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If you are a student who is trying to enroll in a Writing Program class or has a question about College Writing, please email writingprogram@acad.umass.edu. From there, we'll direct your question to the person best able to help you. For other questions, call 413-545-0610, visit us in Du Bois 1323, or contact one of the individuals below.

Office Administrator: Susan Dreyer 
Office: Du Bois 1323
Phone: 413.545.0610
Email: dreyer@umass.edu 
Enrollment, Contact Information, and General Inquiries 

Office Manager/Bookkeeper: Heidi Terault
Office: Du Bois 1322
Phone: 413.545.0633
TO applications, Appointments, and Contract Information; General Inquiries

Interim Director: Tara Pauliny
Office: Du Bois 1328
Phone: 413.545.6313
Teacher Training, Honors College Writing (Englwrit 112H)

Administrative Director: Anne Bello
Office: Du Bois 1320
Phone: 413.545.3667
College Writing (Englwrit 112), Curriculum Development, Junior Year Writing, Englwrit 111, Placement and Exemptions, Budgets, General Inquiries; please send questions about writing placement to writingplacement@umass.edu

Associate Director: Elkie Burnside
Office: Du Bois 1326
Phone: 413.545.0610
Assessment, Curriculum Development

Associate Director, Junior Year Writing: Haivan Hoang
Office: W349 South College
Junior Year Writing

Writing Center Director: Anna Rita Napoleone
Phone: 413.545.0610
Writing Center