Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing
General Information
The Accelerated BS in Nursing is a 16-month Elaine Marieb College of Nursing course of study. The program is designed for students with a non- nursing bachelor's degree who are interested in pursuing professional nursing. This is a full-time, fast-paced program that requires significant dedication and commitment. Students spend 4-5 days per week in the classroom and in clinical sites. Preparation for class and clinical is critical for success in this program. Outside employment is discouraged due to the intensity of this program.
The program builds on the students’ previous education, experience, and required prerequisites. Lectures, case studies, group projects, seminars, clinical practice, simulated laboratory, independent study, multimodal content, and self-paced modules provide the foundation for an approach to nursing that is humanistic and scientific. Community agencies such as senior citizen centers, colleges, ambulatory-care centers, community hospitals, medical centers, home- care agencies, long-term care facilities, and community and public health agencies are used for clinical practice.
Completion of requirements is part of the qualification for the non-licensed graduate to take the National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN®), a prerequisite to working as a registered nurse, and provides an academic foundation for graduate study in nursing.
Students who satisfactorily complete the 58 residence credits will be awarded a Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in Nursing. This 16-month track begins in the fall semester and continues through the winter session, spring semester, summer sessions, and a second fall semester.
Admission Requirements
Evidence of bachelor's degree in a field other than Nursing, as documented by official transcripts (including translations and evaluations of non-English transcripts).
- C or better (3.0) in the following prerequisite courses: Human Nutrition, General or Medical Microbiology with lab, Human Anatomy (or Anatomy & Physiology I with lab), Human Physiology (or Anatomy & Physiology II with lab), Statistics, and Human Growth and Development throughout the Lifespan
- Overall GPA in the prerequisite courses of B or better (3.0)
- One letter of reference
- Resume
- Completion of essay
- Non-native speakers of English on Foreign Student Visas who apply for admission to the College must submit their TOEFL Scores. A minimum passing score is 80.
Admissions Procedure
Applicants are ranked according to the strength of their GPA in the prerequisite courses, recommendations, essay, resume, and (for foreign students) TOEFL scores.
The application deadline for classes that start in August is January 8. To apply, visit
Students must provide evidence of high school degree conferral as documented by official transcript, including translations and evaluations of non-English transcripts and compliance with the immunization requirements specified by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
Accelerated BS Program of Study
The program starts with an orientation session before the first class begins. There are at least two days per week of clinical experience each semester that can occur on weekdays or weekends and on day, evening, and night shifts. In the summer and fall semesters of the following year, there may be up to four days of clinical each week. Each didactic class credit is equivalent to one hour in class per week and at least three hours of outside of class preparation and study. Each clinical credit hour equals 42 hours per semester. The total time commitment is 24-30 hours per week, plus study time of approximately 10-16 hours each week.
The Accelerated track is a full-time commitment with little room to accommodate personal schedules. The student may be required to rearrange other responsibilities to meet the demands of the program.
The Elaine Marieb College of Nursing provides the best possible clinical experiences for students, using a wide variety of in-patient, outpatient, and community sites (with day, evening, weekend, and night shifts used seven days a week). For this reason, public transportation or sharing transportation have not been workable as means to get to the clinical agencies. Instead, students must provide their own transportation to the clinical sites assigned by their course faculty.
Course, Course Title, Semester, Credits
N315, Health and Physical Assessment, Fall 1, 3
N333, Pathophysiology/Pharmacology I, Fall 1, 3
N406, Nursing Process: Clients with Common Health Disruptions, Fall 1, 3
N407, Nursing Process: Clients with Common Heath Disruptions: Practicum, Fall 1, 4
N420, Introduction to Nursing Research, Fall 1, 3
TOTAL TERM 1, 16 cr
N304, Concepts of Nursing, Winter, 2
TOTAL TERM 2, 2 cr
N334, Pathophysiology/Pharmacology II, Spring, 3
N436, Comprehensive Nursing, Spring, 4
N437, Comprehensive Nursing: Practicum, Spring, 3
N439, Community Health Nursing, Spring, 3
N498T, Community Health Nursing: Practicum, Spring, 3
TOTAL TERM 3, 16 cr
N325, Maternal-Newborn Nursing, Summer 2, 2
N398I, Maternal-Newborn Nursing: Practicum, Summer 2, 2
N326, Nursing Care of Children, Summer 2, 2
N398F, Nursing Care of Children: Practicum, Summer 2, 2
N327, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, Summer 2, 2
N398G, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: Practicum, Summer 2, 2
TOTAL TERM 4, 12 cr
N438, Professional Role in Nursing, Fall 2, 3
N498, Internship*, Fall 2, 4
N441, Decision-Making Strategies for Professional Nursing, Fall 2,1 (P/F)
N321, Preventive Care and Integrative Therapies, Fall 2, 2
Nxxx, Nursing Elective, Fall 2, 2
TOTAL TERM 5, 12 cr
*About the Internship (N498): The internship is an important component of the program for facilitating transition from student to professional nurse roles. This experience approximates the responsibility in a beginning level staff position offered under faculty guidance and a professional nurse preceptor mentor. The internship requires 12-24 hours a week in a clinical setting, providing the student with an opportunity to synthesize concepts and theory from previous coursework and to apply this knowledge in clinical practice.
The Accelerated Track may be revised in response to rapid advances in scientific technology, new trends in health care delivery, and evidence from nursing research. Refer to the Elaine Marieb College of Nursing website for the most up to date information:
Accelerated BS: Estimated Fees and Expenses
Fees are subject to change. Check with Bursar’s office for most up-to-date fees.
Tuition 2023-2024: $695/credit plus $75/term registration fee.
Cost per credit is the same for in state and out-of-state students.
Other Estimated Supplies and Miscellaneous Costs for the Nursing Program as of September 2023 are posted on the Elaine Marieb College of Nursing website (costs are subject to change without notice).
Students are responsible for paying for Room/Board and are required to always carry personal health insurance. The Elaine Marieb College of Nursing provides the best possible clinical experiences for students, using a wide variety of inpatient, outpatient and community sites (with day, evening, weekend, and night shifts used seven days a week). For this reason, public transportation or sharing transportation have not been workable as means to get to the clinical agencies. Instead, students must provide their own transportation to the clinical sites assigned by their course faculty. Instead, students must provide their own transportation to the clinical sites assigned by their course faculty.
The University of Massachusetts Amherst believes that the primary responsibility for financing your college education rests with you and your family. Financial aid is available to assist in your efforts. The total of these expenses is your Cost of Education and is used to determine your eligibility for financial aid.