Anne Mistivar
Local Public Health Nurse Consultant, Public Health Nurse Consultant Program
Focusing on local public heath in the western region of the Commonwealth.
Contact details
Anne Mistivar, DNP-HSIL, MSN, RN is currently serving as a local public health nurse consultant for the Public Health Nurse Consultant Program, a joint initiative between the Elaine Marieb College of Nursing and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Learn more.
Anne is an advanced educator dedicated to the wellbeing of the community. As the director of Adult Basic Education/ Transition to College and Careers at Holyoke Community College, she endeavors to increase education in the community with the goal of increasing health literacy and self-determination.
Anne was the nursing supervisor for the city of Springfield's Department of Health and Human Services, and she worked closely with the community to provide guidance during the pandemic. Anne teaches online courses for nurses in Haiti through Elms College, funded by the Kellogg Foundation to improve maternal and child health outcomes by enhancing clinical nursing skills, knowledge and attitudes through a partnership between the Elms College and the Episcopalian University of Haiti School of Nursing.
She volunteers her time with several organizations to advance health equity in the local community.