The anthropology staff are here to assist you and navigate you through department processes and programs.

Administrative & Operations Coordinator

Headshot Adrianna DiMaio

Assists with personnel actions, reappointments, payroll needs, facilities requests, office supplies, general office support, and event planning.

Headshot Adrianna DiMaio

Director of Administration and Finance

Headshot Bev Morrison

Beverly oversees all department operations, including administration, budgets and finance, grants, personnel, public relations and facilities. She also works with the Department Chair on strategic planning.

Headshot Bev Morrison

 Financial Manager

Grace Rock.

Grace manages account balances and processes purchases, credit card payments, and travel reimbursements.

Grace Rock.

Associate Director of Academic Programs

Shelley headshot

Shelley handles all things academic: including curriculum, course scheduling, enrollment management and analytics, registration, fellowships, classroom reservations, and advising on academic requirements as well as overseeing the graduate program. Shelley manages the department website, communications, and social media.

Shelley headshot