Women's Studies Newsletter
Volume I #3
April 1976
This is the third issue of the Women's Studies Newsletter this year. We want to thank all of you who sent us announcements and information. However, the newsletter is still the work of the office staff almost exclusively. If the newsletter is to be more than a series of announcements and news items, it will need your participation. We would like to see the newsletter become a forum for exchange of ideas and information, a place for communication among women's studies students. This can only happen with more serious and directed student input. We could talk about the possibilities of having it printed or making it longer. If you're interested in developing the idea of an expanded newsletter or want to work on the current newsletter, please contact Dale in the WOST Office.
Women's Studies Deadlines
- MAJORS: End-of-semester reports due first week in May. Senior Summary Reports due May 5.
- CERTIFICATE: End-of-semester reports due May 10-21. End-of-program reports due May 3.
The Woman's Studies Spring Colloquium Series continues through April and into June. The following events are scheduled:
- 4-9 Fantasy's Role in Literary Expression. Lee Edwards, Arlyn Diamond and Joyce Berkman. 7:30 p.m. Campus Center 904-908
- 4-23 The Power of Fantasy: Women Visionaries. A Comparative approach to medieval women saints and Carrie Nation. Margo Culley and Elizabeth Martin. 7:30 p.m. Campus Center 904-908.
- 5-7 Fantasy and the Arts: The Omana Magic Theater Workshop: Scenes and Discussion from Work in Progress. 3:00 p.m. Bartlett Auditorium. Performance: "Temporary Insanity" by Judith Katz followed by discussion. 8:00 p.m. Bartlett Auditorium.
The Course Description Guide for Fall, 1976 will be available at the WOST office by Friday, April 23. Pre-registration for Fall semester begins Monday, April 26.
Valerie Maxwell, Union of Radical Political Economists (URPE) and New American Movement (NAM) will be speaking on Socialism and Feminism, Thursday, April 8 at 8:00 p.m., Babbot Room, 2nd Floor Octagon, Amherst College. Sponsored by Amherst Women's Group and Amherst Action Coalition.
Slide Presentation Miriam Levin and Ann Mochon, Art Department April 30, 7:30 p.m., Herter Auditorium 227. Sponsored by Women's Studies Program.
Registration for Project Self summer workshops will be by mail May 3 - May 28. Workshops include carpentry, bicycle repair, canoeing, and self defense. For a complete list of workshops, Contact the Everywomen's Center, 506 Goodell.
Hampshire College is sponsoring a series of events under the heading THE THIRD WORLD: The dialectic of Culture. A full schedule of events is available at the WOST office. Highlights include:
- 4-9 Africa in America: A Musical History. Bill Hassan, Kenny Barron, Ray Copeland, Clifford Jarvis, Archie Shepp, Azadin Weston, Beverly Roher and others.
- 4-10 Teatro Jurutungo/Theater Group. 8:30-10 p.m. Red Barn.
- 4-11 Concert - Suni Paz, Nobuko Miyamoto, Bennie Yee. 11:30-1 p.m. Main Lecture Hall.
- 4-11 Chris Williamson in concert. McConaughty Hall Wessleyan Univ. Vine St., Middletown, Conn.
- 4-16 Meg Christian in concert. Gamble Auditorium, Mount Holyoke College 9 p.m. $2.00.
- 4-18 "Antonia" A documentary film of Antonia Brico's life. 7:30 p.m., Gamble Aud., Mt. Holyoke. Free.
The WOST office just laid hands on an article on little known scholarships and how to find them. We're posting it on the back of the door to the office. Drop on and check it out.
The Office of Women's Studies of the Ohio State University is offering an opportunity to study and travel in England, France, and Germany during the first term of summer quarter 1976. The purpose of the five week study tour is, first, to survey the cultural and historical conditions that have contributed to the position of women in the world of work in the twentieth century; second, to appraise directly the status of women in several key industrialized countries of Western Europe; and, third, to study the status of American women in that light. For more information contact the WOST Office or write Office of Women's Studies, 250 Welding Engineering, 190 W. 19th Avenue, Columbus Ohio 43210. Phone: (614) 422-1021.
The Pioneer Sisters Women's Group at Mount Holyoke College is planning an Alternate Careers week-end April 16-17. Participants include a women's law collective, feminist coffeehouse and restaurant owners, and an artists collective. They need help with planning, publicity and funding. If interested, contact Valerie Barr, Box 82, Mount Holyoke, 586-3100, Ext. 3896.
Graduate students are needed to serve on three important University committees:
- Committee of Honorary Degrees
- Legal Services Governing Board
- Committee for Distinguished Teacher Awards
For more information contact Barbara Stack, Grad Senate 5-0970
INEZ GARCIA The Women's Studies office received a letter from The Viva Inez Committee announcing that Inez Garcia would like to speak at colleges in order to develop awareness on the subject of rape and to raise money for her trail. The Committee is committed to building support for this case and establishing a women's right to defend herself against rape. If you are interested in bringing Inex to speak on this campus contact the WOST Office.
The U. Mass. Rape Task Force and the Family Planning Council of Western Mass are co-sponsoring a day-long workshop and evening lecture on the subject of rape, on April 26. Ann Burgese (Direc. of Boston College Victim Counseling Service and author of two publications on rape and community mental health) and Nicholas Groth (former chief Psychologist at Mass Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Sexually Dangerous Persons) will offer a day long workshop including case histories to illustrate the psychology of both victim and offender, challenges to rape myths, counseling techniques for the victim, and diagnosis and management of the offender. The evening presentation will be made by Susan Brownmiller, author of Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape. Registration fee: all day: U. Mass students $5.00; U. Mass. faculty and staff -- $10.00. Brownmiller lecture only -- $2.00 at door. For further info contact Ruth Fessenden, United Christian Foundation Cottage B. 5-2789 or 5-2661
SYNERGY, an alternative, public high school in East Hartford, CT., is looking for a student intern for Fall 1976. A maximum of 15 WOST credits can be earned for a full time teaching commitment, in the subject of your choice. SYNERGY will be expanding its enrollment to 80 students for the fall, and is looking for students with innovative ideas and much energy to teach courses. Applicants must be open-minded, committed to working for radical social change, and be comfortable working collectively with young people and staff. Teaching experience is not necessary, but familiarity with street culture, working class youth, and alternative education would help. Flexibility and willingness to learn are primary. If interested, please contact Jefri at the WOST office with curriculum ideas.
The People's News-stand, located in the Student Union at U. Mass, distributes radical, feminist and alternative newspapers, magazines and journals. Run by a women's collective, including two Women's Studies students, Cheryl Schaffer and Deb Curtis, the news-stand carries material presenting a variety of perspectives on women, lesbians, gay issues, third world issues, imperialism, Native Americans, alternative energy and ecology, co-ops, health care, revolutionary art and film, and economics, and is an attempt to provide the U. Mass. community with access to ideas, information and perspectives not available in the establishment media. The news-stand carries a wide variety of feminist and lesbian material, including women's newspapers from around the US and Canada, Off Our Backs, Lesbian Tide, WomanSpirit, Quest and poetry from the Oakland Women's Press Collective.
Hampshire College Women's Events
The Whole Woman's Center of Hampshire College is presenting a week-long inquiry into some facets of GYNERGY - "female energy which both comprehends and creates who we are" - April 11 through April 17. The schedule, in part, is as follows:
- 4-11 Readers Theater: Adrienne Rich reading, 7:00 p.m. Dining Commons $1.00
- 4-12 Women's Studies Discussion, 2-4 p.m. Patterson Lounge. Mary Daly, "A Broom of One's Own" 8 p.m. Main Lecture Hall $1.00
- 4-13 Elana Dykewoman: Poetry Reading 8 p.m. Donut. All Women Welcome
- 4-15 Alix Dobkin in concert 8 p.m. Barn. All Women Welcome
- 4-16 June Arnold, "Women and Autobiographical Writing" 10-12 Emma Goldman 16. June Arnold, Poetry Reading / Discussion of Daughter's Ind. 2-4 Patterson Lounge. All Women Welcome.
- 4-17 Women's Dance, Lilith, 8 p.m. Dining Commons
"Voices From Within." a symposium of women writers will be sponsored by Hampshire College during April. Events include the following:
- 4-11 Adrienne Rich (see above), 7 p.m. Dining Commons
- 4-12 Mary Daly, Associate Professor of Theology, Boston College 8 p.m. Dining Commons. Women Only.
- 4-14 Elaine Schowalter, "Naming Ourselves--Literature and Feminist Consciousness" 4:30 the kiva, Library.
- 4-16 June Arnold (see above)