Women, Gender, and Sexuality Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  What are the requirements or courses to major in WGSS?

A. The requirements for the major including University and HFA requirements are listed here: https://www.umass.edu/women-gender-sexuality/academics/undergraduate/major

Please note that the major requirements listed on our website pertain to primary majors. Secondary majors do Junior Year Writing and the Integrative Experience Seminar in their primary major department. Consequently, they must take additional electives to build out the 36 credits required for the major. Secondary majors are also subject to the college requirements of HFA—including the language requirement. Courses must be above a 100 level to count towards the major with the exception of WGSS 187. Courses which meet the requirements are listed each semester in the Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies Course Offerings Guide.


Q.  What are the requirements to minor in WGSS?

A. The requirements for the minor are listed here: https://www.umass.edu/women-gender-sexuality/academics/undergraduate/minor


Q. What courses should I take if I am interested in exploring a major (or minor) in WGSS?

A. We encourage to check one of the many introductory courses we offer https://www.umass.edu/women-gender-sexuality/academics/course-guide. They all offer excellent ways to explore the major or minor.  You may also want to attend one of the many events we sponsor. To learn about WGSS and WGSS-related events happening across the Five Colleges, subscribe to our listserv. Email @email. Even if you are not a member you may post your event to the list by sending it by email @email


Students may also want to consider taking one of our Gen Ed courses to get a sense of the breadth and depth of WGSS scholarship. Our Gen Eds are:


  • WGSS 187 (IDU), Gender, Sexuality and Culture
  • WGSS 220 (SBDG) Gender, the Global Environment, and Sustainability
  • WGSS 250 (SBDG) Introduction to Sexuality and Trans Studies: Movements for Justice in the Contemporary World
  • WGSS 275 (ALDU)Literature & Social Justice: Gender, Race, and the Radical Imagination 
  • WGSS 286 (HSDU) History of Sexuality and Race in the U.S.


Q.  What if I want to double major?

A. Great! You will have to decide if you want WGSS to be your primary or secondary major.

If WGSS is your primary major, you will complete all the requirements for the major as listed on our website—including Junior Year Writing and the Integrative Experience Seminar. If WGSS is your secondary major, you will complete all the requirements for the major but you will complete Junior Year Writing and Integrative Experience in your primary major department. (This means that as a secondary major, you will complete more electives to fulfill the 36 credits required for the degree.)


Q. What if I want to pursue a dual degree?

Ambitious, and awesome! You will need 150 credits total. For WGSS to approve your dual degree, you must complete the requirements for either the primary or secondary major, as specified on the website. Dual degrees are administered by the registrar’s office, and must be approved by both departments (of the primary and secondary majors) and the relevant colleges. If WGSS is your secondary major, a particular form is required and can be found here: https://www.umass.edu/registrar/sites/default/files/DualDegreeForm.pdf


Q.  I’m ready to commit to WGSS! Where do I find the forms to declare a major?

A. Forms to declare a major and other forms are found here: https://www.umass.edu/women-gender-sexuality/about/forms-more-information


Q. Should a first-year student explore GenEds during their first year? Or is it better to focus more on fulfilling prerequisites for the major?

A. Many WGSS courses fulfill the GenEd requirements and also count towards the WGSS major/minor.  Check in the course guide. Generally, most students spend their first year or two fulfilling their GenEd requirements before focusing on their major.


Q: If I take a class on a Pass/Fail basis, will it count towards my major or minor?

A:   You cannot elect to take a class for the major pass/fail.  Mandatory pass/fail courses can count. This rule does not apply to minors.


Q: Can the GenEd courses I take count towards my major? If so, what is the limit?

A:   There are rules governing how many courses in the major can count toward Gen Ed requirements.  However, there are no rules governing how many Gen Ed courses can count toward the major.


The JYW course (in the major) and the IE (in the major) count toward Gen Ed, as well as one other course in the major toward another Gen Ed requirement.  This could be WGSS 187.  Also, there is an additional allowance for a fourth course in the major to count toward one of a student's Diversity requirements.


But, again, the major can contain an unlimited number of courses designated with Gen Eds; students just cannot count more than the four outlined above toward fulfilling their Gen Ed requirements.


Q: I have a hold on my account? Who can remove it so I can register?

A: WGSS faculty never place holds on your account. If they related to your finance you should connect the Registrar to remove them.  Otherwise, the WGSS Undergraduate advisor (not your faculty sponsor) or the WGSS Undergraduate Program Director (UPD) can remove them. Email @email, and also copy your faculty sponsor to make the request.


Q. What is the recommended sequence of courses for the WGSS major?

A. We recommend that you take introductory WGSS courses (such as WGSS 187, 201) before taking upper-level courses.  Currently, the department offers a course at the 300-level or above each semester that fulfills our requirement for a feminist theory course. A feminist theory course (WGSS 301 or other courses designated as fulfilling the theory requirement) is required before you can take capstone courses. The Integrative Experience course is generally restricted to students on the verge of completing their degree. Other upper-level classes may have prerequisites. To check their descriptions, talk to the course instructors, and/or your faculty sponsor.


Q. What if I study abroad? Will my courses count towards my major/minor?

A.  Talk to your faculty sponsor before going abroad to study to approve courses that can count toward your major or minor.


Q. Is an internship or a practicum required for the WGSS major/minor?

  1. WGSS students are not required to conduct internships or practicums but many students do so, and are encouraged to do.  In addition, classes like Briggs feminism and social activism (get exact title from Spring 2024) introduces you to activism in a broad sense.


Q. Does WGSS offer scholarships and awards?

A. Yes, we do! Check them out here: https://www.umass.edu/women-gender-sexuality/campus-outreach/scholarships-awards.  Applications are usually due in the Spring.  In addition to these WGSS specific awards, WGSS students can apply for other scholarships and awards in HFA and UMass.


Q. What jobs and careers do WGSS majors pursue?

Scroll to the bottom of the page here https://www.umass.edu/women-gender-sexuality/academics/undergraduate to see the many things that WGSS alums are doing! Also contact the HFA Advising and Career services center to learn more. https://www.umass.edu/humanities-arts/advising-careers


Q. If students have specific questions about the WGSS, whom should they contact?

A. WGSS Undergraduate advisor, HFA advisor, or faculty sponsor


Q. What is the difference between a WGSS Undergraduate advisor and WGSS Faculty sponsor?

A. The WGSS Undergraduate Advisor is the person who can help you join the major or the minor, keep track of your degree requirements, preapprove study abroad courses, and clear you for graduation. The Advisor is the central “point person” who manages students’ academic files, and also represents the department at college and university recruiting and registration events. A Faculty Sponsor fulfills many of these same roles: the sponsor can help you join the major and minor, help you keep track of your degree requirements, and preapprove study abroad courses. The sponsor can also help you choose courses and offer advice regarding further educational opportunities in the Valley or after finishing your undergraduate degree. Faculty Sponsors cannot clear students for graduation, however, and do not generally liaise with administrators outside of the department.


Q. Does WGSS have specializations? What about Certificate programs?

A. WGSS faculty specialize in a range of areas, including (but not limited to!): Body Politics; Critical Race Studies; Sexuality Studies; Disability Studies; Queer Studies; Sustainability; Black Feminist Thought; Feminism, Comedy and Humor; Feminist Science Studies; Labor Studies; History; Expressive Culture; Critical Prison Studies; Asian and Asian American Feminisms; Latin American Studies; South Asian Studies; Reproductive Politics and Political Economy; Social Justice Feminisms; Social Movements; Transgender Studies; Migration Studies; Transnational, Decolonial, and Post-Colonial Feminisms.


Many of our courses count towards Five College Certificate programs, including:

  • Asian/Pacific/American Studies Certificate Program
  • Culture, Health, and Science
  • Queer, Trans, and Sexuality Studies
  • Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice Program
  • Sustainability Studies Certificate


Many of our courses also count toward UMass Amherst Certificate programs, including:


Q: If I am a double major do I have to take JYW and IE for both my majors?

A: If you are a secondary major, you take JYW and IE in your primary department. You don’t have to take it a second time in your secondary major.  Also you cannot take JYW and IE in your secondary major in lieu of those offered in your primary major. You can take the IE in your secondary major as an elective.  For more information, see



Q: I am enrolled in a dual degree, who should I contact to sign off on my “Certification for the Simultaneous Completion of Two Bachelor Degrees”?

You can reach out either to the WGSS Undergraduate Studies Program Director (UPD) or the WGSS Undergrad Advisor.  You may also want to keep your sponsor in the loop.


Q. Where can I learn more about WGSS as a department.

A. Here’s where https://www.umass.edu/women-gender-sexuality/about


Q. Where can I learn about faculty research?



Q. What courses should first-year students steer clear of?

A Generally, first-year students are discouraged from taking upper-level courses. However, if you have a strong interest in a topic, as well as the necessary prerequisites, then you should consult with the professor of the course.

Q.  How should I petition to ask if a particular course will count towards my major/minor

A.  Please fill out this form and take it to your faculty sponsor: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCpEPaLI9SImcqEFsJkubqjWMQSgbjPmXp8hWNwI1r9SkodA/viewform. It is also available on our website:
