Opportunities for Campus Staff

Aside from taking one of our educational offerings, there are many ways for staff to become involved in our program:

  • Co-teach one of our classes (email Amy Brodigan at brodigan@admin.umass.edu)
  • Tutor in one of our classes (email Fran Fortino -franf@admin.umass.edu)
  • Suggest a course or a project that we could sponsor (email Amy Brodigan at brodigan@admin.umass.edu)
  • Publish your writing in one of our worker-writing publications (see our writing classes)
  • Read your writing at one of our public events (see writing classes and Building Bridges)
  • Exhibit your art at one of our exhibitions of worker art (see worker artists course or Building Bridges)
  • Participate on our longstanding labor/management Advisory Committee (email Joe Connolly at connolly@admin.umass.edu)

In the past, staff have done all of the above.  As well, staff have:

  • Helped conduct research for a federally-funded research project (participatory research related to workplace change)
  • Produced and ran a weekly radio show on social justice (13 years a-running)
  • Presented at conferences (academic, workforce, and union)