students taking five or more credits to have primary health care insurance.

Students taking five or more credits in an academic semester are automatically enrolled in, and charged for, the Student Health Benefit Plan (SHBP). A waiver system is in place for students already covered under another insurance plan.

Health insurance for students who register for less than 5 credits (or who pay the Continuous Enrollment fee) is not automatic. Visit the University Health Services website for more information.

Five College Interchange

Five College Interchange

UMass Amherst is a member of the Five College Consortium with Amherst College (Amherst), Hampshire College (Amherst), Mount Holyoke College (South Hadley), and Smith College (Northampton). This consortium, founded in 1965, unites UMass with top-ranked liberal arts colleges to expand research, curricular and cultural resources and facilities for all partners. The consortium facilitates intellectual communities and broad curricular and cocurricular offerings; affording learning, research, performance, and social opportunities that complement the distinctive qualities of each institution.

Graduate students who wish to take a course at one of the other schools in the Five College Consortium can register during the pre-registration period (April for fall classes and November for spring classes) or during the add/drop period at the beginning of the semester. Specific dates are listed on the Five College Academic Calendar.


  • Enrolled in a degree-seeking program;
  • Registered in at least one three-credit course at UMass;
  • Most courses offered by the area colleges are undergraduate level and, therefore, are not necessarily applicable toward graduate degree credit at the University;
  • NOTE: Non-degree students are not eligible to register for Five College Interchange courses.

A link to the Five College Enrollment Request Form can be found on SPIRE under Enrollment—the form will appear only during the pre-registration and add/drop time periods. A copy of the Five College Enrollment Request Form should be returned to the Graduate Student Service Center.  Instructor signatures are required during the add/drop period. The advisor signature is not required. All questions regarding enrollment in Five College courses should be directed to the Graduate Student Service Center at (413) 545-0722 or gradrec [at] grad [dot] umass [dot] edu.

SPIRE Problems?

SPIRE Problems?

Review the SPIRE Student Self Service Support Articles.

For technical problems, contact Information Technology at (413) 545-9400 or it [at] umass [dot] edu (it[at]umass[dot]edu).

For registration problems, contact your graduate program or the Graduate Student Service Center at gradrec [at] grad [dot] umass [dot] edu (gradrec[at]grad[dot]umass[dot]edu) or (413) 545-0722.

All registration problems must be resolved no later than the last day to add or drop classes.

Education Records

Education Records

This section includes information for graduate students on education records and how they are kept at UMass Amherst. This includes everything from transcripts and replacement diplomas to information on how to change programs. You'll also find sections on the graduate school's grading policies, procedures regarding personal data, and privacy. 

Need More Information? You can find more in the online, searchable version of the Graduate School Bulletin.



There are two types of transcripts: official transcripts and unofficial transcripts.  Unofficial transcripts can be printed by the student.  Official transcripts must be produced by the University Registrar.

Please visit the University Registrar's Transcripts page to find out how to order, print, or view transcripts.

Official Transcripts: Order an official transcript for electronic delivery, via mail, or for pickup on the UMass Amherst campus.

Unofficial TranscriptsRead how to request an Unofficial Transcript through SPIRE or through Mail.

Replacement Diplomas

Replacement Diplomas

To order a replacement diploma complete this online form through our diploma vendor

Replacement diplomas are available at the cost of $35.00 with standard shipping included.  Expedited shipping options are available at an additional cost.

Please Note: Replacement diplomas can take 4-6 weeks to arrive.

For Undergraduate Replacement Diplomas, please visit the University Registrar's website.

Graduate School Grading Policies

Graduate School Grading Policies

Posting of Grades:

Grades are recorded on SPIRE approximately one week following the date they are due from the instructors; check SPIRE for the precise date grades will be available each semester. As incomplete or missing grades are received and posted, they are uploaded to SPIRE. If you require a printed copy of your grades you can print an unofficial transcript from SPIRE or request an official transcript from the University Registrar's Office.

Grading System:

Course/seminar grades are assigned solely by the course instructor. The following letter grades can be given to graduate students in graduate-level courses:

A = 4.0 AUD - Audit
A- = 3.7 INC - Incomplete
B+ = 3.3 IF - Incomplete Failure
B = 3.0 IP - In Progress (for thesis and dissertation courses only)
B- = 2.7 NR - Not Reported
C+ = 2.3 DR - Drop
C = 2.0 SAT - Satisfactory
C-* = 1.7 WP - Withdraw Passing
D* = 1.0 WF - Withdraw Failing
F = 0.0 Y - Year Long Course In Progress

*Graduate students enrolled in undergraduate courses may receive these grades.

  1. Satisfactory:
    The grade of Satisfactory (SAT) may be assigned as an alternative to a letter grade. Students should check with their instructor at the beginning of the semester regarding the instructor's policy about pass/fail grades. The grade of "SAT" is equivalent to "Passing for Graduate Credit", which requires an underlying letter grade of C or higher.  A minimum of one-half of the total required credits for a master's degree must be on a letter-graded basis. Any portion of the remaining credits may be graded Satisfactory subject to prior approval by the student's department/program.  The decision as to which courses may be taken on a pass/fail basis (graded SAT) rests with the department rather than with the individual candidate.
  2. Incomplete:
    When the grade of Incomplete (INC) is assigned, the student must contact the instructor to determine what must be done to complete the course and the date by which the work is to be completed.  A student can obtain credit for an "incomplete" only by finishing the work of the course before the end of one calendar year from the time of enrollment in that course. At the end of that period, if a grade is not submitted an IF (Incomplete Failure) will be recorded. The initiative in arranging for the removal of an "incomplete" rests with the student. This regulation does not apply to thesis and dissertation credits but does apply to terminal project credits.
  3. Incomplete Failure:
    An Incomplete (INC) or blank grade reverts to an Incomplete Failure (IF) one year after initial enrollment in the course, (e.g., a course taken in the Fall 2021 semester reverts to an "IF" on the first class day of the Fall 2022 semester).
  4. In Progress:
    An interim grade of In Progress (IP) is routinely recorded for thesis/dissertation credits until the candidate receives his/her graduate degree. At that time, grades of Satisfactory (SAT) are assigned for all thesis/dissertation credits. Should a student choose not to complete his/her thesis/dissertation after registering for the credit, a grade of Drop (DR) is recorded for each registration.
  5. Undergraduate Courses:
    A graduate student who enrolled in an undergraduate level course (100-499) may receive any grade that is valid for undergraduate students enrolled in the same course. Grades of "C-" and "D+” and “D" are valid only for undergraduate-level courses.
  6. Course Withdrawal:
    Grades of Drop (DR), Withdraw Passing (WP), or Withdraw Failing (WF) are recorded when the student formally drops the course prior to the end of the semester. The instructor must indicate "WP" or "WF" and date last attended when signing the late Add/Drop Form. With instructor approval a student may convert an otherwise passing course to an audit up to the last day of classes.
  7. Audited Courses: 
    A grade of Audit (AUD) is recorded for students who register for and successfully complete the course requirements for auditing students. The instructor determines what constitutes successful completion. If an "audit" grade is not reported, the course will not be included on the student's transcript. With instructor approval a student may convert an otherwise passing course to an audit up to the last day of classes. A student may not switch from audit to credit after the end of the add/drop period. Audited courses do not count towards enrollment status and cannot be used to compete any degree or certificate requirement.
  8. Retaking Courses: 
    Unless otherwise noted a course may be taken more than once but may be offered only once toward degree requirements.  All enrollments and all grades will appear on the transcript and will count in the grade point average.

Transfer Credit Policy & Forms

Transfer Credit Policy & Forms

Transferring Credit to a Master's Degree Program

A limited number of graduate course credits taken at a regionally accredited institution in the United States may be transferred toward a master's program provided the Graduate Program Director recommends to the Graduate Dean that the credits be transferred and that request is approved (See Transfer of Credit Forms). No courses taken outside of the University of Massachusetts Amherst may be transferred toward a doctoral or an Educational Specialist program.

  1. Course Eligibility Requirements:
    • Course credits must be graduate level.
    • Course credits must have been earned at a regionally accredited institution in the United States.
    • Course credits may not have been used previously to fulfill the requirements for any other degree, certificate or diploma program.
    • Grades received for courses requested for transfer must be "B" (3.00) or better.
    • Course credits must have been taken no more than three years prior to the student's acceptance into the master's program.
    • An official transcript of the course(s) to be transferred is required 
  2. Number of Credits:
    No more than a total of twelve (12) graduate credits may be transferred. Of these, a maximum of six (6) credits may be from any one of the following sources:
  3. Use of Courses to Fulfill Requirements: 
    • Non-University of Massachusetts Amherst transfer credits may be used to fulfill elective or departmental course requirements. These courses may not, however, be used to satisfy the 600-800 level requirement, nor can the grade received in a course taken at another institution be used to satisfy the university's requirement for letter-graded credits (see Master's Degree Requirements).
  4. Transfer Credits to Another Institution: 
    • Courses taken as a non-degree student are listed separately from the degree transcript. A course taken while enrolled in a degree program but not applied toward a University of Massachusetts Amherst degree may be transferrable. The Graduate School can, if necessary, certify that a course was not applied to any degree requirement at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and was eligible for graduate credit when appropriate.

Transferring Credit to an Accelerated Master's Degree Program

Upon departmental recommendation, up to 12 credits may be transferred to the Accelerated Master's Degree program.  Those credits that are to be transferred must be taken as an undergraduate at UMass Amherst while enrolled in the Accelerated Master’s Degree Option.

Of those 12 transfer credits, 6 to 12 credits (depending on the number of credits required for the Accelerated Master's program) can be double counted toward both the baccalaureate and master's degrees.  Up to 6 credits can be double counted for accelerated master's degree programs requiring 30 - 32 credits, 9 credits for accelerated master's degree programs requiring 33 - 35 credits, and 12 credits for accelerated master's degree programs requiring 36 or more credits.

Transferring Credit from a Graduate Certificate to a Master's Degree Program

Should a graduate certificate student subsequently apply and be accepted to a degree-granting program, up to 15 credits earned as a UMass Amherst graduate certificate student may be applied to satisfy graduate degree requirements. Any application of such credit must be approved by the program/department and must be appropriate to the program.

Transfer of Credit Forms

Transfer of Credits, Accelerated Masters
Transfer of Credits, External
Transfer of Credits, Nondegree

Change of Major/Program

Change of Major/Program

To change from one graduate program to another outside of one's current graduate major, a new application must be submitted to the Graduate Student Service Center along with the appropriate application fee. It will be considered along with all other current applications to that department/program. Admission to one graduate degree program does not ensure admission to another graduate degree program. A change from one area of concentration or specialization to another within the same graduate program requires program approval, but does not require Graduate School approval.

A student admitted solely to a master's level program who later wishes to apply/change to the doctoral or master's/doctoral level in the same graduate program must submit a new application. However, no application fee is required for applications of this type.

Change of Personal Data

Change of Personal Data
  1. Email Address:
    Official notifications from the university, the Graduate School and other campus offices are sent by email to your official campus email account. All students are assigned an account without charge.

    • To activate your official campus email account, contact Information Technology
    • If you choose to maintain an email account other than the official university one, you must still activate the university account, then forward your mail from the official account to your personal account.
  2. Mailing Address:
    Please make sure your mailing address is up to date at all times. Changes to mailing address can be made on SPIRE.
    • Students who do not wish to be listed in the online campus directory (People Finder) must submit the FERPA Privacy Form to the Graduate Student Service Center.
  3. Permanent Address:
    The Graduate School also maintains a permanent address for each graduate student. This may or may not be the same as the mailing address.  To update a permanent address, use SPIRE or contact the Graduate Student Service Center at gradrec [at] grad [dot] umass [dot] edu or 413-545-0722.
  4. Preferred/Chosen Name:
    Students can enter a Preferred/Chosen Name in SPIRE, which will appear only on course rosters, in Moodle, and in the UMass directory (PeopleFinder).  To do this, update your name in the Student Services Center in SPIRE under 'Personal Information'.  Click on the edit box to add your 'Preferred/Chosen Name'.
  5. Primary Legal name:
    Changes to a student's primary name must be made in writing to the Graduate Student Service Center. The student must indicate exactly how their name should appear on all educational records at the University.

Privacy of Records

Privacy of Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 protects the privacy of student records, ensuring that the university will not release a transcript or personal information about a student to a third party without the student's knowledge and consent. Only those data items which have been defined by the university as directory information are released without prior student consent.

The university defines directory information as a student's name, local (mailing), home and e-mail addresses, major, local telephone number, date and place of birth, acknowledgment of a student's participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, date(s) of attendance, degrees, certificates, awards received, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student. For graduate students who are teaching/assisting credit courses and for graduate students who are employed as assistant residence directors, the work department, office address, and employment category will also be considered as directory information.

The university will make public some or all of this information, unless the student specifically requests in writing that their prior consent be obtained. Requests by individual students to suppress from public distribution the above-mentioned information are to be made annually to the Graduate Student Service Center in person or in writing (see FERPA Privacy Form).

In addition, this Act provides each student with the right to view their academic file and all materials contained within (with the exception of certain letters of recommendation to which the student has previously waived their right of access). Files are kept in the Graduate Student Service Center and in academic department offices. Material cannot be removed from the file; however, if there are any disputed documents, the student may request that a written statement, giving the student's point of view, also be included in the file. Students who request to view their file must complete the appropriate request form and provide proper identification. An arrangement to view one's file can then be made with any member of the Graduate Student Service Center staff.

The Dean of Students website explains in more detail the procedures established by this institution for compliance with the provisions of the Act.

Degree Requirements

Degree Requirements

Requirements, deadlines, formatting and electronic submission information, and other information essential to completing your master’s or doctoral degree.

Submission Deadlines

The University confers degrees three times a year: February, May and September. Submission deadlines for the requirements below are published in the Graduate School's Academic Calendar. Please note that your Degree Eligibility Form must be submitted to your academic department for review at least two weeks prior to the final degree deadline.

Students must satisfy all academic requirements and resolve all outstanding university obligations including any outstanding fees and all holds that prevent graduation within 6 weeks from the official degree date.

Deadlines are absolute. No exceptions will be made. All online submissions, forms, and fees are required to be submitted before the deadline date.


The annual university Commencement ceremony takes place at the end of the spring semester (the exact date is published in the University Calendar and in the Academic Calendar).


Regulatory compliance requires the University to report graduates to the National Student Clearinghouse no later than 6 weeks from the official degree conferral date.  The Graduate Student Service Center staff have 6 weeks from the official degree date to clear all students for graduation. Throughout this time, diplomas will  bemailed from our diploma vendor. A general guideline for this mailing is:

If your graduation date is:

Name on Diploma

Diplomas are printed using the diploma name listed in SPIRE. You can view and update your diploma name from your Student Center in SPIRE, select Academics Tile > Graduation > Diploma preferences. If you no longer have access to SPIRE, send a written letter which includes your name, student id or social security number, date of graduation, the name you want printed on your diploma, and your signature to the address listed below. We will not change the name on your diploma without written authorization from you.

Address Diploma is Sent To

Diplomas are mailed to the diploma address we have listed for you. You can view and update this address from your Student Center in SPIRE, select Academics Tile > Graduation > Diploma preferences. For help with updating your diploma address, visit View/Update Your Graduation Data.  We will not send your diploma to an address other than your diploma address without written authorization from you.

Replacement Diplomas

To order a replacement diploma complete this online form through our diploma vendor

Replacement diplomas are available at the cost of $35.00 with standard shipping included.  Expedited shipping options are available at an additional cost.

Please Note: Replacement diplomas can take 4-6 weeks to arrive.

For Undergraduate Replacement Diplomas, please visit the University Registrar's website.

Certified Electronic Diplomas and Certificates

University of Massachusetts offers Certified Electronic Diplomas and Certificates (CeDiploma/CeCertificate) to the UMass graduates of February 2018 and forward in addition to paper diplomas!

Watch an Overview video to learn more!

Order your CeDiploma from your Student Center in SPIRE, select Academics Tile > Graduation > Electronic Diploma Request.

There is a $10.95 charge for this service.

Key Benefits

Master's Degree Requirements

Master's Degree Requirements

1. Credit Requirement

A minimum of 30 graduate credits are required for a master's degree; 21 must be in the student's major field unless a higher number is required by the student's program. The grade-point average for the courses counted toward the degree must be 3.0 or above. A minimum of one-half of the total required credits must be on a letter-graded basis. Any portion of the remaining credits may be graded Satisfactory subject to prior approval by the student's department/program. Credits transferred from another institution cannot be used to satisfy the university's requirement for graded credits nor the 600-800 course level requirement. Graduate courses which have been applied toward any baccalaureate or advanced degree may not be used for fulfilling requirements for any other master's degree at the university.

  • Thesis Option: Graduate students who write a thesis cannot count more than ten (10) thesis credits toward the master's degree. The number of Special Problems (Independent Study) credits is limited to six (6), except for M.F.A. students who are allowed 12 credits. Excluding thesis credits, graduate students must earn an additional six (6) credits in the 600-800 course level range.  These credits will be graded IP (In Progress) until the thesis has been accepted by the Graduate School at which time these credits will be converted to SAT (Satisfactory).
  • Non-Thesis Option: Graduate students who do not write a master's thesis must earn a minimum of twelve (12) credits in the 600-800 course level range.

2. Language Requirement

No foreign language is required by the Graduate School; however, some programs do require a language proficiency. Refer to the Graduate School Bulletin and program literature for foreign language requirements and the competency levels.

3. General Examination

Although the Graduate School does not require a general master's examination, some programs do. In programs which do require a final examination, the examination is not optional to individual students; all students must take it. For students choosing the thesis option, a final examination is required, and it may not necessarily be limited to the thesis topic. The result of the examination should be forwarded to the Graduate Student Service Center.

4. Thesis Option

In addition to the requirements which apply to all master's degree candidates, the following requirements apply specifically to graduate students who anticipate submitting a master's thesis. A terminal project does not constitute a thesis and is, therefore, not covered by the following requirements:

  • Committee: Preparation of the master's thesis shall be under the direct supervision of a Thesis Committee. That Committee shall consist of one or more members of the Graduate Faculty recommended by the Graduate Program Director (GPD) and/or Department Head/Chair of the student's major program. A thesis committee has been officially constituted when the Graduate Dean sends formal notification of its formation to all members, to the Graduate Program Director, and to the student. Members of the Thesis Committee must agree to, not only assist in the supervision of the thesis project, but also attend the defense. Selection of the committee is a matter of "academic judgement" which should be made by the GPD and the Department Chair, and approved by the Graduate Dean. Students should be reminded that most faculty are on nine-month contracts and should not necessarily assume that committee members will be available during the summer months.
  • Outline: A master's candidate must prepare a suitable thesis outline to be approved and signed on the cover sheet, by each member of the approved Thesis Committee and the Graduate Program Director or Department Head/Chair. The signed copy of the thesis outline is forwarded to the Graduate Student Service Center for inclusion in the candidate's file, at least four (4) months prior to the date that the thesis defense is scheduled.
  • Master's Thesis: A master's thesis must be typed in a prescribed style (see the Guidelines for Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations) and submitted electronically through the University of Massachusetts Amherst ScholarWorks for M.A., M.S., M.F.A. (Art and Theater) or ScholarWorks for M.F.A. (English only)website. The thesis must be approved and signed by all members of the thesis committee and the Department Head/Chair. One original of the thesis signature page is required to be submitted on acid free paper to the Graduate Student Service Center. Some departments require an additional copy of the thesis for their own files. As a service for students, we have a list of binderies available at the Graduate Student Service Center for interested students.
  • Thesis Credit: See department requirements in the Graduate School Bulletin for the specific number in each program. There is no maximum number of thesis credits allowed; however, a student may use no more than ten (10) thesis credits (18 credits for M.F.A. students) to meet the total number of degree credits required for the degree.  These credits will be graded IP (In Progress) until the thesis has been accepted by the Graduate School at which time these credits will be converted to SAT (Satisfactory).
  • Thesis Defense: The result of the Thesis Defense is forwarded to the Graduate Student Service Center directly following the Examination.

5. Degree Eligibility Form

The Degree Eligibility Form must be completed by all master's candidates and signed by the Graduate Program Director and the Department Head/Chair.  The graduate student should verify the accuracy of the information which is put on this form from his/her permanent record (an unofficial copy of the student's record is available on SPIRE). The completed form, with appropriate signatures, must be received by the Graduate Student Service Center by the posted deadline. (See Checklist for Master's Degrees). These deadlines are strictly observed and will not be extended. Degrees cannot and will not be awarded retroactively.

Masters Degree Eligibility Form for Thesis Students

Masters Degree Eligibility Form for Non-Thesis Students

Checklist for Master's Degrees

Checklist for Master's Degrees

Degree Eligibility Form Deadlines

Master’s Degree Eligibility Form must be completed and submitted to the academic department two weeks prior to the Graduate School deadline to allow for departmental review. The graduate program director and department head/chair must sign the Eligibility Form.

  • September 1, 2024 degree: August 30, 2024 (August 16, 2024 to department)
  • February 1, 2025 degree: January 16, 2025 (January 3, 2025 to department)
  • May 16, 2025 degree: April 1, 2025 (March 18, 2025 to department).  All other materials due by May 15.

Requirements for all master's candidates

  • Enrolled as an active student.
  • Course work completed. Grades for courses being taken in the current semester will be reported at the end of the Final Examination Period.
  • Minimum total number of credits: credits listed on the Eligibility Form must be at least the minimum for the program
  • Minimum required credits in the major field: 21 credits
  • Minimum grade-point average: 3.0 or above for courses listed on the Eligibility Form
  • Minimum one-half of total required credits must be on a letter-graded basis. 
  • Minimum required 600-800 level courses: 12 credits for non-thesis students; minimum of 6 credits in 600-800 level courses for thesis students (in addition to thesis [699] credits)
  • Transfer credits listed on the Eligibility Form must be approved by the Graduate School
  • Update Diploma Name, Diploma Address, and Non-UMass Email Address in SPIRE (Academics Tile > Graduation >Diploma preferences).  Diplomas are sent to the student's Diploma Address.
  • Bursar fees paid: any outstanding Bursar fees must be paid directly to the Bursar; no holds on record
  • Department or program contacted regarding any further programmatic requirements

Other requirements which may or may not apply

  • Language requirement satisfied
  • Thesis committee appointed by the Graduate Dean
  • Thesis outline submitted to department
  • There has been 4 months between submission of prospectus/outline and thesis defense date
  • Registered for the appropriate number of thesis (699) credits
  • Maximum of 6 credits in Independent Study and Special Problem (596, 696, 796) courses if a thesis is submitted
  • General examination/thesis defense passed: memo stating that the exam/defense was passed and the date on which it was passed must be signed by the Graduate Program Director and filed with the Graduate Student Service Center.  The exam must be scheduled and passed prior to the degree date of record.

Thesis submission requirements


Graduate Student Service Center
170 Bartlett Building, Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: (413) 545-0722
Email: degreq [at] grad [dot] umass [dot] edu (subject: Graduation%20requirement%20question) (degreq[at]grad[dot]umass[dot]edu)

Dual Master's Degree Requirements

Dual Master's Degree Requirements

The intent of a dual master's degree option is to encourage students to pursue interdisciplinary studies in two clearly related programs. By undertaking this simultaneous pursuit, the student earns a master's degree in each of the two programs, while completing somewhat fewer credits than would be required to complete the programs separately.

  1. All degree requirements of each of the two degrees must be completed. In particular, the core courses in each program must be completed. However, courses in one program may be used to satisfy elective requirements in the cooperating program, and vice versa.
  2. The total number of degree credits will be at least equal to 60 credits of which no fewer than 30 credits must come from each of the two programs.
  3. If either of the cooperating degree programs requires a thesis, a thesis will be required under the dual degree option. The thesis should address a topic which is derived from the rationale for the dual degree.
  4. In order for a student to be permitted to exercise the dual degree option, the student must meet the entrance requirements of each individual program and be admitted by both programs.
  5. Both degrees must be awarded concurrently. Neither of the two degrees awarded under the dual degree option shall be awarded retroactively.
  6. The Statute of Limitations for completion of a dual degree option shall be five (5) years.
  7. A student who does not complete both courses of study required by the cooperating programs may be awarded one master's degree upon completion of the program requirements for one of the two programs.

A dual master's degree option can be approved at the request of two cooperating master's degree programs, and with the agreement of the Graduate School, provided certain requirements are met. There are no new degrees or programs associated with adding a dual degree option to the offerings of each of the cooperating programs. However, the addition of this option will be subject to Graduate Council and Faculty Senate approval.

Master of Arts in Teaching Requirements

Master of Arts in Teaching Requirements

The Master of Arts in Teaching program is primarily for those who do not have adequate academic preparation nor appropriate teaching experience, but who do hold a bachelor's degree to become effective teachers either at the secondary school or community/junior college level. The M.A.T. program leads to a terminal degree combining professional aspects of the M.Ed. degree with the academic tradition of the M.S./M.A. degree. Thirty-nine credits are required for the secondary school option, and 45 credits for the community/junior college option. A maximum of nine graduate credits of grade B or better from another accredited institution may be applied toward the degree, upon recommendation by one of the participating programs (Spanish, Classics, French and Italian) and approval by the Graduate Dean.

Master of Fine Arts Requirements

Master of Fine Arts Requirements

The Master of Fine Arts degree program is designed particularly for those interested in the creative aspects of the arts and may be obtained in the Department of Art for work in the visual arts, the Department of English for work in creative writing, or the Department of Theater for work in dramatic art. The basic requirements for the degree are:

  1. Sixty credits at the graduate level. Not more than 12 credits may be transferred from other institutions upon recommendation of the department and approval of the Graduate Dean. No more than 18 credits may be earned for the thesis.
  2. The exact nature of the thesis project will be determined by the student's major adviser in conference with the student. It is to be understood that the student will produce a work in the creative arts. A written analysis of the work itself and of the procedures used in producing it is required. The candidate will be asked to pass an examination in the major field in addition to presenting the thesis project publicly.

Doctoral Degree Requirements

Doctoral Degree Requirements

1. Credit Requirements

The number of courses required prior to a student taking his/her Preliminary Comprehensive Examination is determined by the student's adviser/guidance committee/Graduate Program Director. The Graduate School requires no minimum number of credits for a doctoral program, with the exception of dissertation credits.

2. Residency Requirement

A doctoral candidate must spend the equivalent of at least one continuous academic year of full-time graduate work (nine credits per semester) in residence at the university. The residency year must be either in a Fall/Spring or Spring/Fall sequence. During this year, the student must spend some part of each week physically on campus. Doctoral students enrolled in recognized off-campus programs may satisfy this regulation at their off-campus site.

3. Language Requirement

No foreign language is required by the Graduate School; however, some departments do require language proficiency. Refer to the Graduate School Bulletin and program literature for foreign language requirements and competency levels.

4. Preliminary Comprehensive Examination

The Preliminary Comprehensive Examination is prepared and administered by the candidate's department/program. Notification of the result of the examination should be forwarded to the Graduate Student Service Center.

5. Doctoral Dissertation Committee

As soon as the student has passed the Preliminary Comprehensive Examination, the Doctoral Dissertation Committee is appointed by the Graduate Dean upon nomination and recommendation by the Graduate Program Director or Department Head/Chair. The Committee is composed of at least three (3) graduate faculty members: the chairperson, at least one other member from the candidate's department/program, and one member from outside the candidate's department/program. The committee has been officially constituted when the Graduate Dean sends formal notification of its formation to each committee member, the Graduate Program Director, and to the student. Members of the Dissertation Committee must agree to not only assist in the supervision of the dissertation project, but also conduct the Final Oral Examination. Selection of the committee is a matter of "academic judgement" which should be made by the Graduate Program Director and/or Department Chair and/or Advisor, and approved by the Graduate Dean. Students should be reminded that most faculty are on nine-month contracts and should not necessarily assume that committee members will be available during the summer months.

6. Dissertation Credit Requirement

The total number of dissertation credits required varies, by department/program, from 10 to 18 graduate credits. See course number 899 in the Graduate School Bulletin under the appropriate program for the required minimum number of dissertation credits. There is no maximum number of credits to which a student is limited; however, a student can register for only a maximum of nine (9) credits per semester/session. Doctoral candidates will not be recommended to the Board of Trustees for the doctoral degree unless they have the requisite number of dissertation credits.  These credits will be graded IP (In Progress) until the dissertation has been accepted by the Graduate School at which time these credits will be converted to SAT (Satisfactory).

7. Dissertation Prospectus/Outline

After passing the Preliminary Comprehensive Examination, the graduate degree candidate must prepare a dissertation prospectus/outline describing the research to be conducted, analyzed, and presented in the dissertation. The cover sheet must be signed by each member of the Dissertation Committee to indicate approval of the topic and its plan of execution. The Graduate Program Director or Department Head/Chair signs and forwards the prospectus cover sheet to the Graduate Student Service Center. The signed prospectus cover sheet must be received at least seven (7) months prior to the Final Oral Examination.

8. Announcement of Final Oral Examination

All Final Oral Examinations/Dissertation Defenses must be announced on the Inside UMass Weekly Bulletin to allow interested Graduate Faculty and others to attend. The Graduate Student Service Center must receive written notification of the scheduling of a Final Oral Examination at least four weeks prior to the date of the defense. An examination cannot be held unless it has been publicly announced on Inside UMass. The examination must be held on the Amherst campus. All members of the Dissertation Committee must be present at the defense. (Note: All Graduate Faculty are invited to attend and cannot be excluded from a Final Oral Examination. Departments differ in allowing others to attend. Courtesy suggests that the Chair of the Committee, whose name is published on Inside UMass, be consulted by others attending the Defense, with the stipulation above.)

9. Final Oral Examination Results

The result of a Final Oral Examination is forwarded to the Graduate Student Service Center directly following the examination.

10. Dissertation

The dissertation must be typed in a prescribed style (see the Typing Guidelines for Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations) and submitted electronically through the University of Massachusetts Amherst dissertation submission site at ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. The dissertation must be approved and signed by all members of the dissertation committee and the Department Head/Chair. The Graduate School is the final and only arbitrator of what is an acceptable dissertation. Inclusion of a copyright statement is required by the Graduate School, but registration of the copyright is optional. If registration of the copyright is chosen, the copyright registration fee must be paid to the U.S. Copyright Office. The dissertation will be cataloged in the Library of Congress and in the W.E.B. Du Bois Library. Publication by ScholarWorks does not preclude the printing of the dissertation in whole or in part in a journal or as a monograph. As a service for students, we also have a list of binderies available at the Graduate Student Service Center for interested students.

11. Degree Eligibility Form:

The Degree Eligibility Form (available online or at the Graduate Student Service Center) must be completed by all doctoral degree candidates and signed by the Graduate Program Director and the Department Head/Chair. The candidate should verify the accuracy of the information on this form with his/her permanent record. The completed form, along with all materials (see Checklist for Doctoral Degrees) must be received at the Graduate Student Service Center by the posted deadline. These deadlines are strictly observed and will not be extended. Degrees cannot and will not be awarded retroactively.

Doctoral Degree Eligibility Form for DNP and AuD degrees

Doctoral Degree Eligibility Form for Ph.D and Ed.D. degrees

Checklist for Doctoral Degrees

Checklist for Doctoral Degrees

Degree Eligibility Form Deadlines:

Doctoral Degree Eligibility Form must be completed and submitted to the academic department two weeks prior to the Graduate School deadline to allow for departmental review. The graduate program director and department head/chairman must sign the Eligibility Form.

  • September 1, 2024 degree: August 30, 2024 (August 16, 2024 to department)
  • February 1, 2025 degree: January 16, 2025 (January 3, 2025 to department)
  • May 16, 2025 degree: April 1, 2025 (March 18, 2025 to department).  All other materials due by May 15.

All doctoral candidates are required to submit the following materials by the degree date of record:

  • Final Oral Examination completed - The exam must be scheduled and passed prior to the degree date of record.  Please note: the Graduate School must have the announcement of your final oral exam one month before the defense date.  See the Checklist for Doctoral Oral Examinations for details
  • Dissertation electronically filed with ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst - for further details about this process, please see the Degree Requirements section of the Handbook on our website
  • Signature page – one signature page with original signatures must be submitted to the Graduate Student Service Center. An unsigned signature page should also be included after the copyright page in the electronic copy of your dissertation
  • Survey of Earned Doctorates – this online survey must be completed and submitted by the deadline
  • Copyright registration (optional) - register your copyright with the Library of Congress Copyright Office

Additional requirements to be met before being cleared for graduation:

  • You must be an active student
  • All requirements on the Checklist for Doctoral Oral Examinations must have been met before the Final Oral Exam is scheduled.
  • Results of your Final Oral Exam must be conveyed to the Graduate Student Service Center in a memo signed by your Graduate Program Director.  The memo must include the date of the exam and the results.
  • Bursar fees paid: any outstanding Bursar fees must be paid directly to the Bursar
  • Update Diploma Name, Diploma Address, and Non-UMass Email Address in SPIRE (Academics Tile > Graduation > Diploma preferences).  Diplomas are sent to the student's Diploma Address.


Graduate Student Service Center
170 Bartlett Building, Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: (413) 545-0722
Email: degreq [at] grad [dot] umass [dot] edu (subject: Graduation%20requirement%20question) (degreq[at]grad[dot]umass[dot]edu)

Joint Doctor of Philosophy Degree Requirements

Joint Doctor of Philosophy Degree Requirements

A joint Ph.D. program can be approved in the Graduate Council at the request of two cooperating programs, providing the following requirements are met:

  1. Students will apply for admission to a single doctoral program of their choice.
  2. Following residence on campus for at least one semester, a student interested in a joint degree will apply for admission to the second program, provided that the Graduate Council has approved the specific joint degree program.
  3. If the student is admitted to the second program, the original admitting program will still be credited for that student and the transcript will read "Program 1" for the original admitting department, and "Program 2" for the second program.
  4. When the student is accepted into the second program, the statute of limitations will automatically be extended by two years.
  5. The requirements of the Graduate School and all requirements of both graduate programs must be met, including passing preliminary comprehensive examinations in both programs.
  6. Only one dissertation and one dissertation defense are required. There must be at least one member of the dissertation committee from each program and the outside member must be from outside both programs.
  7. A joint degree means one Ph.D. in Programs 1 and 2, not two separate Ph.D. degrees. Such joint degrees will not establish any new degrees and are not new programs. The spirit of the joint doctoral degree is to foster cooperation among degree-granting units. Each program involved in any given joint degree retains, through its Graduate Program Director, full responsibility for ensuring that joint degree students fulfill all course and examination requirements relevant to its own program. A joint Ph.D. degree will be awarded only when all requirements have been met for both graduate programs.

Five College Cooperative Ph.D. Program

Five College Cooperative Ph.D. Program

A cooperative Ph.D. program is offered by Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke and Smith Colleges, and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The degree is awarded by this university, but in exceptional cases much of the work leading to it may be taken at one or another of the participating institutions. Departments authorized to offer the cooperative Ph.D. degree are: all departments in the biological sciences, chemistry, geology, physics, and astronomy.

An applicant must apply for the Five College Cooperative Ph.D. Program through the Graduate School of the University of Massachusetts. The applicant must then secure the approval of the appropriate academic department at the University. The application then will be forwarded to the appropriate Five College institution for its evaluation. The letter of acceptance to the applicant is sent only by the Dean of the Graduate School of the University of Massachusetts, not by the other cooperating institution.

Registration for the Five College Cooperative Ph.D. students is handled only through the Graduate School of the University of Massachusetts. Degrees awarded in this program will be appropriately indicated on the diploma and the permanent record. All requirements for the Five College Cooperative Ph.D. degree are similar to those for the Ph.D. degree at the university except for the residency requirement. Residence in this program will apply to the institution where the dissertation work is done. The names of the Graduate Faculty at cooperating institutions are listed in the Graduate Bulletin.

Master’s Degree Requirements for All Candidates

Master’s Degree Requirements for All Candidates
  • Course work completed. Grades for courses being taken in the current semester will be reported at the end of the Final Examination Period.
  • Master’s Degree Eligibility Form must be completed and submitted to the academic department two weeks prior to the Graduate School Degree Eligibility Form deadline to allow for departmental review. The student, department graduate program director, and department head/chairman must sign the Eligibility Form.
  • Diploma Name and Home (Non-UMass) Email Address must be updated in SPIRE (Academics Tile > Graduation > Diploma preferences)
  • Diploma address must be updated in SPIRE (Academics Tile > Graduation > Diploma preferences). Diplomas will be sent to the student's Diploma Address.
  • Any transfer credits listed on the Eligibility Form must be approved by the Graduate School
  • The total number of credits listed on the Eligibility Form must be at least the minimum for the program
  • Minimum of 21 credits in the major field
  • Minimum of 12 credits in 600-800 level courses for non-thesis students; minimum of 6 credits in 600-800 level courses for thesis students (in addition to thesis [699] credits)
  • At most six credits of 400 level courses (they must be outside the major field), subject to approval of the Graduate Program Director
  • No courses below the 400 level should be listed on the Eligibility Form
  • The grade point average for courses listed on the Eligibility Form must be 3.0 or above
  • Enrolled as an active student
  • Bursar fees paid - any outstanding Bursar fees must be paid directly to the Bursar; no holds on record
  • Department or program contacted regarding any further programmatic requirements

Other requirements that may or may not apply

  • Language requirement satisfied
  • Thesis committee appointed by the Graduate Dean
  • Thesis outline submitted to department
  • There has been four months between submission of prospectus/outline and thesis defense date
  • Registered for the appropriate number of thesis (699) credits
  • Maximum of six credits in Independent Study and Special Problem (596, 696, 796) courses if a thesis is submitted
  • General examination/thesis defense passed - a memo stating that the exam/defense was passed and the date on which it was passed must be signed by the Graduate Program Director and filed with the Graduate Student Service Center. The exam must be scheduled and passed by the posted deadline.
  • Master's thesis electronically filed with ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst - Scholarworks for M.A., M.S., M.F.A. (Art and Theater) or Scholarworks for English M.F.A.
  • Signature page – one signature page with original signatures must be submitted to the Graduate Student Service Center. An unsigned signature page should also be included after the copyright page in the electronic copy of your dissertation.

Master’s Paperwork Requirements

Master’s Paperwork Requirements
  • Master’s Degree Eligibility Form for Thesis Students or Non-Thesis Students. Please fill in the blank fields on the Eligibility Form, then have it signed as indicated. A form must be submitted with signatures by the deadlines indicated.
  • One paper signature page with original signatures must be delivered to the Graduate Student Service Center. The paper signature page should be on 8 1/2" x 11" paper. An unsigned blank signature page should be included after the copyright page in the electronic copy of your thesis.

Master's Thesis Submission

Master's Thesis Submission

Completing and submitting your master’s thesis is an important part of completing your master’s degree. Your thesis must be formatted as prescribed by the Graduate School in the Guidelines for Master’s Theses and Doctoral Dissertations (pdf) and electronically submitted through ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst, the university's permanent digital archive for scholarly materials.

  • Master's Thesis Formatting Checklist: Make sure your thesis has this required content in this order:
    1. Title page
    2. Copyright page (optional in master’s theses)
    3. Signature page (signatures aren’t required)
    4. Abstract page
    5. Table of Contents
    6. List pages (required when one or more table, figure, image, etc. is present)
    7. Thesis body pages comprised of a minimum of at least one chapter (students in the English MFA program may be exempt)
    8. Comprehensive bibliography/references/works cited section
  • Master’s Thesis Submission Checklist: Make sure you have the following:
    • A non-UMass email address that you will continue to use indefinitely after you graduate from UMass Amherst.
    • Your manuscript in PDF format. Be sure to proofread your work before converting to PDF and recheck formatting after converting to ensure that all images and tables are properly positioned. For help with PDF conversions, visit the Learning Commons in the DuBois Library.
    • Any supporting files that you wish to provide as supplemental content, e.g. pictures, audio, video, animations, simulations, etc. Tip: name the files according to how you have referenced them in your manuscript and store them in the same location with your manuscript.
    • Your selection of up to six keywords or phrases to ensure that your work appears in relevant searches.
  • ScholarWorks: Master’s students at UMass Amherst use ScholarWorks— the UMass Libraries’ permanent digital repository for faculty and student research—to submit theses in accordance with master’s degree requirements. ScholarWorks is indexed by major search engines and is used globally by those who wish to reference scholarship produced by members of the UMass community.
  • Managing Access Controls in ScholarWorks: As the author, you automatically retain the copyright of your thesis. You have two different kinds of controls available to temporarily limit the access to your manuscript:
    • Document Type defines who may access the manuscript.
      • You will select a Document Type in ScholarWorks. “Open Access” means that anyone who has Internet access can view, cite, and download your work. “Campus Only Access” restricts the audience to those who have a UMass Amherst NetID and password or who use the Interlibrary Loan service.
      • The Campus Access option will expire after a period of either one year or five years, depending on the term you select. The manuscript will become available automatically via Open Access in ScholarWorks after the Campus Access period has expired.
    • Embargo Period will shield the manuscript for a specific length of time. Documents under embargo are neither visible nor downloadable in their entirety to anyone other than the author; titles and abstracts for embargoed documents are visible.
      • Doctoral candidates and master’s students typically use an Embargo Period only if patent applications or publication contracts are pending.
      • There are three choices for embargo term lengths: six months, one year or five years.
    • If you need an Embargo Period that is longer than one year, you must request a memo from your Graduate Program Director stating that person’s approval for the extension. The memo must be submitted to the Graduate Student Service Center prior to your degree date.
    • Campus Only Access and Embargo Periods are both time-limited. The start date for either or both types of protection is the same as your degree date. If you invoke both, the embargo will supersede the Campus Access control.
  • Document Accessibility: Consider the global nature of your readership. People who cannot distinguish colors accurately on screen or who have more severe visual impairments need to be able to understand all of your content. Do not let simple formatting choices create barriers for some members of your audience. Producing accessible works for online publication adds to your professionalism and begins with a few simple techniques to apply as you compose your document. Review six quick tips for making your document accessible.

Electronic Thesis Submission Process

Electronic Thesis Submission Process
  1. If you are not in the English MFA program, create your ScholarWorks account using a non-UMass email address or log in if your account already exists.
  2. If you are an English MFA student, you must use a program-specific entry into English MFA Program ScholarWorks to create your account or log in.
  3. Enter all information requested (demographic information, dates, title, keywords, advisor(s), abstract, etc.) on the ScholarWorks page.
  4. After you upload the manuscript from your computer, make sure that you can see the file name beside the Browse button before you submit.
  5. If you need to add supplemental content, be sure to select the checkbox under Additional Files. ScholarWorks will provide a screen to upload additional material immediately after you submit the thesis.
  6. Review all information carefully before clicking Submit.
  7. Check your non-UMass email address for a confirmation of your submission from ScholarWorks.

After Submission

After Submission
  • The Graduate School will review your submission and will contact you concerning any required revisions. If revisions are required, you must revise the original document, reconvert it to PDF, and resubmit it through ScholarWorks. Important: make only those revisions specified by the Graduate School in such cases.
  • To ensure that you receive any communications about revisions, be careful to check the email account associated with your ScholarWorks account. Do not rely on messages forwarded between email accounts.
  • Please allow up to six weeks for the Graduate School to complete the initial review. You will be contacted at the email address provided in ScholarWorks with requests for revisions and/or notification of format approval.
  • When the Graduate School has approved the final version of the thesis, and you have satisfied all other degree requirements, the manuscript will be available to others via ScholarWorks.

All online submissions, forms, paper signatures, and fees are required to be submitted before the deadline date to be included in a degree period.

Doctoral Degree Requirements for All Candidates

Doctoral Degree Requirements for All Candidates
  • Final Oral Examination completed - please note that the Graduate School must have the announcement of your final oral exam one month before the defense. See the Checklist for Doctoral Oral Examinations for details.
  • Doctoral Degree Eligibility Form must be completed and submitted to the academic department two weeks prior to the degree deadline to allow for departmental review. The student, department graduate program director, and department head/chairman must sign the Eligibility Form.
  • Dissertation electronically filed with ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst.
  • Signature page – one signature page with original signatures must be submitted to the Graduate Student Service Center. An unsigned signature page should also be included after the copyright page in the electronic copy of your dissertation.
  • Survey of Earned Doctorates – this online survey must be completed and submitted by the deadline.
  • Copyright registration (optional) - register your copyright with the Library of Congress Copyright Office.

Additional requirements to be met before being cleared for graduation

  • You must be an active student.
  • All requirements on the Checklist for Doctoral Oral Examinations must have been met before the Final Oral Exam is scheduled.
  • Your Final Oral Exam must be passed by the posted deadline and a memo stating that the exam was passed and the date on which it was passed must be signed by your graduate program director and filed with the Graduate Student Service Center.
  • No holds can be on your record.
  • Bursar fees must be paid. Any outstanding Bursar fees must be paid directly to the Bursar.
  • Diploma Name and Home (Non-UMass) Email Address must be updated in SPIRE (Academics Tile > Graduation > Diploma preferences).
  • Diploma address must be updated in SPIRE (Academics Tile > Graduation > Diploma preferences). Diplomas will be sent to the student's Diploma Address.

Checklist for Doctoral Oral Examinations

Checklist for Doctoral Oral Examinations

Deadline: One month prior to the examination date

A memo requesting that the Final Doctoral Oral Examination be announced must be signed by the Graduate Program Director or the Department Head/Chair and submitted to the Graduate Student Service Center one month prior to the examination date.  Staff at the Graduate Student Service Center will review the requirements below and, if complete, will send an announcement to the Inside UMass "Weekly Bulletin" section of the UMass website.


  • Course work completed
  • Residency requirement satisfied and verified by Department (Residency requirement is two consecutive semesters enrolled as a full time student taking at least 9 credits each semester)
  • Registered for the appropriate number of dissertation (899) credits
  • Language examination passed (if applicable)
  • Preliminary Comprehensive Examination passed
  • Dissertation Committee appointed by the Graduate Dean
  • Dissertation Prospectus/Outline approved and filed with the Graduate School
  • There has been 7 months between submission of Prospectus/Outline and Final Doctoral Oral Examination/Dissertation Defense date
  • Final Doctoral Oral Examination announcement request communicated to the Graduate School at least one month prior to the scheduled defense

The memo requesting the announcement must include

  • Student’s full name
  • Student identification number
  • Degree
  • Day of Week
  • Date Time Place Major
  • Chair of Committee
  • Title of Dissertation
  • Signature of the Graduate Program Director or Department Head/Chair


Graduate Student Service Center
170 Bartlett Building, Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: (413) 545-0722
Email: degreq [at] grad [dot] umass [dot] edu (subject: Graduation%20requirement%20question) (degreq[at]grad[dot]umass[dot]edu)

Doctoral Paperwork Requirements

Doctoral Paperwork Requirements

The items listed below must be completed and delivered directly to the Graduate Student Service Center by the published deadlines.

  • Doctoral Degree Eligibility Form
    Please fill in the blank fields on the Eligibility Form, make a double-sided copy of the form, then have it signed as indicated. A paper form must be submitted with original signatures by the deadlines indicated. Please select either the Doctoral Degree Eligibility Form for PhD and EdD degrees or the Professional Doctoral Degree Eligibility Form for DNP and AuD degrees.
  • Survey of Earned Doctorates Questionnaire
    The Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) is a federal agency survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center for the National Science Foundation and five other federal agencies. The SED gathers information annually from 45,000 new U.S. research doctorate graduates about their educational histories, funding sources, and post-doctoral plans.
  • Signature Page
    One paper signature page with original signatures must be delivered to the Graduate Student Service Center. The paper signature page should be on white, 8 1/2" x 11" paper. An unsigned blank signature page should be included after the copyright page in the electronic copy of your dissertation.
  • Copyright
    Although the University of Massachusetts Amherst requires that all dissertations be copyrighted by placing a copyright notice in all copies of the work, registration of the copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office is optional.

Doctoral Dissertation Submission

Doctoral Dissertation Submission

Completing and submitting your dissertation is an important part of completing your doctoral degree. Your dissertation must be formatted as prescribed by the Graduate School in the Guidelines for Master’s Theses and Doctoral Dissertations and electronically submitted through ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst, the university's permanent digital archive for scholarly materials.

  • Doctoral Dissertation Formatting Checklist: Make sure your dissertation has this required content in this order:
    1. Title page
    2. Copyright page (required in doctoral dissertations, optional in master’s theses)
    3. Signature page (signatures aren’t required)
    4. Abstract page
    5. Table of Contents
    6. List pages (required when one or more table, figure, image, etc. is present)
    7. Dissertation body pages comprised of a minimum of at least one chapter
    8. Comprehensive bibliography/references/works cited section
  • Doctoral Dissertation Submission Checklist: Make sure you have the following:
    • A non-UMass email address that you will continue to use indefinitely after you graduate from UMass Amherst.
    • Your manuscript in PDF format. Be sure to proofread your work before converting to PDF and recheck formatting after converting to ensure that all images and tables are properly positioned. For help with PDF conversions, visit the Learning Commons in the DuBois Library.
    • Any supporting files that you wish to provide as supplemental content, e.g. pictures, audio, video, animations, simulations, etc. Tip: name the files according to how you have referenced them in your manuscript and store them in the same location with your manuscript.
    • Your selection of up to six keywords or phrases to ensure that your work appears in relevant searches.
  • ScholarWorks: Doctoral candidates at UMass Amherst use ScholarWorks— the UMass Libraries’ permanent digital repository for faculty and student research—to submit theses in accordance with doctoral degree requirements. ScholarWorks is indexed by major search engines and is used globally by those who wish to reference scholarship produced by members of the UMass community.
  • Managing Access Controls in ScholarWorks: As the author, you automatically retain the copyright of your thesis. You have two different kinds of controls available to temporarily limit the access to your manuscript:
    • Document Type defines who may access the manuscript.
      • You will select a Document Type in ScholarWorks. “Open Access” means that anyone who has Internet access can view, cite, and download your work. “Campus Only Access” restricts the audience to those who have a UMass Amherst NetID and password or who use the Interlibrary Loan service.
      • The Campus Access option will expire after a period of either one year or five years, depending on the term you select. The manuscript will become available automatically via Open Access in ScholarWorks after the Campus Access period has expired.
    • Embargo Period will shield the manuscript for a specific length of time. Documents under embargo are neither visible nor downloadable in their entirety to anyone other than the author; titles and abstracts for embargoed documents are visible.
      • Doctoral candidates and master’s students typically use an Embargo Period only if patent applications or publication contracts are pending.
      • There are three choices for embargo term lengths: six months, one year or five years.
    • If you need an Embargo Period that is longer than one year, you must request a memo from your Graduate Program Director stating that person’s approval for the extension. The memo must be submitted to the Graduate Student Service Center prior to your degree date.
    • Campus Only Access and Embargo Periods are both time-limited. The start date for either or both types of protection is the same as your degree date. If you invoke both, the embargo will supersede the Campus Access control.
  • Document Accessibility: Consider the global nature of your readership. People who cannot distinguish colors accurately on screen or who have more severe visual impairments need to be able to understand all of your content. Do not let simple formatting choices create barriers for some members of your audience. Producing accessible works for online publication adds to your professionalism and begins with a few simple techniques to apply as you compose your document. Review six quick tips for making your document accessible.


After Submission

After Submission
  • The Graduate School will review your submission and will contact you concerning any required revisions. If revisions are required, you must revise the original document, reconvert it to PDF, and resubmit it through ScholarWorks. Important: make only those revisions specified by the Graduate School in such cases.
  • To ensure that you receive any communications about revisions, be careful to check the email account associated with your ScholarWorks account. Do not rely on messages forwarded between email accounts.
  • Please allow up to six weeks for the Graduate School to complete the initial review. You will be contacted at the email address provided in ScholarWorks with requests for revisions and/or notification of format approval.
  • When the Graduate School has approved the final version of the thesis, and you have satisfied all other degree requirements, the manuscript will be available to others via ScholarWorks.

All online submissions, forms, paper signatures, and fees are required to be submitted before the deadline date to be included in a degree period.

Electronic Dissertation Submission Process

Electronic Dissertation Submission Process
  1. Create your ScholarWorks account using a non-UMass email address or log in if your account already exists.
  2. Enter all information requested (demographic information, dates, title, keywords, advisor(s), abstract, etc.) on the ScholarWorks page.
  3. After you upload the manuscript from your computer, make sure that you can see the file name beside the Browse button before you submit.
  4. If you need to add supplemental content, be sure to select the checkbox under Additional Files. ScholarWorks will provide a screen to upload additional material immediately after you submit the dissertation.
  5. Review all information carefully before clicking Submit.
  6. Check your non-UMass email address for a confirmation of your submission from ScholarWorks.

Formatting & Technical Assistance

Formatting & Technical Assistance

The Learning Commons located in the W.E.B. Dubois Library can help with technical problems such as converting the manuscript to PDF.

Your dissertation must be formatted as prescribed by the Graduate School in the Guidelines for Master’s Theses and Doctoral Dissertations and electronically submitted through ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst, the university's permanent digital archive for scholarly materials.

Doctoral Dissertation and Master's Theses Formatting Checklist: Make sure your dissertation or thesis has this required content in this order:

  1. Title page
  2. Copyright page (required in doctoral dissertations, optional in master’s theses)
  3. Signature page (signatures aren’t required)
  4. Abstract page
  5. Table of Contents
  6. List pages (required when one or more table, figure, image, etc. is present)
  7. Dissertation/thesis body pages comprised of a minimum of at least one chapter (students in the English MFA program may be exempt)
  8. Comprehensive bibliography/references/works cited section

Submit your manuscript in PDF format: Be sure to proofread your work before converting to PDF and recheck formatting after converting to ensure that all images and tables are properly positioned. For help with PDF conversions, visit the Learning Commons in the DuBois Library.

Document Accessibility: Consider the global nature of your readership. People who cannot distinguish colors accurately on screen or who have more severe visual impairments need to be able to understand all of your content. Do not let simple formatting choices create barriers for some members of your audience. Producing accessible works for online publication adds to your professionalism and begins with a few simple techniques to apply as you compose your document. Review six quick tips for making your document accessible