Participant Accomplishments


Worker participants are at the heart of what we are all about.  The scope and nature of our participant involvement is repeatedly cited by national leaders in worker education.  No surprise.  For years now, our participants have set high standards across a variety of measures, including levels of peer support in the classroom, skills acquisition, creativity, and workforce engagement.  Participant accomplishments include:      

Achieving tangible learning outcomes

  • Advancing in English fluency
  • Honing skills in subjects such as math, writing, communication, computer skills, leadership, problem-solving

Assisting in the classroom

  • Teaching and co-teaching in our classes
  • Going the extra mile in supporting one another, inspiring one another

Pulling together amazing projects

  • Coming together to help launch massive celebrations of worker art
  • Creating collective displays of immigrant employee voice for a broad campus audience
  • Contributing to an array of compilations of worker writing, and then publicizing that writing via radio broadcastslive readings, and web submissions
  • Banding together to produce, direct, script and star in a video that addresses workplace diversity
  • Proposing and then helping to run a 13-year weekly radio show on "Social Justice from a Worker's Perspective"

Challenging preconceptions

  • Conducting participatory research for a federally funded project

Helping to design program operations

  • Shaping our overall program via membership on our Advisory Committee
  • Helping to develop career ladder programs via membership on steering committees