Fall 2018 Career Growth & Learning Classes

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Next Steps to Higher Education

Thursday, November 15
1 to 2:30 p.m.
Campus Center 903

Are you wondering about next steps in your worklife and education? Do you want to go back to school but aren’t sure if you’re ready for college classes? We will hear from representatives from community college programs that are designed for adults who want to go back to school. Maybe you’re exploring a trades licensing program but aren’t sure if you need better math skills? Or you’re looking into an office administration or business degree, or hope to move up in Auxiliary Enterprises with a career in culinary arts. Hear from workers and community college administrators about some of the career options you might have with more training and education. Leslie Fraser, instructor 

Résumés, Cover Letters & Presenting Your Best Self

Monday, November 19
1 to 3 p.m.
210 Dickinson Hall

Learn how to create a résumé that works for you, craft a cover letter to promote your strengths and skills, and gather tips on using social media, networking, and putting your best self forward in the world of work. Leslie Fraser, Coordinator of Campus Career Initiatives

Community CPR

Tuesday, October 23
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
102 Draper Hall

Learn about hands-only CPR in this hour-long presentation, which covers the basic anatomy and physiology of sudden cardiac arrest and allows participants to practice performing compresions. No certification is offered from this class. J. Dominic Singh and EHS staff, Environmental Health and Safety

Career and Education Advising

Contact Leslie Fraser for an appointment: 545-1600 or lfraser@admin.umass.edu
Could you do almost anything if you only knew what it was you wanted to do? Do you know what you’d like to do, but need help getting there? Would you like some help with work and education goals? Make an appointment with Leslie Fraser.

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