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What can I do with a Major or Secondary Major in Afro-American Studies?

  • Public Relations & Marketing
  • Education
  • Business & Finance
  • Performance & Creative Writing
  • Global Affairs & Development
  • Government & Public Administration
  • Environmental Justice
  • Public Health & Medicine
  • Law

As an Afro-American Studies major, you will gain skills in project development, research and analysis, interpersonal and cross-cultural communication, critical thinking, problem solving, and writing—all skills employers look for in new hires. The undergraduate degree in Afro-American Studies prepares you for the complex challenges that face our communities, country, and the world in the 21st century.

Secondary Majors

  • Apply all AfroAm courses towards the Major & General Education Requirements
  • Courses in your primary major may apply.  

Major Requirements

Majoring in Afro-American Studies requires that a student complete a minimum of eleven (11) courses in the Du Bois Department in addition to AfroAm 365: Junior Year Writing. In their final year, students take a two-semester capstone sequence: AfroAm 494DI: The Du Bois Senior Seminar (offered in the fall only), and AfroAm 496: The Du Bois Senior Project. Senior projects can be thesis papers or another type of project designed in consultation with a faculty advisor from the department. Independent study credits do not count toward the major requirements. 

*Primary Majors: One course in Afro-American Studies may satisfy the Gen. Ed. Requirement.
*Secondary Majors:  All courses in Afro-American Studies may satisfy Gen. Ed. Requirements and will be accepted towards the major. Some courses from your primary major may be accepted as well. 

Courses accepted from outside departments and within the other Five College departments or programs may count towards the major: You must contact Tricia Loveland prior to registering for any courses outside the Afro-American Studies Department.

General Education Requirements