
View the latest videos featuring faculty, alumni and students affiliated with the University of Massachusetts Amherst Wind Energy Center at the College of Engineering.

July 2022

Video: NREL and UMass Amherst - Offshore Wind Turbines and the Future of Power Generation

In this webinar hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy’s WINDExchange initiative, National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Professor Sanjay Arwade discusses seafloor soils, integrated site characterization, offshore wind site investigation and CPT testing. 

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July 2022

New Wind Energy Fellows Speaker Series Talks Live on YouTube Playlist

We have launched a new learning resource for our wind energy community. We have launched a new learning resource for our wind energy community. You can now watch, listen and learn from worldwide renewable and wind industry educators and leaders in hour-long videos, presented in partnership with the Energy Transition Institute (ETI). Our first three Spring 2022 Wind Energy Fellows Seminar Series talks have been posted to the Wind Energy Center YouTube channel here.

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February 2022

Video: Matthew Lackner: Offshore Wind Turbines and the Future of Power Generation

Professor Matthew Lackner discusses the future of offshore wind energy and the technical developments, advantages, and challenges of this resource during this lecture as part of the historic Newport Art Museum’s Winter Speaker Series on February 12, 2022, as described in the Newport Daily News.

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November 2021

Video: Bill Heronemus: The Father of Modern Windpower 

In November 2021, a video on Professor William E. Heronemus, wind energy program founder at UMass Amherst in the 1970's, debuted. "Bill Heronemus: The Father of Modern Windpower" was filmed partially on the UMass Amherst campus at the Wind Energy Center and produced by the Business Network for Offshore Wind (BNOW) for their first annual Ventus Awards Gala, honoring contributors in the offshore wind industry. 

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October 2021

Video: James Manwell: History of the Putnam Wind Turbine

In conjunction with the York (PA) County History Center, Professor James Manwell presented a webinar on the history of the Smith-Putnam wind turbine October 28, 2021.  

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May 2021

Video: Matthew Lackner: The Future of Offshore Wind @ SciTech Cafe

Professor Matther Lackner details the main sources of energy in the 20th century and the future of wind energy. Hosted by Kerstin Nordstrom of Mt. Holyoke College's

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April 2021

Video: Erin Baker: Offshore Wind Energy Panel Discussion

Professor Erin Baker hosts a panel discussion on offshore wind energy in the U.S., hosted by the Woodrow Wilson Center.

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January 2020

Video: Krish Sharman: Challenges with Mooring System Design for Floating Offshore Installations

From the UNH Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping (CCOM)/Center for Ocean Engineering Center's 2019-2020 Seminar Series: Professor Krish Thiagarajan Sharman of the Dept. of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering at UMass Amherst presents, "Challenges with Mooring System Design for Floating Offshore Installations."

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