Withdrawal Policy

Withdrawal Policy

The Elaine Marieb College of Nursing policy is consistent with the University procedure for withdrawal from a course or from the University. See the Dean of Students website on the policy for withdrawal.

Withdrawing from a course

To withdraw from a course, students can drop the course in SPIRE or enlist the assistance of our undergraduate advisors.

  • During the add/drop period, students may drop the course in SPIRE, with no record.
  • After the add/drop period and until the mid-semester date, "W" drops are accepted and can be done in SPIRE.
  • After the mid-semester date, students must petition the Academic Dean.


  • Withdrawing from a course will affect the program of study and may affect the student’s graduation date.
  • If a student withdraws from courses that bring their total enrollment below a full-time load of 12 credits, it may affect financial aid package. Please check with the Office of Financial Aid.

Withdrawing from the University

  • Students withdrawing DURING the semester should visit the Dean of Students Office website for information regarding withdrawing from the University.
  • Students withdrawing from the University AFTER the current semester ends but before the first day of classes of the next semester must fill out an End of Term Withdrawal request in SPIRE.

FA 1/31/19; 9/21/22; 5/17/23