Looking for a form?
Forms help us help you. Please use the tabbed content below to access the forms and other documents we all need to keep track of major/minor requirements, course petitions, course listings, and more.
Forms for Undergraduate Students
Useful forms for undergraduate students pursuing the WGSS major or minor, as well as their faculty sponsors.
Intake Form for New Majors/Minors
Intake Form for New Majors/Minors
Petition for Undergrad Course Inclusion
Petition for Undergrad Course Inclusion
Independent Study Form (must be approved by faculty)
Independent Study Form (must be approved by faculty)
Incomplete Form
Incomplete Form
End of Program Report - Majors
End of Program Report - Majors
End of Program Report - Minors
End of Program Report - Minors
Forms for Graduate Students
Certificate Student Information - Update Your Profile on Our Website
Certificate Student Information - Update Your Profile on Our Website
Petition for Graduate Course Inclusion
Petition for Graduate Course Inclusion
Independent Study Form (must be approved by faculty member)
Independent Study Form (must be approved by faculty member)
Application for TA/TO positions (open briefly in spring)
Application for TA/TO positions (open briefly in spring)
Application for Graduate Certificate Research Presentation Award (opens in Fall)
Application for Graduate Certificate Research Presentation Award (opens in Fall)
Application to the Graduate Certificate (Due March 1 each year)
Application to the Graduate Certificate (Due March 1 each year)
Graduate Certificate Completion Form
Have you finished the Graduate Certificate in Feminist Studies? Please fill and Sections A and B, and send back to lindah@umass.edu. If you can't use this form or need help with it, please contact us.