In this concentration, students study culture, its differences over time and place, and its link to power. They also learn how anthropologists conduct research and work with communities locally and globally. Students can join research projects, community initiatives, internships, and other programs.
*Please note, courses are offered on varied schedules. Please speak to the advisor if you wish to take a particular course.
Core courses include:
204 Race, Culture, and Education
210 Economies and Culture
211 Language and Racism
212 Science, Technology, & Society
220 Intro to Native American Studies
224 Gender and Hip Hop
230 Race & the American Museum
234 Art in Cross-Cultural Perspective
236 Anthropology of and through Games
270 North American Indians
275 Dragon Around the World
297M Disease, Famine, & Warfare
292H Violence in American Culture
306 Visual Anthropology
315 Case Studies in Global Health
340 Other Economies Are Possible!
341 Building Solidarity Economies
344 Italy Fascism to Fashion
345 Urban Anthropology
357 Afterlives of Slavery
359 Language Migration and Mobility
360 Language, Culture & Society
370 Contemporary Issues for/of Native Americans
380 Grassroots Community Organizing (UACT)
384 African American Anthropology
394AI Europe after the Wall
394RI Ethnography in Action
395W Gender, Nation, and Body Politics
397BP Biology of Poverty
386 Critical Pedagogy
397D Public Anthropology
397DD Bioarchaeology of Violence
397JA Archaeology of Social Complexity
397PC Post Colonialism
397RE Anthropology of Race & Education
397SD Sustainability or Sustaining Development
397SS Celtic Diaspora
397LG Language, Gender & Sexuality
397GR Gender, Race, & the Body
397VS War & Historical Memory in Spain
415 Women's Health Across the Life Course
494CI Comics, Cartoons & Communicating Anthropology
497PN Language, Nationalism & Postnationalism
494BI Global Bodies
494PI Political Ecology
497DG Indigenous Archaeology
497R Political Economy of Race & Racism
499C/D Conquest by Law (2 part)
497/697 Critical Indigenous Theory & Method