References: The Life and Work of Bill Heronemus, Wind Engineering Pioneer

by Forrest “Woody” Stoddard


  1. Heronemus, W.E. (April 1971) A National Network of Pollution-Free Energy Sources, Proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation, Research Applied to National Needs (RA NN) Directorate,Washington, DC.
  2. Heronemus, W.E. (Jan. 12, 1972) The US Energy Crisis: Some Proposed Gentle Solutions, The Congressional
    Record, Vol. 118, No. 17, Feb. 9; also presented at Joint Meeting of American Society of Mechanical Engineers and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Springfield MA.
  3. Heronemus, W.E. (April 1972) A Proposed Program for the Development of Wind Power in the United States,
    Presented before Congressional Hearings,Washington, DC.
  4. Heronemus, W.E. (1972) Power From the Offshore Winds, Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Marine Technology Society, Washington, DC.
  5. Heronemus, W.E. (1972) Alternatives to Nuclear Engineering, Catalyst, Vol. II, No. 3.
  6. Heronemus, W.E. (Jan. 1973) A Proposed Two-Increment Wind Power System for the Production of Electricity
    for Long Island,Prepared for the Lloyd Harbor Study Group as testimony for LILCO proposed Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, AEC Docket No. 50–322, Long Island, NY.
  7. Heronemus, W.E. (April 1973) Energy: Windpower in the 1970s, Presented at American Geophysical Union
    Meeting, Washington DC.
  8. Heronemus, W.E. (June 1973) The Possi ble Role of Unconventional Energy Sour ces in the 1972–2000
    U.S. Energy Market, Testimony presented at hearings before the Subcommittee on Science, Research and
    Development of the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S.House of Representatives, 92nd Congress,
    Washington, DC.
  9. Heronemus, W.E.(1973) A Proposal to Investigate Windpower as a Natural, Clean, Solar-Driven Energy Resource with Potential for Significant Impact on the United States’ Energy Market, Proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.
  10. Heronemus, W.E. (1973) A Preliminary Study of a Large Windpower Electricity System Sited in the Lake Ontario Region, University of Massachusetts Report Prepared for the Oswego Ecology Action Group, Oswego, NY.
  11. Heronemus, W.E. (Sept. 18, 1973) Windpower: Near-Term Partial Solution to the Energy Crisis, Presented at the 1973 EASCON of the IEEE, Washington, DC.
  12. Heronemus, W.E. (Sept. 1973) The Feasibility of Windpower Utilization in the Wisconsin Energy Market, Presented at Wisconsin State Senate Hearings, Madison, WI.
  13. Heronemus, W.E. (Nov. 28, 1973) Energy Alternatives: The Need and the Possibilities, Lecture delivered at many
    forums, including Hampshire College, Amherst, MA.
  14. Heronemus, W.E. (1974) Windpower: Look Backward, Then Move Forward Confidently, Paper C74098-0,
    Presented at IEEE Power Engineering Society Meeting, IEEE Publication 74-CH0913-4-PWR, New York, NY.
  15. Heronemus, W.E. (1974) Testimony prepared for the Hearings Before the Energy Subcommittee of the Senate Finance Committee on S.2806 Energy Revenue and Development Act of 1973, Washington, DC.
  16. Heronemus, W.E. (1974) Alternate Energy Sources from the Ocean, Journal of the Marine Technology Society, Vol. 8, No. 2.
  17. Heronemus, W.E. (1974) Pollution-Free Energy From the Oceans, Testimony offered to Congressman M.
    McCormick’s Energy Subcommittee of the House of Representatives Committee on Science and Astronautics,
    Washington, DC.
  18. Heronemus, W.E. (Summer 1974) Using Two Renewables, Oceanus, Vol. XVII, Woods Hole Oceanographic
    Institution, Woods Hole, MA.
  19. Heronemus, W.E. (1974) A Survey of the Possible Use of Windpower in Thailand and the Philippines, Prepared for the US Department of State, AID/TA/OST, Contract No. A ID/ TA -C-1143, Washington, DC.
  20. Heronemus, W.E. (June 1975) Windpower: A Significant Solar Energy Resource, AWARE, Presented at American Chemical Society Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
  21. Heronemus, W.E. (1975) An Assessment of the Wind Energy Resource Available to Long Island, New York, with F.S. Stoddard, G.R. Whicher, and R.F. Pryblo, Report Prepared for Dubin, Mindell & Bloome Associates, County of Suffolk Planning Commission, New York, NY.
  22. Heronemus, W.E., J.M. McGowan and G. Darkazalli (1975) Wind and Solar Thermal Combinations for Space
    Heating, Proc 10th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Newark, NJ.
  23. Heronemus, W.E. (Jan. 1976), Oceanic Windpower, Presented at “Energy From the Oceans” Conference, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
  24. Heronemus, W.E. (March 1976) Wind Generated Electricity: Its Application and Future, Presented at 12th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, Los Angeles, CA.
  25. Heronemus, W.E. (1976) Investigation of the Feasibility of Using Windpower for Space Heating in Colder Climates, University of Massachusetts Energy Alternative Program, Prepared for National Science Foundation Grant AER 75- 00603, Report NSF/RANN/AER-75-00603/PR/76/1, Amherst, MA.
  26. Heronemus, W.E. (Sept. 1977) Wind Power Space Heating, with D. Cromack, Proceedings of Third Biennial Wind Energy Conference, ERDA, Washington, DC.
  27. Heronemus, W.E. (Sept. 1977) Design and Operational Aspects of a 25 kW Wind Turbine Generator for Residential Heating Applications, with D.E. Cromack and J.G.McGowan, Presented at 12th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC.
  28. Gipe, P. in (2000) Reaping the Wind, Editor, Peter Asmus, Island Press.
  29. Weisbrich, A.L. and D.L. Rainey (1998) WARP Technology for Low Cost Marine Based Wind Power Plants, Proceedings, BW EA Conference, Cardiff University of Wales, MEP, London.
  30. Baring-Gould, I. (2002) Personal Communication, National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
  31. Beorse, B. (1981) Every Willing Hand
  32. Heronemus, W.E. (2000) Earth Connection 2000 Workshop, University of Massachusetts Extension.
  33. Manwell, McGowan, and Rogers (2002) Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design, and Application,Wiley.
  34. Foudy, Jim (Nov. 14, 2002) Pioneer in the Valley, Daily Hampshire Gazette, Northampton, MA.
  35. Golding, E.W. (1976) The Generation of Electricity by the Wind, Reprinted with additional material by E. & F.N. Spon, London.