Worker Voice & Visibility

We have worked closely with the UMass frontline workforce for over three decades now.  It's has been an extraordinary experience.  The worker education approach has allowed us to connect deeply with participants who have shared their dreams, their challenges, their talents, their stories.  We aim to grow this section of our web site week by week.  There is much to draw upon: a dozen compilations of worker writing, seven exhibitions of worker art, 455 radio shows on social justice.  Click the menu at left to access worker writing, worker art, and worker voice.  Get a sense of our participants.  We have an awful lot to learn from each other, about each other.

Samples of Worker Art & Writing

  • Quilted Fabric
    By Malini Sinha

    Here is an upclose photograph of beaded quilt-work, vibrant colors of purple, green, and orange.
  • AWOL Bag
    By Lee Christian

                I waved one more time out of the train window before my family disappeared from sight around a bend in the track. It would be the last time I saw them for almost two years. I pulled my head back inside the car and slid the window closed. I sat down and pulled my AWOL bag from under the seat and pulled a James Bond paperback from it. I put it back under the seat and settled back...

    Read more from AWOL Bag
  • Image 3
    By Paul Ribeiro

    Here is a painting of an ancient green-faced Egyptian deity or pharaoh.
  • Meercat
    By Marvin Ellin

    Here is a photograph of a meercat.
  • Skyline
    By Loni Edwards

    Here is a painting of a seated bear looking skyward.