Interested in getting involved with WMUA production?
We make tons of PSA’s every week, and could always use help writing scripts, voicing and composing these announcements for various non-profit organizations around the Pioneer Valley and beyond!
If you are interested in helping create a PSA, or in learning how to use the Samplitude and Adobe Audition programs, you can email, or drop in during one of Production’s office hours. Audio Production office hours are posted under the “About WMUA” and “Staff” tabs.
Hear what the community has to say about our Production Department!
"So Terrific!!! Big thank you for such excellent production! You've gone more than the extra mile." | "Wow! Thank you so much for such a great PSA, and for sending it back to us. It is very much appreciated!" |
"Thank you very much, it sounds excellent." | "You're the best!" |