Shemon Salam
Lecturer in Social Thought and Political Economy
All staff can be contacted at: STPEC Program Office, 301 Machmer Hall, 413 545-0043
Dr. Shemon Salam is currently working on a book, tentatively titled Limits of the Black Radical Tradition. He looks at the rise and fall of the Black Liberation Movement and class struggle in the 20th century. But this defeat is not permanent, Limits sees the return of the tradition in the form of riots, revolutions, and wars.
Shemon has been an activist since 2001. He has organized against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. He has been involved in anti-racist struggles around U.S. bases in South Korea, Islamophobia, and police brutality. He was involved in Occupy Wall Street and organizing fast food workers in New York City.
Ph.D., Geography, CUNY, Graduate Center
M.A., South Asian Studies, University of Washington, Seattle
Fields of Interest
Black Radical Tradition; racial capitalism; Black Geographies; South Asia Studies