PhD Curriculum Requirements

PhD Curriculum Requirements

Students who are matriculated in Fall 2023 or after complete 41 credits of required coursework + 18 required dissertation credits (59 credits):

EMCON PhD Program Plan of Study by Semester

Term 1Fall, Year 1 
N790FHistory & Political Economies of Philosophy of Science: Big Ideas in Nursing3 cr
N790FREdge-runners in Nursing’s Research, Scholarship & Innovation3 cr
N790EExperiential & Community-guided Approaches to Nursing’s Research and Innovation3 cr
N790A*Introduction to Statistics (asynchronous online)(3 cr)*
N890YXPre-Dissertation Community & Skills-Building Seminar 11 cr
TOTAL TERM 1: 10-13 credits

*Students who have not satisfactorily completed a graduate level introductory statistics course within the 3 years prior to matriculation must also enroll in N790A Introduction to Statistics

Term 2Spring, Year 1 
N790SPTheory and Connections to Praxis: Putting Ideas to Work3 cr
N790SRTransformative Research Design I: Working with Accountability Partners to Define the Research Focus3 cr
N790SCDeductive Reasoning (previously known as “Intermediate Stats”)3 cr
N890ZXPre-Dissertation Community & Skills-Building Seminar 21 cr
 Option for additional electives including those associated with Certificate programsvariable
TOTAL TERM 2: 10+ cr

 + Comprehensive Exam (upon completion of required coursework for Terms 1 and 2).

Completion of any additional post-baccalaureate credit requirements (for BS-to-PhD students) and successful passage of the comprehensive exam is a requirement for academic progression in the PhD program.

Term 3Fall, Year 2 
N890FPVisionary Anti-racist Leadership I: Developing Accountable, Sustainable, Transformative Praxis3 cr
N890FRTransformative Research Design II: Operationalizing the Research & Project Management3 cr
N890FCInductive & Complex Reasoning (previously known as “Qualitative & Mixed Methods”)3 cr
N890YX*Pre-Dissertation Community & Skills-Building Seminar 1 (advanced)1 cr
 Option for additional electives including those associated with Certificate programsvariable
TOTAL TERM 3: 10+ cr

 *N890YX (advanced) strongly encouraged but not required

Term 4Spring, Year 2 
N890FPVisionary Anti-racist Leadership II: Policy, Pedagogy & Dissemination for Impact3 cr
xxxxElective: Research Design - any department3 cr
xxxxElective: Power, Critical Reasoning & Analysis – any department3 cr
N890ZX*Pre-Dissertation Community & Skills-Building Seminar 2 (advanced)1 cr
 Option for additional electives including those associated with Certificate programsvariable
TOTAL TERM 4: 10+ cr

 + Completion of a 120-hour mentored research residency prior to approval of the dissertation prospectus

*N890ZX (advanced) strongly encouraged but not required

Term 5 & beyondBeyond completion of first 4 terms of coursework and with successful passage of comprehensive exam assessment 
N893A (fall) or N893B (spring)**Dissertation Seminar1 cr
N899Dissertation creditsvariable
 Option for additional electives including those associated with Certificate programs 
TOTAL TERM 5+: Variable*

**Students maintain enrollment in N893 Dissertation Seminar each semester through completion of their dissertation and defense. These credits count towards the Graduate School’s dissertation credits requirement.

6 credit minimum enrollment required by Graduate School to be coded as “full-time student” during the dissertation phase

Post-Masters students who are matriculated before Fall 2023 complete the following 59 credits of coursework:

Course #Course TitleCredits
N700History of Nursing Science and Philosophy3
N710Quantitative Methods in Nursing Research3
N716Intermediate Statistics for Health Research3
N720State of the Discipline of Nursing3
N730Qualitative Methods in Nursing Research3
N775Measurement in Health Research3
N810Advanced Nursing Research3
N820Emerging Nursing Theory3
N870Role of the Scholar and Leader3
N897ASpecial Topics in Health Research3

Advanced Methods Elective



N893ADissertation Seminar (Fall)1
N893BDissertation Seminar (Spring)1

+ Comprehensive Examination

+ Mentored Research Experience (120 hours minimum)


Post Baccalaureate students must also complete course requirements for the Masters in Nursing Science (MSNS), including:

Course #Course TitleCredits
N614Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Reasoning3
N615Advanced Pathophysiology3
N619Advanced Pharmacology3

Note: Some courses are offered online through Flexible Education (formerly University Without Walls).

Note: The plan or study of applicants with DNP degrees or master’s Degrees in other fields will be tailored to the learning needs of the applicant.

In addition to academic coursework, students must:

  • Successfully pass a Comprehensive Examination qualifying them as a PhD candidate.
  • Complete a 120 hour (minimum) mentored research residency.
  • Submit and orally defend a scholarly dissertation prospectus.
  • Implement, write, and defend an original dissertation study.

Full-time students are required to take a minimum of two courses (6 credits) per semester and are encouraged to complete degree requirements within four (post-master) to six (post-baccalaureate) years.