Need additional space? The first-floor Multi-Purpose Room is available as an add-on to any Great Hall reservation after 5 p.m. on the weekdays or from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. on the weekends.
Great Hall Dimensions: 35' x 65' (2275 sq. ft.)
Stage Dimensions: 30' x 15' (450 sq. ft.)
Maximum guest capacities based on fire code and quantity of furniture.
Reception Set: 180 guest maximum
Includes up to 10 cocktail tables, six catering tables, and a bar.
Theater Set: 140 guest maximum
Includes up to seven rows of 20 chairs with a center aisle and four catering tables.
Note: without catering tables capacity is 160.
Seated Meal Set: 80 guest maximum
- 10 rounds of eight and four catering tables (80 seated).
- Nine rounds of eight plus four catering tables and bar (72 seated).
Great Hall-Specific Amenities
For the full list of Old Chapel amenities, please see our Booking and Events page. Additional fees may apply.
- Digital projector
- Accessible ramp for stage
- Integrated PA sound system
- Sheer and blackout shades
- Wireless handheld microphones
- Podium with integrated microphone, presentation connections
- Event music via Spotify
- Flip charts and easels
- Presentation remotes
- Stage curtains