204 Crotty Hall

Curriculum Vitae

June 11, 2017


Country of Citizenship and Permanent Residence: Japan


  • Ph.D.,Economics, Hitotsubashi University, 1996
  • M.A.,Economics, Hitotsubashi University, 1992
  • B.A., Economics, Hokkaido University, 1990

Adviser of Ph.D. thesis: Kotaro Suzumura (Professor Emeritus, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)

Title of M.A. thesis: Marxian exploitation theory from the viewpoint of contemporary economics

Title of Ph.D. thesis: Welfare Analysis of Economic Systems from the Viewpoints of Distributive Justice and Incentive Compatibility 

Professional Experience

  • Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, February 2016-Present
  • Visiting Professor, School of Management, Kochi University of Technology, December 2015-Present
  • Visiting scholar, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, October 2013-September 2014
  • Professor, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, April 2010-February 2016
  • Fulbright visiting scholar, Department of Political Sciences, Yale University, October 2001-September 2003
  • Associate Professor, The Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, October 1999-March 2010
  • Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Hokkaido University, January 1998-September 1999
  • Research Associate, The Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University, April 1996-December 1997
  • Research Associate, Department of Economics, Hitotsubashi University, April 1995-March 1996

Teaching Areas

Microeconomic Theory; Welfare Economics; Social Choice Theory; Mechanism Design; Game Theory; Marxian Economics; History of Economic Thoughts

Research Interests

  • Welfare Economics
  • Mathematical Marxian Economics
  • Theories of Distributive Justice
  • Political Competition
  • History of Economic Thoughts
  • International Trade Theory

Honors and Awards

  • The Distinguished Achievement Award in Political Economy for The Twenty-First Century (by The World Association for Political Economy), May 2011
  • The First Encouragement Prize of Japan Society for Political Economy (by Japan Society of Political Economy), October 2010


1. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Scientific Research (B), 2014-2017
Title of Project: “A theoretical analysis on economic vulnerability”
Title of Project: “On extended theoretical framework of welfare economics: beyond the standard model of rational economic men”
3. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Scientific Research (B), 2011-2013
Title of Project: “On multi-dimensional evaluative indices for social welfare: an approach from non-welfaristic normative economics”
4. Nomura Foundation, 2010
Title of Project: “On axiomatic theory of welfare measures of labor allocations”
5. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Scientific Research (C), 2008-2010
Title of Project: “On welfare economics of allocations for free hours and economic disparity among social classes”
6. Kurita Water and Environment Foundation, Overseas Research Grant, 2008-2009
Title of Project: “On mechanism design for an efficient and equitable water service supply”
7. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientific (A), 2005-2007
Title of Project: “On welfare economic foundation of welfare states: an approach from the viewpoint of human development”
8. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientific (B), 2003-2004
Title of Project: “Welfare economics from a viewpoint of human development: normative and positive analysis”
9. Fulbright Association, 2001-2002
Title of Project: “On the constitution of social and economic institution: normative and positive analysis”
10. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, commendatory research (A), 1999-2000
Title of Project: “An economic theory of public policies for promoting social welfare consistent with protecting individual rights”
11. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientific (B),1997-1998
Title of Project: “On economic theory of social security” 

Ranking at the RePEc

Ranked at the top 5% authors according to the criteria of the Number of Works, the Number of Distinct Works, the Number of Distinct Works, Weighted by Number of Authors, and the Number of Journal Pages, Weighted by Number of Authors, and the Number of Downloads through RePEc Services over the past 12 months.

Professional Activities

  • Associate Editor, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 4/2015 -
  • Associate Editor, Studies in Microeconomics, 3/2013 -
  • Editorial Board, The Economic Review, 4/2010 - 9/2013
  • Editorial Board, Political Economy Quarterly, 7/2005 - 4/2008
  • Executive Committee, Japan Society for Political Economy, 10/2014 - 11/201


  • Econometric Society
  • Game Theory Society
  • Society for Social Choice and Welfare
  • Society for Economic Design
  • Association for Public Economic Theory
  • Union for Radical Political Economics
  • Japanese Economic Association
  • Japan Society for Political Economy
  • Japanese Society for Comparative Economics

Presentations in International Conferences

1. “Partially-honest Nash implementation: a full characterization,” 2017 Asian Meeting for Econometric Society, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June 2017.
2. “Class and Exploitation: Technical Change, Social Norms, and Goodwin Dynamics,” Annual Meeting of Eastern Economic Association, New York, February 2017.
3. “Technical Change, Capital Accumulation, and Distribution,” 86th Annual Meeting of Southern Economic Association, Washington, November 2016.
4. “Treading a Fine Line: (Im)possibilities for Nash Implementation with Partially-honest Individuals,” The 5th World Congress of Game Theory Society, Maastricht University, July 2016.
5. “Globalisation and Inequality: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of Unequal Exchange,” The 13th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Sweden, June 2016.
6. “On Emergence and Persistency of Unequal Exchange Free Trade Equilibria in the Pre-industrial Capitalist World Economy,” Bi-Annual Meeting of Japanese Economic Association, Nagoya University, May 2016.
7. “Technical change, capital accumulation, and distribution,” International Seminar on Political Economy in Toyama, Toyama University, February 15, 2016.
8. “The Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Model and the Cambridge Capital Controversies,” 2016 ASSA ANNUAL MEETING, Philadelphia, San Francisco 2016.
9. “Technical change, capital accumulation, and distribution,” International Workshop on Analytical Political Economy in Japan, Tohoku University, November 23, 2015.
10. “Technical change, capital accumulation, and distribution,” Social Welfare, Justice and Distribution, Queen Mary University of London, 20 June, 2015.
11. “Technical change, capital accumulation, and distribution,” Tohoku Forum for Creativity Pre-Program 2014 Theoretical and Empirical Studies of the Effects of Technological Changes on Social Mobility and Income Distribution: Focusing on Inequalities of Social Mobility and Income in East Asia Annual Wrap-up Seminar, Tohoku University, March 4, 2015.
12. “The Theory of Exploitation as the Unequal Exchange of Labor,” London Workshop on Economics and Philosophy, Queen Mary University of London, 20 October, 2014.
13. “On the Existence and Characterization of Unequal Exchange in the Free Trade Equilibrium,” 14th SAET Conference on Current Trends in Economics, Waseda University, August 2014.
14. “The measurement of labour content: a general approach,” The 12th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Boston, June 2014.
15. “The Measurement of Labour Content: A General Approach,” 2014 Annual Meetings of the Eastern Economic Association, Boston, March 2014.
16. “Exploitation and Labor in Economies with Heterogeneous and Agents,” 2014 ASSA ANNUAL MEETING, Philadelphia, January 2014.
17. “Partially-Honest Nash Implementation: Characterization Results,” The 4th World Congress of Game Theory Society, Istanbul Bilgi University, July 2012.
18. “On feasibility of basic income,” Fairness and the Welfare State in the Age of Aging, Korea University, May 2012.
19. “Exploitation as the Unequal Exchange of Labour: An Axiomatic Approach,” 2012 ASSA ANNUAL MEETING, Chicago, January 2012.
20. “Exploitation as the Unequal Exchange of Labour: An Axiomatic Approach,” 15th Conference of the Research Network on Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), Berlin, October 2011.
21. “Proportional Nash solutions-A new and procedural analysis of nonconvex bargaining problems,” CEPET Summer Workshop 2011, Udine, June 2011.
22. “Profits and Exploitation: A Reappraisal,” The Sixth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy, The University of Massachusetts Amherst, May 2011.
23. “Exploitation as the Unequal Exchange of Labour: An Axiomatic Approach,” 37th Annual Conference of Eastern Economic Association, New York, February 2011.
24. “On Public Decision Making: From an Approach of Social Choice Theory,” 7th Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposium, Potsdam, November 2010.
25. “Globalization and Exploitation: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of Unequal Exchange,” 14th Conference of the Research Network on Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM), Berlin, October 2010.
26. “Nash Implementation in Production Economies with Unequal Skills: A Complete Characterization,” The 10th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, The University-Higher School of Economics, July 2010.
27. “Exploitation as the Unequal Exchange of Labour: An Axiomatic Approach,” CEPET 2010 Workshop in honor of Nick Baigent, Graz University, June 2010.
28. “Exploitation as the Unequal Exchange of Labour: An Axiomatic Approach,” International Conference on Inequality, Korea University, May 2010.
29. “Injustice of exploitation: an axiomatic approach,” 2009 Far East and South Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society, University of Tokyo, August 2009.
30. “On the General Existence of Party-Unanimity Nash Equilibrium in Multi-dimensional Political Competition Games,” The 9th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Concordia University, June 2008.
31. “On Initial Conferment of Individual Rights,” AETW08: The 26th Anniversary Australasian Economic Theory Workshop, Bond University, February 2008.
32. “On Initial Conferment of Individual Rights,” The Canadian-French-Japanese workshop on Social Choice and Welfare, University of Caen, October 2007.
33. “Class and Exploitation in General Convex Cone Economies,” AETW07: The 25th Anniversary Australasian Economic Theory Workshop, Australian National University, February 2007.
34. “On Initial Conferment of Individual Rights,” International Symposium on Mathematical Programming for Decision Making: Theory and Applications (ISMPDM07), Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Centre, January 2007.
35. “Alternative Characterizations of Three Solutions in Convex and Nonconvex Bargaining Problems,” The Asian Decentralization Conference 2005, Seoul National University, May 2005.
36. “A New Insight into Three Bargaining Solutions in Convex Problems,” International Conference in Game Theory and Mathematical Economics 2004, Walzawa University, September 2004.
37. “Imperialist Policies v.s. Welfare States Policies,” Public Economic Theory Conference 04, Peking University, August 2004.
38. “Triple Implementation in Production Economies with unequal skills by Sharing Mechanisms,” The 2nd World Congress of Game Theory Society, Marseille, July 2004.
39. “Imperialist Policies v.s. Welfare States Policies,” The 7th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Osaka University, July 2004.
40. “On the Libertarian Assignments of Individual Rights,” 2004 Annual Meeting of Public Choice Society, Baltimore, March 2004.
41. “On the Libertarian Assignments of Individual Rights,” The 3rd International Conference on Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice, Siena, September 2003.
42. “On Recent Developments in Game Theoretic Approaches to Individual Right,” The 10th Osnabruck Seminar on Individual Decisions and Social Choice, University of Osnabruck, September 2003.
43. “Existence of Social Ordering Functions Which Embody Procedural and Consequential Values,” 2003 Annual Meeting of Public Choice Society, Nashville, March 2003.
44. “A Mechanism Design for a Solution to the Tragedy of Commons,” The International Congress of Mathematics 2002: Game Theory and Applications, Qingdao University, August 2002.
45. “A Mechanism Design for a Solution to the Tragedy of Commons,” The 2nd International Conference of the Society for Economic Design, New York University, July 2002.
46. “On Libertarian Rights Assignments,” The 6th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, Caltech, July 2002.
47. “A Mechanism Design for a Solution to the Tragedy of Commons,” The 1st Brazilian Workshop of the Game Theory Society, University of Sao Paulo, July 2002.
48. “Axiomatic Bargaining Theory in Production Economies: Responsibility and Compensation Viewpoints,” The 2nd International Workshop of Cooperative Games, University of Twente, June 2002.
49. “Axiomatic Bargaining Theory in Production Economies: Responsibility and Compensation Viewpoints,” Advances in Game Theory and Related Topics joint with Game Practice III (in honour of Stef Tijs), Tilburg University, June 2002.
50. “Characterizations of Bargaining Solutions in Production Economies with Unequal Skills,” The 1st World Congress of Game Theory Society, Bilbao, July 2000.
51. “On Efficient and Procedurally-Fair Equilibrium Allocations in Sharing Games,” The International Conference of the Society for Economic Design, Istanbul, June 2000.
52. “Characterizations of Bargaining Solutions in Production Economies with Unequal Skills,” The 5th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, University of Alicante, July 2000.
53. “On the Existence of Procedurally Fair Allocation Rules in Economic Environments,” The XII-th World Congress of International Economic Association, University of Buenosailes, August 1999.
54. “On the Existence of Procedurally Fair Allocation Rules in Economic Environments,” The International Conference on Axiomatic Resource Allocation Theory, Namur University, June 1999.
55. “A Game Form Approach to Theories of Distributive Justice: Formalizing Needs Principle,” The International Conference on Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice ’99, Tilburg University, May 1999.
56. “A Game Form Approach to Theories of Distributive Justice: Formalizing Needs Principle,” and “A Social Procedure for Choosing Fair Allocation Rules: Formalizing the Rawlsian Principles of Justice,” The 4th International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, University of British Columbia, July 1998.
57. “A Characterization of Natural and Double Implementation in Production Economies,” Far Eastern Meeting of Econometric Society 1997 Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 1997. 58. “Characterizations of Public Ownership Solutions,” The Conference on Axiomatics of Resource Allocations, University of Montreal, June 1996.

Conferences organized (for recent several years

1. The Workshop on Analytical Political Economy in Japan, November 22-24, 2015, Tohoku University,
Speakers: Amitava Dutt, Simon Mohun, Peter Skott, Gil Skillman, Soon Ryo, Kurose Kazuhiro, Soh
Kaneko, Hiroki Murakami, Hiroyuki Sasaki, Ohno Takashi, and Naoki Yoshihara
2. The 5th Summer School on Analytical Political Economy, 27-29 August, 2015, Hitotsubashi Univ,
Speakers: Kurose Kazuhiro, Kaname Miyagishima, Hiroyuki Sasaki, Ohno Takashi, and Naoki
3. The 3rd Summer School on Analytical Political Economy, 28-31 August, 2013, Hitotsubashi Univ.,
Speakers: Reiko Gotoh, Akira Matsui, Makoto Saitoh, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Hiroaki Sasaki, Takashi Ohno,
Kazuhiro Kurose, Naoki Yoshihara.
4. GCOE International Conference on Equality and Welfare 2013, 19-20 March, 2013, Hitotsubashi Univ.,
Speakers: Geir B. Asheim, Michele Lombardi, Hitoshi Matsushima, John E. Roemer, Tatsuyoshi
Saijo, Arunava Sen, Shin Sato, William Thomson, Yongsheng Xu, Naoki Yoshihara.
5. GCOE Lectures on Social Choice and Welfare 2013, 18, 21 March, 2013, Hitotsubashi Univ.,
Speakers: Yongsheng Xu, William Thomson.
6. GCOE Lecture, 22 March, 2013, Hitotsubashi Univ.,
Speakers: Peter Hammond.
7. Workshop on Analytical Political Economy in Japan, 23-24 November, 2012, Hitotsubashi Univ.,
Speakers: Kazuhiro Kurose, Nanako Fujita, Sinya Fujita.
8. The 2nd Summer School on Analytical Political Economy: Equality and Welfare, 30 August-2 September, 2012, Hitotsubashi Univ.,
Speakers: Reiko Gotoh, Takao Sasaki, Naoki Yoshihara, Toru Maruyama, Hiroyuki Yoshida,
Yoshiyasu Ono, Takashi Ohno, Hiroaki Sasaki.
9. The 1st Mini Lecture Series on Analytical Political Economy, 29-30 March, 2012, Hitotsubashi Univ.,
Speakers: Peter Skott.
10. Workshop on Analytical Political Economy in Japan (WAPEJ), 27-28 November, 2010, Hitotsubashi Univ.,
Speakers: Hiroaki Sasaki, Kzuhiro Kurose, Jun Matsuyama, Naoki Yoshihara, Akira Yamazaki.
11. G-COE Lecture series, 25-26, 28-29 January, 2010, Hitotsubashi Univ.,
Speaker: John E. Roemer.
12. One Day Workshop on Analytical Political Economy in Japan, 21 November, 2009, Hitotsubashi Univ.,
Speakers: Takashi Sato, Yuuho Yamashita, Kazuhiro Kurose, Naoki Yoshihara, Tadasu Matuo.
13. COE/RES One day workshop on exploitation, 21 March, 2008, Hitotsubashi Univ.,
Speakers: Tadasu Matsuo, Akira Takamasu, Roberto Veneziani, Naoki Yoshihara. 

Selected Publications


  • Rational Choice and Social Welfare: Theory and Applications, (co-edited with P. Pattanaik, K. Tadenuma, and Y. Xu), September 2008, Springer.
  • Toward a Welfare Theory of Labor Exploitation, February 2008, Iwanami Publisher (Japanese).


  • "On the Existence and Characterization of Unequal Exchange in the Free Trade Equilibrium," (with Soh Kaneko), forthcoming in Metroeconomica.
  • "The Dynamics of Exploitation and Class in Accumulation Economies," (with J. Cogliano and R. Veneziani), forthcoming in Metroeconomica.
  • "A Progress Report on Marxian Economic Theory: On the Controversies in Exploitation Theory since Okishio (1963)," forthcoming in Journal of Economic Survey.
  • "Exploitation in economies with heterogeneous preferences, skills and assets: An axiomatic approach," (with Roberto Veneziani), Journal of Theoretical Politics, 27, January 2015 , pp. 8-33.
  • "Exploitation of Labour and Exploitation of Commodities: a "New Interpretation"" (with Roberto Veneziani), Review of Radical Political Economics 45, December 2013, pp. 517-524.
  • "A Full Characterization of Nash Implementation with Strategy Space Reduction," (with Michele Lombardi), Economic Theory 54, September 2013, pp131-151.
  • "Rationality and solutions to nonconvex bargaining problems: rationalizability and Nash solutions" (with Yongsheng Xu), Mathematical Social Sciences 66, July 2013, pp66-70.
  • "Class and Exploitation in General Convex Cone Economies," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 75, August 2010, pp. 281-296.
  • "Triple Implementation in Production Economies with unequal skills by Sharing Mechanisms," (joint with Akira Yamada), International Journal of Game Theory 36, 2007, pp. 85-106.
  • "Alternative Characterizations of Three Bargaining Solutions for Nonconvex Problems," (joint with Yongsheng Xu), Games and Economic Behavior 57, October 2006, pp. 86-92.
  • "A Class of Fair Distribution Rules a la Rawls and Sen," (with Reiko. Gotoh), Economic Theory 22, August 2003, pp. 63-88.
  • "Characterizations of Bargaining Solutions in Production Economies with Unequal Skills, Journal of Economic Theory 108, February 2003, pp. 256-285.
  • "A Characterization of Natural and Double Implementation in Production Economies," Social Choice and Welfare 17, August 2000, pp. 571-599.
  • "Wealth, Exploitation, and Labor Discipline in the Contemporary Capitalist Economy," Metroeconomica 49-1, February 1998, pp.23-61.