Frequently Asked Questions
I opted to take a course to set an example for my granddaughter who dropped out of school. I'm sixty-nine years old. I want to be a role model for her. M. King
People take our courses for various reasons:
- to sharpen workplace skills
- to gain new workplace skills
- to broaden horizons
- to make a difference
- to acquire that sense of enrichment that comes with taking a course
- to advance a career.
All of our offerings are free to participants, excepting some costs related to licensure.
It depends on the course:
- Our campus-wide offerings, advertised online and through our semester brochure: We prioritize campus classified and professional employees.
- Department-funded WE offerings: The funding department prioritizes participants to be served.
- Our Community Works pre-apprenticeship program: We prioritize greater Springfield and Holyoke adults for entry.
- Our Southern Hilltowns Adult Education Center: Eligibility is limited to Southern Hilltowns residents.
Our approach. We are worker-centered. We encourage education for empowerment. We are a partnership program; all that we do we do in partnership. See Our Approach for more details.