What can I do with a Major or Secondary Major in Afro-American Studies?
- Public Relations & Marketing
- Education
- Business & Finance
- Performance & Creative Writing
- Global Affairs & Development
- Government & Public Administration
- Environmental Justice
- Public Health & Medicine
- Law
As an Afro-American Studies major, you will gain skills in project development, research and analysis, interpersonal and cross-cultural communication, critical thinking, problem solving, and writing—all skills employers look for in new hires. The undergraduate degree in Afro-American Studies prepares you for the complex challenges that face our communities, country, and the world in the 21st century.
Secondary Majors
- Apply all AfroAm courses towards the Major & General Education Requirements
- Courses in your primary major may apply.
Major Requirements
Majoring in Afro-American Studies requires that a student complete a minimum of eleven (11) courses in the Du Bois Department in addition to AfroAm 365: Junior Year Writing. In their final year, students take a two-semester capstone sequence: AfroAm 494DI: The Du Bois Senior Seminar (offered in the fall only), and AfroAm 496: The Du Bois Senior Project. Senior projects can be thesis papers or another type of project designed in consultation with a faculty advisor from the department. Independent study credits do not count toward the major requirements.
*Primary Majors: One course in Afro-American Studies may satisfy the Gen. Ed. Requirement.
*Secondary Majors: All courses in Afro-American Studies may satisfy Gen. Ed. Requirements and will be accepted towards the major. Some courses from your primary major may be accepted as well.
101 — Introduction to Black Studies, 3 credit
Humanities Group (2 courses required)
117 — Survey of Afro-American Literature I, 4 credits (AL,DU)
118 — Survey of Afro-American Literature II, 4 credits (AL,DU)
151 — Literature and Culture, 4 credits (AL,DU)
155 — Concepts in Afro-American Music I, 3 credits (AT,DU)
156 — Concepts in Afro-American Music II, 4 credits (AT,DU)
MUSIC 102 — Afro-American Music, 4 credits (AL,DU)
MUSIC 103 — History of Jazz, 4 credits (AT,DG)
History & Social Sciences Group (2 courses required)
132 — Afro-American History, 1619-1860, 4 credits (HS,DU)
133 — Afro-American History, Civil War to 1954, 4 credits (HS,DU)
161 — Introduction to Afro-American Political Science, 4 credits (HS,DU)
ECON 144 — Political Economy of Racism, 4 credits (SB,DU)
HISTORY 161 — History of Africa since 1500, 4 credits (HS,DG)
Four courses at the 200-400 level (History, Social Sciences, Literature, Creative and Performing Arts)
365 — Composition: Style and Organization, 3 credits
Both courses required for primary and secondary AfroAm majors: open to juniors and seniors
494DI — Du Bois Senior Seminar, 3 credits (IE designation, fall offering only)
496 — Independent Project, 3 credits
Courses accepted from outside departments and within the other Five College departments or programs may count towards the major: You must contact Tricia Loveland prior to registering for any courses outside the Afro-American Studies Department.
How to Declare
Please fill out the Intake Form for New Majors & Secondary Majors. For any questions about the major or the declaration process, contact Tricia Loveland at @email.