Office Improvements

Office Improvements URITS Anay Liu

Long overdue renovations to the WGSS offices that took place over the summer of 2011 mean that the [in 2012] current office staff - Karen Lederer, Linda Hillenbrand, and Nancy Patteson - and the department chair will no longer be piled on top of one another. While working in such close quarters has been a positive thing in some ways – the activities of the office are well-integrated when everyone knows what others are working on – the renovations will afford staff and students a level of privacy and concentration that was lacking before. Faculty offices are still spread throughout Bartlett Hall and perhaps one day the department will have one centralized space. This is a dream harbored by many in WGSS as it could contribute to more frequent conversations among faculty about what they are working on and could potentially foster more scholarly collaboration. But even with floors and long hallways between them, current faculty express gratitude for the high level of collegiality in the department.