
Larry Flynn (he/him) is a Teaching Associate and Graduate Assistant Director for Teacher Training in the Writing Program. At UMass, he has also taught creative writing in the English Department, University+, and at the Juniper Institute for Young Writers. Prior to UMass, he received teaching fellowships from Columbia University’s Klingenstein Institute and Culver Academies, where he taught high school humanities. He has also taught writing in summer programming at Northfield Mount Hermon School and Phillips Academy Andover. He received an MS in Journalism from Northwestern University, and he has published poetry, prose, and journalism for Sports Illustrated, Michigan Quarterly Review, West Branch, New Letters, The Greensboro Review, and others. His writing has received support through the Bread Loaf Writers Conferences, Tin House, and The Juniper Summer Writing Institute. He is currently writing a collection of short stories and studying prose in the MFA for Poets & Writers.